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Science test

Q1: Respiration is a ______________ reaction that happens in all living

cells. It is the way that energy is released from _____________for our
cells to use to keep us functioning. Remember that respiration is not the
same as ____________. The glucose and _____________react together
in the cells to produce carbon dioxide and water. The reaction is called
__________________ because oxygen from the air is needed for it to
work. equation for aerobic respiration: _________+ oxygen → carbon
dioxide + _________Glucose is a type of______________, obtained
through digestion of the food we eat. The dissolved glucose can diffuse
into the cells of the body from the ____________. Once in the cell
glucose can be used in respiration. When we breathe in oxygen enters
the small air sacs, called________, in the lungs. Oxygen diffuses from
there into the bloodstream.
Q2: This reaction is known as aerobic respiration. Explain why it is
described as ‘aerobic’.
a) Label:
• blood capillary
• the wall of the air sac.
b) Draw two red blood cells
c) Show the direction in which
oxygen diffuses. Label your arrow O
d) Show the direction in which carbon
dioxide diffuses. Label your arrow C.
complete the following

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