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Strategic analysis And Intuitive thinking

While managing a network, strategic analysis and intuitive

reasoning go hand in hand. These abilities go well together.
When creating original ideas, intuitive thinking is essential,
while strategic analysis offers the information and framework
required to support the idea's actualization.

Developing original and quick ideas can be generated through

intuitive thinking, while strategic analysis will allow you to
gather more facts and structure to support the ideas

these abilities and skills can be used to develop and nurture

concepts that will benefit networks. For instance, there can be
a problem right now in your neighborhood that needs to be
fixed right now. An idea can be quickly formulated through
intuitive thinking, while strategic analysis will assist you to
research additional data for the project, such as its potential
effects, the costs, the amount of time needed to complete it,
and more. These will assist in keeping a close-knit and useful

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