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Math - A mathematics that used by commercial enterprises

Decimal – Method of writing fractional numbers w/o writing fraction and having numerator and denominator.
Terminating Decimals- A decimal that stops.
Repeating Decimals – A decimal that shows pattern of repeating numbers.
Fraction – A number that expresses parts of a whole set or object.
Proper fraction- fraction less than one.
Improper fractions – fraction greater than one.
Mixed number – A combination of a whole number and proper fraction.
Percent – Comes from the latin word percentum means hundred or per hundred.
Percentage – the number obtained by applying the rate to the base.
Rate – expressed by percent or sometimes in fractions.
Base – the number to which the rate is applied.
Ratio – the order which are written in ratio form is important.
Rate – It is a ratio that compares different kinds or units.
Proportion – A statement that two ratios are equal
In any proportion, the product of the means is equal to the product of the means is equal to the product of extremes.
Direct proportion – produce the same kind of change in the other quantity. The ratio is constant.
Inverse proportion – produce an opposite kind of change. The product is constant.
Partitive proportion – A whole divided into part proportional to a given ratio.
Trade discount - It is the difference between the list price and the net price.
List Price - The price for which retailer should sell the item.
Net price - The amount of item to be paid by the retailer to the manufacturer

Single Trade Discount  represented as a percentage of the list price.

Trade Discount - is the difference between the list price and the net price.
Net Price – is the amount of item to be paid by the retailer to the manufacturer.
List Price – is the price for which retailer should sell the item. It is also called as Suggested Retail Price(SRP).

Multiple Trade Discount  two or more trade discount percentages which may apply to the same list price.
Cash discount - discount offered by the manufacturer to the customers who pay early than the agreed time of payment
Rate of discount – expressed as a percent of the net amount Business
Net amount – the amount trade discounts are deducted.
Discount period – indicates the time period when the cash discount can be applied.
Credit period – indicates the time period when the invoice must be paid. It is used when the transportation of goods takes
a long time.
Cash Discount – a discount offered by the manufacturer to the customers who pay early than the agreed time of payment.
Ordinary Dating – the most commonly used method, whereby payment terms are based on the invoice date.
End-of-Month (E.O.M)Dating– the discount or credit period starts after the end of the current month.
Receipt-of-Goods Dating (R.O.G.) – the discount and credit period start on the day after the merchandise has been

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