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Advanced workshop on Location Sound

Conducted by Nahid Masud,18-20th May 2023, Organized by CinemaScope

Day One:
Session 1:Introducton to Location Sound Recording
● Importance of quality sound in filmmaking
● Role and responsibilities of a location sound recordist
● Sound waves and frequencies
● Basic acous9cs and how it affects recording
● Understanding audio terms and concepts
Session 2: Equipment Essentials
● Portable Multitrack Recorder: Features, settings, and best
● Microphones: Types, polar patterns, and their applications
● Shotgun Microphone: Various types of Boom Microphones,
Windshield Windjammer
Boom pole and other accessories
● Livelier Microphone: Feature and Settings of Transmitter and
Windjammers and other accessories
● Monitoring: Headphones and other monitoring devices
Day Two:
Session 3: Recording Techniques
● Selecting appropriate microphones for different situations
● Microphone placement for capturing clear and balanced sound
● Dealing with background noise and environmental challenges
● Managing audio levels and avoiding clipping or distortion
● Syncing sound with video: Timecode and slate techniques
Session 4: Troubleshooting and Problem-solving
● Common issues and challenges in location sound recording
● Tips for minimizing unwanted noise and interference
● Dealing with difficult acoustic environments
● Handling wireless microphone systems and potential interference
Session 5: Best Practices and Professional Etiquette
● Communication and collaboration with the production team
● Maintaining professionalism on set
● Importance of documentation and organization in sound recording

Session 6: Prac0cal Demonstration and Hands-on Session- Shooting

indoor and outdoor
● Set up practical scenarios to practice microphone placement and
recording techniques
● Provide feedback and guidance on their recordings
Day Three:
Session 7: Advanced Techniques and Special Situations
● Recording in challenging locations (outdoors, crowded areas,
● Capturing specific sounds (dialogue, ambiance, foley)
● Dealing with multiple microphones and mixers
Session 8: Introduction to Post-Production Sound Editing
● Introduction to sound editing software and techniques
● Syncing sound with video and Editing footage in premiere pro
● Cleaning and enhancing recorded audio in premiere pro
Session 9: Q&A, Discussion, and Wrap-up
● Answer participant questions and clarify any doubts
● Encourage discussion and sharing of experiences
● Recap key points covered in the workshop

Note: The schedule and duration of each session may be adjusted based
on the pace and
needs of the participants. Prac9cal exercises, group ac9vi9es, and
hands-on sessions should be incorporated throughout the workshop to
reinforce learning and provide participants ample opportunities to
practice their skills.

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