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WORLD RELIGION AND BELIEFS 021 The Four Veda is the basis of Hindus Faith

- Collection of hymn that praised God and
discuss idea like truth, reality, universe
HINDUISM along with war, wedding and rituals

- Means sweet song that destroy sorrow:
● Hinduism is oftentimes considered as the oldest
song that are dedicated in praising God.
and most complex of all world religions
It differ from other Veda because it is a
● Has no single founder, no specific theological
set of music or song book
system, and no single sacred text
● The name Hinduism was given in the 19th century
to describe the wide array of belief systems in
- “Knowledge of rites” rituals and
sacrifices to deities
● Hindu originated from the Persian Word HINDU (In
Sanskrit Sindhu) which means “river”. It also refers
to the people of the Indus Valley- The Indians
- About the spell in cursing your enemy or
(Bowker 1997). Hinduism was originally known as
charming someone or learn to invoke
“Arya Dharma” or the “Aryan Way”
rain or discover herbal medicine
UPANISHAD: Book of Philosophy
- Literally translates as “sitting down near” or “sitting
1. Belief in one Universal Soul: “Brahman” a form
close to” as it implies “listening intently to the
less, gender less source of reality and it is the
mystic teachings of a spiritual teacher who has
materials that made up the universe
fully understood the universal truths”. It could also
2. Belief in an Individual Immortal Soul: “Atman”=
mean “Brahma-Knowledge” whereby ignorance is
Soul; The action of the soul while it is still in the
totally eliminated
body has an effect to the next life “When you die
- The great Indian nationalist and philosopher Sri
your soul will move into another body which is
Aurobindo described the Upanishads as the
called as (Transmigration)”
“Supreme work of the Indian Mind.”
3. Karma: the result of an action that is maybe good
- It explains about the following: Karma (Action),
or bad
Samsara (Reincarnation), Moksha (Nirvana),
4. Moksha: the goal of every hindu is to get back to
Atman (Soul), and Brahman (Absolute Almighty)
Brahman and if you succeed you can freed
yourself from the cycle life and death and achieved
Other Hindu Books
- The Ramayana, translated as the ‘Story of Rama”
5. Cyclical Time: there are no beginning or ending.
or “Rama’s Journey,” is a Sanskirt epic poem
Time is a series of cycle and there are 4 cycles
written by the poet Valmiki consisting of 24,000
verses in 7 books and 500 cantos
The 4 Yugas
- Mahabrata which is composed of around one
hundred thousand verses making it the world's
longest poem
Apart from recognizing a vast assortment of Indian deities,
the Hindus believe in the trimurti (trinity) composed of
● Each Yuga is composed of 4.32 million years.
Brahma (creator), Vishnu (Preserver), and Shiva
Hindus believe that we are on the fourth and final
(Destroyer). Integral to Hindu worship are the sacred
YUGA “KALI” that will lead to total destruction of
images and temples believed to house and represent the
6. Dharma: Proper behavior. Hindu maintain balance
in the universe. If you follow your Dharma
Caste System
everything will be fine.

Ex: if you are a King, your dharma is to rule. Brahmans belong to the highest caste. They are priests
If you are a Lion, your dharma is to kill and eat prays and scholars

