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Hello everyone, we are Sara García and my partner Leyre AlFONSO and now we are going

to expelían the arctic conflict and the importante about that.

Here we can se everything we are going to explain. First of all, what is the artic Pole and its
evolution. Later the resources it generates. After the origin of present and future conflicts ¡.
The legislation about the arctic and the view of paris agreement.
Finally we are going to talk about the future prediction of indigenous people and the arctic
climate projects.


WHAT IS The Arctic Pole?- is a huge region that occupies a sixth part of the earth surface:
more than 30 millions square kilometers. The Arctic has around 4 million inhabitants, which
there are more than 30 Inuts villages.

The Arctic has warmed up 2º degres celsius Above pre-industrial levels, including other
north pole parts that have reached 4º degrees celsius warming. This tendency is increasing
and changing from year to year, being more accelerated in the last decade. Since 1979, the
summer Arctic sea ice has lost 40% of its extent and up to 70% of its volume. This would
probably cause that we will face ice-free summers in 20 to 40 years from now.

The ice layer of the Arctic reached the 24th of march the lowest extension ever registered;
occupying 14.52 millions square meters.

Now we are going to put a video that Nasa prepared to show the arctic evolution in which
you can see the melting evolution of the ice layer.

1. RESOURCES it generates

The increase in pollution since the 20th century due to demographic and economic growth of
the population causes a thaw in the Arctic waters, making it a place of great interest due to
its strategic location, allowing new activities with a high economic output. This produces new
resources and activities such as:

- Sea routes → The melting of the ice means that previous frozen waters are
exposed, these waters are wanted by both Arctic States and other international
actors because new commercial sea routes appear whose navigation is faster and
therefore implies cheaper costs. However, the new routes generate a new
environmental impact in marine founa and an increase in air pollution.

- International waters→ For the same reason of sea routes, to the global warming,
the Arctic could become ice-free that could enable the establishment of new maritime
routes as alternatives to the Suez or Panama Canals, as well as greater access to
natural resources. This will lead to a geopolitical war regarding the delimitations and
borders of territories.
- Energy resources → The Arctic is a great source of mineral and energy ,
representing a large percentage of the planet's total resources, is very rich in
minerals such as gold, cobalt, silver, lead, zinc, among others. These resources are
of great interest to the States, as they would be able to obtain a great economic
benefit from them.

- Fossil fuels → they haven't been exploited due to climate conditions, Although it has
not been quantified, the arctic harbors an amount of oil of approximately 90,000 M,
which is 13% of the world. Also The Arctic holds 30% of world gas reserves.

- Fishing → The thaw allows an increase in fishing exploitation. On the other hand,
the warming of the water produces changes in the marine currents that attract new
species and increase the marine fauna, causing an exploitation factor with a high
economic return.


United Nations Convention on Laws of the Sea establishes that a country can claim an
oceanic extension beyond the 200 two hundred nautical miles if they can prove that it is part
of its continental shelf. The conflict started because continental shelves extend to several
nations and it is very difficult to determine to which country it belongs. While ice keeps
melting, new resources that I mention before will be found in the Arctic ,therefore increasing
claims for oceanics extension.



The Paris agreement has been universally established. One of the background objectives of
the agreement is to limit this rise in temperature to 2º degree celsius maximum due to the
defrosting that is currently suffering from the Arctic. After all the research, the scientists
expect to reduce the rise in temperature to 3º degrees.

Since the agreement came into force, it never questioned what special actions and what
would be the future scenary of the Arctic regarding the agreement; but recently, through a
series of scientific studies developed by South Korea, Australia and the United States, it has
been shown that the sensitivity of thaw in the Arctic area is higher than of the rest of the
problems of the planet and that these agreements are not compatible with the needs of the

The experts believe that at the moment, the objective of limiting the increase of the
temperature at 2º maximum is very surrealistic, since some countries that are part of the
Paris Agreement are incapable of fulfilling the proposed objectives. Therefore, according to
these experts, the temperature would not grow 2º, but would increase much more.


In the arctic, the predominant group is the Inuit, with two diFERENT cultures: the Dorset and
the Thule. They are the people living in the Arctic regions, also called Eskimos. Many of
them depend on the mammals they hunt for their subsistence, and are going through
difficulties of transition between a traditional culture and a modern one, with different values,
techniques and customs. The individual and collective rights of these peoples are protected
by the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.

Therefore, with climate change their life in the Arctic is in danger because with the melting
ice fishing becomes more and more difficult. Coastal villages are being flooded, and the
ships navigation is increasingly polluting the area. This becomes a social problem since
although they can continue to survive, their culture and tradition will have to change.


WELL NOW THAT WE SAW ALL, we are going to talk about the artic climate projects.
Therefore, the Arctic Council and its Working Groups collaborate closely to create projects
that address the implications of a changing Arctic climate and thus raise awareness among
the world's population.

Here you can see some of this projects:

All of them there are important because they express what is happening and the
importance of saving it.

Leyre parte

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