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#include <iostream>

#include <string>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;

int Get_Coefficients(*a,*b,*c);
int Calc_Discriminant();
int Calc_root();

int main()
bool loop= true;
string answer;
cout<<"do you want to do this again? ";
cin >>answer;
while( true )
int Calc_Discriminant();
int Calc_root();

return 0;

int Get_Coefficients(int *a,int *b,int *c)

cout<<"Enter the first coefficient : ";
cin >>*a;
cout<<"Enter the second coefficient : ";
cin>> *b;
cout<< "Enter the third coefficient : ";
cin >> *c;
return 0;

int Calc_Discriminant()
root_1= -b + (sqrt(b*b - 4ac))/2a;
root_2 = -b - (sqrt(b*b - 4ac))/2a;
discriminant = b*b - 4*a*c ;

if (discriminant > 0 )
return real;
else if(discriminant == 0 )
return same;
return imaginary;
int Calc_root()
if(discriminant > 0)
x1 = root_1 ;
x2 = root_2;
cout<<"The roots are real and different \n" << "Root 1 is : " << x1 << endl
<< "Root 2 is : "<< x2 <<endl;
else if (discriminant == 0)
x1 = root_1;
x2 = root_1;
cout<< "The roots are the same \n" << "Root 1 is : " << x1 << endl
<< "Root 2 is : "<< x2 <<endl;
x1 = (float) -b/(2*a);
x2 = sqrt(-discriminant)/ 2*a ;
cout << "The root are real and imaginary \n" << "Root 1 is : " << x1 <<
<< "Root 2 is : "<< x2 <<endl;
return 0;

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