Kshatryas are soldiers and warriors

Vaisyas are merchants and professionals

- Understand the “Four Noble Truths”
Sudras are the lowest caste. They are labourers and
❖ Right Intention
- Free your mind of evil
- Free one’s self from ill-will, cruelty, and
❖ Right Speech
- Say nothing that hurts others
- Abstain from untruthfulness,
● Siddhartha Gautama Buddha tale-bearing, harsh language, and vain
- Siddharta “He who is aim is talk
accomplished” ❖ Right Action
- He lived between 480-400 BC - Work for the good of others
● One day an old Hermit visit the palace to read the - Abstain from killing, stealing, and sexual
future of Siddhartha. “If he stay in the palace he misconduct
will be a great emperor. But if he go outside he will ❖ Right Livelihood
be a spiritual leader of the world” - Respect life
● The king protect Siddhartha and never let him see - Earn a living in a way not harmful to any
the outside world “No sickness, decay, death and living thing
aging ❖ Right Effort
● He married at the age of 16 to Yashodara “first - Resist evil
love” Son Rahula - Avoid evil thoughts and overcome them,
● One day a musician visit the palace and ask arose good thoughts and maintain them
Siddhartha if he ever wonder what's outside the ❖ Right Concentration
big wall - Practice meditation
● At the age of 29 the king allowed Siddhartha to go - Concentration on a single object so as
outside the palace to induce certain special states of
● He decided he also want to find ways to end the consciousness in deep meditation
suffering. He joined the Ascetics (group of monk) ❖ Right Mindfulness
in extreme depravation in order to achieve the - Control your thoughts
enlightenment - Pay vigilant attention to every state of
● After 6 years of fasting, nothing happened He eat the body, feeling, and mind
again and decided to meditate alone in a Bodhi
Tree (after 49 days at the age of 35 he became THERAVADA BUDDHISM
the enlighten one)
● He looked for his 5 ascetic friends and that day the ● Theravada Buddhism (“school of elder monks” or
first revelation of Dharma happened. (4 noble of “school of the ancients”) or the “Southern School
truth) Sangha “Buddhist Monk Community” of Buddhism” draws on the collected teachings of
● For the next 45 years, Siddhartha will gather a lot the oldest recorded texts of Buddhist texts to
of followers and died at the age of 80. he will be become its central precept, the Pali Canon
cremated and his remain will be spread throughout ● The fundamental teachings of Buddhism are
Indian subcontinent closely tied to the life of Siddhartha Gautama who
was born between 563 B.C.E. to 480 B.C.E. in
Lumbini in the foothills of the Nepalese Himalayas.
❖ Samudaya
❖ Nirodha ● The Mahasamghika (“of the Great Sangha”), one
❖ Magga of the early Buddhist schools, became the source
for the initial growth of Mahayana Buddhism
1. Life is full of suffering ● Mahayana Buddhists advanced the radical idea
2. Suffering is caused by ignorance and selfish that Siddhartha Gautama was not the only
desire Buddha. There were other divine beings that came
3. When ignorance and craving are reduced, to our world even before Siddhartha, some of them
suffering is reduced came after him, and still others in the future
4. The way to overcome suffering is the path to ● One of the most popular and prominent Mahayana
enlightenment Buddhist texts (or sutra) is the Lotus Sutra
containing the most definitive teachings of the
THE NOBLE EIGHTFOLD PATH ● The concept of trikaya (“three bodies”) pertains to
❖ Right View the teaching of Mahayana Buddhism about the
- Know the truth nature of the Buddha and reality
Theravada Mahayana

School of the older monk Modern

More orthodox (Traditional) more accessible to all

Siddhartha Gautama There are other Buddha

Buddha like Amitabha Buddha
(celestial being)
➔ Chinese symbol for Water
Meditation is the way to Believe that Nirvana can
scape sufferings be achieve by anyone. ● Human nature is basically good, and this innate
goodness can be further developed through
Only monk can reach Bodhisattvas – Someone self-cultivation and education
Nirvana who almost attain the state
● The goal of a person is to be a “gentleman” by
of Nirvana but delay it to
help others following the moral way consisting of the virtues of
love, righteousness, wisdom, propriety and loyalty
Personal Journey Sukhavati – Heaven place to promote harmony in society
of bliss ● Ancestor worship is an important aspect of
Confucianism; for Confucius believed that one way
Bodhisattvas – someone of achieving harmony in society was by way of
trying to achieve Nirvana performing the necessary rituals which would bring
(Arhant) reward (social order) or punishment (social chaos)
● Since Confucius believed that the afterlife was not
on the realm of human comprehension, people
should live based on the promotion of social
relations rather than on the expectations of
Theravada Mahayana rewards or punishments after death
● Confucius discouraged his students from worrying
➔ Samsara (Reincarnation)birth and rebirth about the afterlife, but he believed in Tian
➔ Arhant (someone who attained enlightenment)
(heaven) which is analogous with moral order but
➔ Gautama Buddha
➔ 4 Noble of Truth dependent upon human intervention to bring its
➔ 8 Fold Path will into action; the li or ritual propriety is the way
➔ Nirvana through which the family, the state, and the world
may become parallel with Tian’s moral order


