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Complaints eslflow.


restaurant supermarket hair salon

hotel cafe airport

online shopping 7-11 Other

Bus: “You are driving too slowly”


1 What complaint might you have in a supermarket? _________________________

What might you say to complain? ________________________________________________________

2 What complaint might you have in a hotel? _________________________

What might you say to complain? ________________________________________________________

Use your own ideas.

3 What complaint might you have ______________? _________________________

What might you say to complain? ________________________________________________________

4 What complaint might you have ______________? _________________________

What might you say to complain? ________________________________________________________

5 What complaint might you have ______________? _________________________

What might you say to complain? ________________________________________________________

6 What complaint might you have ______________? _________________________

What might you say to complain? ________________________________________________________

7 What complaint might you have ______________? _________________________

What might you say to complain? ________________________________________________________

C omo 1 a1nt s -
restaurant supermarket hair salon
ou. serveJ wro� f0oc\. too fevJ ve�etlJlb\e S Yott cut rriy h�ir �n even 1y
o\l fA'fe serveJ wmn O orcler. -frLt\ts \5 not ftes h h�ve to wo,l+forn 1�1 - me,
1. mv11 't order yet N\e(At w,\\ -tn01n rot Ma� � ood hCA1rs-ty le I
Not e�aJ.oh Ch!A\Y'S too �reJ 1tem M�Ki 0t s1mYYj� h�irs-ty\e
food is \"Dt de \ic. b\l$ Toe item h1A5 d0im�,ed too exren S \Ve
r:I'vi beeh w�i+,ni fo'r' fJ\ �n� 1"11YlB h�ve molJ� breM Butti serv1Cf.t
hotel cafe airport

rro� £Are too stn�\\ I 0ot tn e. wn,t1� orJer +o wo.) k so f0tr
not +k �rne a,s p• lh,s coffee \S too exipe,n5\Ve. l\ lotsof peop)e
tott' �re d,rty CJre ente'A , s not de\\ c_ ,ou.,s Tue�erJo.rn�0ea my lt.t��C,\ e.,I
rB eo Too srn�J\ Choco\�teisvery bitter The workerfrACe is hot t°d
[bh '+ hr>ii e fue w 1--R CofFee '1 s "er� S' prop le +0i\k too \o�� fy
�rn 'ja\/ice not rocl fi>M-hiwe free w,--ft car poirt 1,1h,Jv.y-£.ll I
online shopping 7-11 Other

7) ow de \ivery s\� sertice Bus: "You are driving too slowly"


rnsh)er �P�� +oo 9u.,et\� fooA co\.l\"t '' � lots of people

£:xrensi�e delivery cost -+here''
G"a.\lt'; "WDi� cho.n1e TrAx\ "'" You. driv1 n�,
l\iey OQmo.�eJ 'frl11oods
otfer i-o -:;el1 procl1ACfs 1<XU a>u.rt fooJ i� not
�wt·,' hOt \ i k-thei 1"00 crAe}) delcio\ls ''
'n�ve di� iloor -fHre% center� f\bt e�Ou.4h �jvery �h 5� rot .hb trainP. r.;· • 1
�l� ou.t ofstock, not �dJed ro.ry fG'rle ¾lK too

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