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Multiculturalism is a society consisting of various races, religions, ethnicities, cultures

and customs that have the right to express their own culture. Indonesia is one of the largest
multicultural countries in the world, because of its wide socio-cultural and geographical
conditions. Therefore, Indonesia is a country with various ethnicities, cultures, races and
religions which are usually called a multicultural society.

Culture is the result of all creations and feelings according to P. j. Zoetmulder quoted
by Koentjoroningrat in his book Introduction to Anthropology. It can be concluded that culture
is the whole of ideas, actions that result from mind, reason, creation, taste to meet the needs of
life in society.Since the arrival of Islam in Indonesia, Islam has not invited its followers in a
harsh way, but Islam has drawn closer to society with a subtle approach, such as by entering
their culture.The encounter between Islam and local culture creates cultural acculturation.This
causes Islam to be able to express variously and varied so that it is rich in cultural-religious
To prevent conflict in Indonesia, the role of religion is needed.Islam teaches us about
ukhuwah and tolerance between religious communities. Ukhuwah means fellow Muslims are
brothers. This brotherhood will make us love peace. Islam also teaches us to tolerate inter-
religious people. With tolerance, society will avoid conflict. If Islamic teachings are
implemented properly and appropriately by every Muslim then conflicts between religious
communities and among fellow Muslims can be avoided.

Keywords: Multiculturalism, Religion, Culture, Brotherhood, and Tolerance.


ABSTRACT ............................................................................................................................................ i
TABLE OF CONTENTS ..................................................................................................................... ii
CHAPTER 1 .......................................................................................................................................... 1
PRELIMINARY ................................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Background ................................................................................................................................. 1
1.2 Purpose......................................................................................................................................... 1
1.3 Benefits ......................................................................................................................................... 1
1.4 Method ......................................................................................................................................... 2
1.5 Systematics of Writing ................................................................................................................ 2
chapter 2 ................................................................................................................................................ 3
DISCUSSION ........................................................................................................................................ 3
2.1 Definition of Multicultural Society ............................................................................................ 3
2.2 Characteristics of a multicultural society ................................................................................. 3
2.3 The strategy of cultivating Islam in a multicultural society .................................................... 4
2.4 Characteristics of Islam in Indonesia ........................................................................................ 4
2.5 Ukhuwah Islamiyah and Ukhuwah Insaniyah ......................................................................... 6
2.6 Tolerance between and among religious communities ............................................................ 9
2.7 The Concept of Islamic Moderation ........................................................................................ 10
2.8 The values of ukhuwah Islamiyah in everyday life ................................................................ 11
Chapter 3 ............................................................................................................................................. 13
CLOSING ............................................................................................................................................ 13
3.1 Conclusion ................................................................................................................................. 13
BIBLIOGRAPHY ............................................................................................................................... 14
Essay Problem Practice ...................................................................................................................... 15
Multiple Choice Questions Practice .................................................................................................. 17



1.1 Background
Indonesia has various kinds of races, cultures, customs, religions and so on so that
Indonesian society is called a multicultural society. Multiculturalism is a society consisting
of various races, religions, ethnicities, cultures and customs and has the right to express
their own culture. As a multicultural society, Indonesia is prone to conflict.

To avoid conflict, it is necessary to implement Islamic teachings. Islam teaches us to

always love peace. Islam also teaches us about ukhuwah. Brotherhood is brotherhood.
Ukhuwah can also mean the form or relationship of brotherhood between a Muslim and
other Muslims. With ukhuwah, a Muslim feels brothers and sisters with other Muslims.
This creates compassion and love for peace so that conflict can be avoided.

Tolerance is an attitude or behavior that obeys the rules where one can appreciate and
respect the attitudes of others. Tolerance between religions is needed. Indonesia has a
variety of religions, if there is no tolerance between religious communities it will lead to
conflict. As the religion of rahmatan lil 'alamin, Islam highly upholds the concept of
tolerance between religious communities.

To learn more about how the implementation of Islamic religious teachings in a

multicultural society, the authors make this paper. This paper was created with the aim of
providing knowledge to writers and readers about the implementation of Islamic teachings
in a multicultural society. With this paper, it is hoped that writers and readers can learn and
add insight into Islamic teachings.

1.2 Purpose
The purpose of this paper is to find out and study the Implementation of Islamic Teachings
in a Multicultural Society.

1.3 Benefits
This paper is expected to enrich insights and knowledge related to the Implementation of
Islamic Teachings in a Multicultural Society.

1.4 Method
The method used to make this paper is library research. This method is carried out by
collecting data and information from journals that have been published both from books
and the Internet. This literature study is expected to help complete this paper.

