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My Clinic

Problem Statement
Dr Neha is a renowned gynecologist and practicing medicine for last 10 years at Vatsalya
Hospital, New Delhi. After practicing for so many years she decided to open her own clinic
nearby her residence. For the clinic Dr Neha want a appointment booking portal where
patients can view the available slots and book appointments. Dr Neha also appointed a
receptionist who will be taking care of her appointment management and operations.

● Patient: To book appointment at clinic
● Receptionist: To manage appointments as per the availability of doctor
● Doctor: View appointments scheduled for the day or week

Use Cases

1. Sign Up on the web based application using following detail
a. Name
b. Phone number
2. If already signup, login into the application using phone number and OTP
3. On signup an OTP will be generated to verify the validity of phone number entered by
4. View available slots for appointment, and book appointment
5. Get notified using SMS about the confirmation of appointment
6. View booked appointment and cancel or modify the appointment

1. Login into the application using phone number and OTP
2. Manage appointment slots for the week by entering date and timing of availability
3. View all the appointments and confirm the same

1. Login into the application using phone number and OTP
2. View appointments schedule for the week.
3. View day wise appointment
Assignments to be done
You have to share all the documents in word format uploaded on google drive, all the
documents should have edit access.

1. Understanding the project scenario and use cases (30 min)

2. Prepare the Test Plan document (2 hours)
3. Prepare the Test Scenario document for the above given use case (1 hours)
4. Make the test cases of the above given scenario ( 2 hours)

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