➔ Symbol of Ru
➔ A chinese language term for Confucianism

● Taoism or Daoism? They are the same…. 2 way

system of writing Chinese language Taoism or
Daoism is one of the indigenous religion in China
(Confucianism, Taoism, Buddhism)
● Tao or Dao up until now is hard to explain.
Because according to the first page of its book “
The Dao that can be told is not eternal, The name TORI GATE
that can be named is not eternal name” Taoism - A sacred gateway.
started also during the chaotic time in China just - Each temple has a tori gate which is a symbol that
like Confucianism. you are entering a sacred place.
● Lao tzu who lived between 500 BCE is considered - 100,000 shrines in Japan today
the founder of this religion. He wrote the book Tao - Polytheism
Te Ching, the translation of this name Lao Tzu is
old master or old boy. ● Indigenous Japanese people invented the word
● Tao Te Ching “The way and its power” is a Shinto to distinguish their faith from Buddhism who
collection of Poetry and Saying That involves is widely spread in the region
pretty much everything,from Education,Politics, ● Today Japanese people can have two religion,
Alchemy, Psychology, Society etc. both Shintoism and Buddhism
● Tao te ching is considered as the most translated ● The goal is just to be close to KAMIL (spiritual
literature after the bible. According to some energy) through weddings, festivals, funerals,
translation Taoism or Daoism is the power of offerings, and worship they are being critic
letting go, others says it is doing nothing or the because of it
effortless action or the FLOW ● 80% of Japanese people participate in Shinto
● It has 81 verses, over 5000 words and considered practices but only 3-4% identify themselves as
as the most difficult to understand book or believer of shinto.
literature. Just always remember that DAO or TAO - Around 8 million Kami
means the way or path - Yokai (demon spirit)
● Did you know that in some historical book Lao Zi
is named as master of Confucius because they ● Shintoism is a way of KAMI (Spirit)
lived in the same generation.While in some books ● There are spirits in earthly object like plants,
the existence of Lao zi is still questionable. mountains etc
● This Religion is as old as the country itself
TAOISM ● It is the largest religion in JAPAN almost 80% of
- Believe that human and animals should live in the population
balance with TAO (universe) ● The most important KAMI is The God of SUN
- Believe in spiritual immortality, where the spirit of (AMATERASU)
the body joins the universe after death. ● They believe that the Royal Family in Japan are
- Its main idea is to lived with harmony descendants of Amaterasu
- The Dao is considered as the source of all reality, ● Shintoism has no official founder nor sacred book.
it surrounds us and penetrates us and it binds the They are not trying to explain the world through
galaxy. the concept of right and wrong that is why they
- During the time of communism Confucianism, don’t have missionaries
Taoism and other religions in China were banned ● There is no clear-cut distinction between good and
by the government. evil in Shintoism, but there are things which are
associated with impurity such as blood and death;
● Daoists have no concept of heaven and hell as thus, it is necessary to perform the appropriate
compared to other religions. In their scriptures rituals to purify oneself from these things which are
there were mentions of heaven as the abode of considered impure. COLD BATH
their deities and life on earth should be in harmony ● SHIMENAWA
with the will of heaven.However, based on their ● As long as people worship the KAMI, they are
concept of qi, heaven is achieved when one protected and provided for by the kami; not
achieves immortality and, if this is not possible, performing the necessary rituals that will appease
then long life is enough. They have this concept the Kami will certainly not earn the favor of the
that those who achieve immortality reside in spirits.
utopian places on earth, such as forests and ● There is no clear concept of heaven and hell; there
mountains. is mention, however, of another world which is
inhabited by the kami; and there is another world
connected to the burial of the dead
● Shintoism is primarily concerned with humanity’s
life on earth than on the afterlife.
● Because Shintoism believe that the world we have
is sacred and worthy of respect, Purification is a
way to remove the spiritual pollution in your body.

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