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2 (Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team (2021))

Roster (Chaos Daemons)


Game Type
Selections: Matched

Categories: Configuration


Selections: Claws
Categories: CHAOS DAEMONS, Chaos, Daemon, Slaanesh, Daemonette, Alluress, Leader
Rules: Relentless

Abilities: Daemon, Operative: Alluress, Weapons: ⚔ Claws (Leader)

Abilities Ability Ref

Daemon This operative has a 5+ invulnerable save.

Operative M APL GA DF SV W Ref

Alluress 3⬤ 2 1 3 6+ 9

Weapons A WS/BS D SR ! Ref

⚔ Claws (Leader) 4 2+ 4/5 Relentless -


Bloodletter (Fighter)
Selections: Hellblade

Categories: CHAOS DAEMONS, Chaos, Daemon, Khorne, Bloodletter, Fighter, Operative

Rules: Lethal x
Abilities: Daemon, Operative: Bloodletter, Weapons: ⚔ Hellblade

Abilities Ability Ref

Daemon This operative has a 5+ invulnerable save.

Operative M APL GA DF SV W Ref

Bloodletter 3⬤ 2 1 3 6+ 9

Weapons A WS/BS D SR ! Ref

⚔ Hellblade 4 3+ 4/6 Lethal 5+ -

Bloodletter (Horn Bearer)
Selections: Hellblade
Categories: CHAOS DAEMONS, Chaos, Daemon, Khorne, Bloodletter, Horn Bearer, Operative

Rules: Lethal x
Abilities: Daemon, Operative: Bloodletter, Unique Actions: Instrument of Chaos (1AP), Weapons: ⚔ Hellblade

Abilities Ability Ref

Daemon This operative has a 5+ invulnerable save.

Operative M APL GA DF SV W Ref

Bloodletter 3⬤ 2 1 3 6+ 9

Unique Actions Unique Action Ref

Instrument of Chaos Until the end of the Turning Point, each time a friendly BLOODLETTER operative performs a Normal
(1AP) Move or Charge action, it can move an additional ▲.

Weapons A WS/BS D SR ! Ref

⚔ Hellblade 4 3+ 4/6 Lethal 5+ -

Bloodletter (Horn Bearer)

Selections: Hellblade
Categories: CHAOS DAEMONS, Chaos, Daemon, Khorne, Bloodletter, Horn Bearer, Operative

Rules: Lethal x
Abilities: Daemon, Operative: Bloodletter, Unique Actions: Instrument of Chaos (1AP), Weapons: ⚔ Hellblade

Abilities Ability Ref

Daemon This operative has a 5+ invulnerable save.

Operative M APL GA DF SV W Ref

Bloodletter 3⬤ 2 1 3 6+ 9

Unique Actions Unique Action Ref

Instrument of Chaos Until the end of the Turning Point, each time a friendly BLOODLETTER operative performs a Normal
(1AP) Move or Charge action, it can move an additional ▲.

Weapons A WS/BS D SR ! Ref

⚔ Hellblade 4 3+ 4/6 Lethal 5+ -

Blue Horror
Selections: Fists, Fizzing flames
Categories: Chaos, CHAOS DAEMONS, Tzeentch, Blue Horror, Operative

Abilities: Ephemeral Daemon, Operative: Blue Horror, Weapons: ⌖ Fizzing Flames, ⚔ Fists (Blue Horror)

Abilities Ability Ref

Ephemeral Daemon This operative has a 6+ invulnerable save.

Operative M APL GA DF SV W Ref

Blue Horror 3⬤ 2 2 3 6+ 6

Weapons A WS/BS D SR ! Ref

⌖ Fizzing Flames 4 4+ 2/3 Rng ⬟ -

⚔ Fists (Blue Horror) 3 5+ 2/3 - -

Daemonette (Fighter)
Selections: Claws
Categories: CHAOS DAEMONS, Chaos, Daemon, Slaanesh, Daemonette, Fighter, Operative
Rules: Relentless
Abilities: Daemon, Operative: Daemonette, Weapons: ⚔ Claws

Abilities Ability Ref

Daemon This operative has a 5+ invulnerable save.

Operative M APL GA DF SV W Ref

Daemonette 3⬤ 2 1 3 6+ 8

Weapons A WS/BS D SR ! Ref

⚔ Claws 4 3+ 4/5 Relentless -

Daemonette (Fighter)
Selections: Claws
Categories: CHAOS DAEMONS, Chaos, Daemon, Slaanesh, Daemonette, Fighter, Operative
Rules: Relentless

Abilities: Daemon, Operative: Daemonette, Weapons: ⚔ Claws

Abilities Ability Ref

Daemon This operative has a 5+ invulnerable save.

Operative M APL GA DF SV W Ref

Daemonette 3⬤ 2 1 3 6+ 8

Weapons A WS/BS D SR ! Ref

⚔ Claws 4 3+ 4/5 Relentless -

Daemonette (Horn Bearer)
Selections: Claws
Categories: CHAOS DAEMONS, Chaos, Daemon, Slaanesh, Daemonette, Horn Bearer, Operative

Rules: Relentless
Abilities: Daemon, Operative: Daemonette, Unique Actions: Instrument of Chaos (1AP), Weapons: ⚔ Claws

Abilities Ability Ref

Daemon This operative has a 5+ invulnerable save.

Operative M APL GA DF SV W Ref

Daemonette 3⬤ 2 1 3 6+ 8

Unique Actions Unique Action Ref

Instrument of Chaos Until the end of the Turning Point, each time a friendly DAEMONETTE operative performs a Normal
(1AP) Move or Charge action, it can move an additional ▲.

Weapons A WS/BS D SR ! Ref

⚔ Claws 4 3+ 4/5 Relentless -

Daemonette (Icon Bearer)

Selections: Claws
Categories: CHAOS DAEMONS, Chaos, Daemon, Slaanesh, Daemonette, Icon Bearer, Operative

Rules: Relentless
Abilities: Daemon, Icon Bearer, Operative: Daemonette, Unique Actions: Daemonic Icon (1AP), Weapons: ⚔ Claws

Abilities Ability Ref

Daemon This operative has a 5+ invulnerable save.

Icon When determining control of an objective marker, treat this operative's APL characteristic as being 1 higher.
Bearer Note this is not a modifier.

Operative M APL GA DF SV W Ref

Daemonette 3⬤ 2 1 3 6+ 8

Unique Action Ref


Until the end of the Turning Point, while this operative is within of a friendly DAEMONETTE operative,
that friendly operative is invigorated by Chaos. While an operative is invigorated by Chaos, improve its
Icon (1AP)
invulnerable save by 1.

Weapons A WS/BS D SR ! Ref

⚔ Claws 4 3+ 4/5 Relentless -

Selection Rules
Lethal x: Each time a friendly operative fights in combat or makes a shooting attack with this weapon, in the Roll Attack Dice step of that combat or
shooting attack, your attack dice results of equal to or greater than x that are successful hits are critical hits. x is the number after the weapon's
Lethal, e.g. Lethal 5+. ()
Relentless: Each time a friendly operative fights in combat or makes a shooting attack with this weapon, in the Roll Attack Dice step of that combat
or shooting attack, you can re-roll any or all of your attack dice. ()

Created with BattleScribe

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