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table of contents

1 - pre immersion

A. Resume

B. Application letter

C. Barangay clearance

D. Police clearance

E. Essay on how to conduct one self inside the company/business establishment

F. Understanding work immersion by discussion

F.1 work ethics

F.2 safety in workplace

F.3 workplace rights and responsibilities

F.4 confidentiality in the workplace

G. Job interview skill training

2 immersion proper

A. Nature and background of the company/ business

B. Description of the product/ services

C. Target clientele

D. Organizational structure

E. Company's rules and regulations

F. Daily journal entry/ narrative daily task record

Photos or illustration

3 post immersion

A. Accomplished forms

A.1 daily Time record

A.2 daily task record

A.3 appraisal sheet

A.4 certificate of completion

B. Written narrative of what the students learned

C. Compare and contrast school and work application or skills knowledge and attitude
Essay on how to conduct one self inside the company/business establishment

Being a work immersion student, I will become punctual in my work and make it
to my top priority and I will be honest in my work because honestly will always be
the best policy. I become persistent and patience because patience is a virtue, a
good quality to be able to tolerate something that takes a long time. I become
diligent in all my work and I will be flexible in any kind of work that will be given
to me. I become competitive to produce a good service and I’ll show sensitivity
and I will always wear my smile at work.
F.1 work ethics
- It is essential to have ethics in the job. There are a lot of things that could go
wrong in the job without an ethical sensibility. A lack of ethics could even result in
you losing your work, and a lack of compassion or morals could have other
negative effects. You should treat others with respect and decency at work, and
maintaining these moral standards requires a strong sense of ethics. In most
businesses, workplace ethics are significant, if not mandated, and can boost
employee and employer morale and performance. Workplace ethics include
things like conduct, integrity, commitment, and teamwork ect.
F.2 safety in workplace
- Safety is very important because it can reduce the number of employees and
employers injuries. I believe that every workplace should prioritize safety.
Workplace accidents are detrimental to both the employer and the employee.
F.3 workplace rights and responsibilities
- It is important that every employee understands their rights and responsibilities
in the workplace. There are many laws which protect the safety, well-being and
rights of employees at work and it is important that employees understand their
rights and responsibilities.
F.4 confidentiality in the workplace
- Confidentiality is important since it can inflict significant harm. For one reason,
your organization may lose clients and revenue as a result of information
spreading. If a client's competitors discover how much money they have spent or
what products they are employing, they may decide to undercut them or offer a
better bargain.

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