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You are the CEO of the company and you are reprimanding your employees for tardiness while

maintaining your composure.

Being on time is a show of respect, and it frustrates me that some of you do not respect your job by
being late, which is also disrespectful to me. In the previous two months, it appears that some have
shown a lack of interest in arriving on time, and the number of absences has increased.Being late
sometimes is okay, and I am confident that you have valid reasons.

Every day is not the same for everyone. Some people may experience difficulties while on their way
to work. Our organization has always been courteous in these cases, but chronic tardiness is
unacceptable. This conduct is troubling since it impacts both of your teams as well as the organization as
a whole. It not only slows down the flow of work, but it also makes things more difficult owing to a lack
of coordination across your related teams caused by your bad sense of time. You are habitually impolite
if you are persistently late. Your tardy behavior is unprofessional and not only an inconvenience to your
workmates and our clients but also insulting.

Regularly being late conveys the idea that you should only be concerned with things that will benefit you
and your time. All of you are aware of the employee handbook, which outlines the rules for your
workplace, including your punctual arrival. But on the other hand, our business is constantly attentive of
your circumstances. You are more than welcome to give a justification for your delay. We are always
willing to make changes to your schedule if you have issues as long as they are acceptable. I'm warning
you in advance by saying this. However, if you continue to act in this manner, I will be forced to
discipline you in accordance with the company's regulations. In doing so, I hope you'll become more
conscious of your behaviors and educate yourself. I'm looking for a fantastic reaction in the next days.

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