1.5 Systematics of Writing

The systematics of writing this paper is organized into 3 chapters, each of which will be
further divided into sub-chapters which will be discussed in detail. The following is the
systematics of each chapter and a brief description:
Chapter 1 Introduction
In this chapter, we will discuss the general description of the paper, including the
background, objectives, benefits of the paper, the methods used in this paper, and the
systematics of writing.
Chapter 2: Discussion
This chapter contains a discussion of the Implementation of Islamic Teachings in a
Multicultural Society which is divided into 8 sub-topics of discussion.
Chapter 3: Closing
This chapter contains conclusions from the paper.

chapter 2


2.1 Definition of Multicultural Society

Multicultural is a combination of two words namely 'multi' and 'cultural'. The word
'multi' is defined as something plural, while the word 'cultural' comes from a word in English,
namely culture, which in Indonesian means culture.Berkson (in Abdul Fadhil et al: 2019)
argues that multiculturalism is a society consisting of various races, religions, ethnicities,
cultures and customs that have the right to express their respective cultures. So if in an area
there are adherents of different religions, those followers of that religion have the right to
express their respective religious identities. WhereasSuryadinata said that multiculturalism
means respecting and trying to protect cultural diversity.

2.2 Characteristics of a multicultural society

Indonesia is one of the largest multicultural countries in the world, because of its wide
socio-cultural and geographical conditions. Therefore, Indonesia is a country with various
ethnicities, cultures, races and religions which are usually called a multicultural society.

Pierre L. van den Berghe made the characteristics of this multicultural society, namely:

1. The occurrence of segmentation into groups that often have sub-cultures that are different
from one another.
2. Has a social structure that is divided into non-complementary institutions.
3. Lack of developing consensus among its members on basic values.
4. Relatively often experience conflicts between one group and another.
5. Relatively social integration grows on coercion and interdependence in the economic field.
6. There is political domination by one group over other groups.
TM Amirin revealed that what is more sensitive in Indonesia is actually not
multicultural but multireligious. Differences in understanding between religious adherents,
different schools of thought, streams or sects within one religion can also occur. Various factors
can cause this to happen either due to political interests or the presence of in-group and out-
group factors that have been ingrained for a very long time. All religions in Indonesia can live
in harmony and side by side. Religious conflicts that usually arise because of the actions of

individuals acting in the name of religion, even though their actions are far from the true
teachings of religion.
Diversity in religion in Indonesia is basically accommodative, especially when it comes
to its cultural traditions. For example, during Idul Fitri it is not only Muslims who celebrate,
but followers of other religions also celebrate in their own way. Likewise, during the Christian
New Year, Muslim youth celebrate.

2.3 The strategy of cultivating Islam in a multicultural society

The word culture comes from Sanskrit, budhaiyah is the plural form of buddhi which
means mind or reason. Culture is the result of all creations and feelings according to P. j.
Zoetmulder quoted by Koentjoroningrat in his book Introduction to Anthropology. It can be
concluded that culture is the whole of ideas, actions that result from mind, reason, creation,
taste to meet the needs of life in society.
When Islam was spread in Indonesia, Islam was confronted by an established society
that had a clear structure and deeply rooted beliefs. Islam became the official religion of the
people, but it was not easy to replace old beliefs and customs. Before Islam entered certain
areas in Indonesia, various kinds of local customs and beliefs were widely practiced and were
deeply integrated into the local social structure.
When Islam came, it was confronted with old values, some of which contained elements
of Hinduism and Buddhism. This causes cultural acculturation.The process of acculturation of
Hindus and Muslims in Indonesia occurs dynamically without eliminating the existing
culture.One example of acculturation between Hinduism and Islam is in the form of buildings.
This is evidenced by the Great Mosque of Kudus which has a shape like a temple or temple
building on the minaret of the mosque.
Islam is present in Indonesia as a new religion. Previously, people in Indonesia had
believed in animism and dynamism for a long time, which had been hereditary from their
ancestors. Since the arrival of Islam in Indonesia, Islam does not invite its followers in a harsh
way, but Islam draws closer to society with a subtle approach, such as by entering their culture.
One example of an Islamic figure is Walisongo in Java. He spread the Islamic religion by using
wayang so that people can slowly accept and understand the teachings of Islam.

2.4 Characteristics of Islam in Indonesia

Islam is not the original religion for the Indonesian nation. When Islam arrived,
Indonesian people had embraced Hinduism, Buddhism, Animism and Dynamism. The

development of Islam in this archipelago has a unique experience that is different from that in
other countries. This is due to the diversity of cultures and traditions between one island and
another. The encounter between Islam and local culture creates cultural acculturation.This
causes Islam to be able to express itself in a variety of ways so that it is rich in cultural-religious
creativity, but in certain areas there are deviations from what was taught by the Prophet
Muhammad SAW. in practicing the basic teachings of Islam

The process of acculturation between Islam and local culture cannot be stopped because
it has become a consequence. This is because if Islam has a strong attitude towards local culture
or traditions, conflict with Islam itself can even lead to conflicts and wars with local culture,
traditions or customs. Therefore, the best way is to select cultures and traditions that do not
conflict with Islamic teachings to be adapted so that they express a distinctive Islam. This local
expression of Islam tends to develop giving rise to a diverse Islam.

The expression of Islam that comes from the contact of Islamic teachings with local
culture has given birth to various new identities attached to Islam. This new Islamic identity
creates confusion for ordinary people, generates rejection from scripturalist and formalist
Muslims, but fosters a sense of sympathy for moderate Muslims, and is even very interesting
for social scientists to observe and examine the uniqueness of each. They try to capture the
uniqueness of each Islamic identity so that they can be compared with one another. Because
this diversity of expression is a sociological necessity.

Azyumardi Zura (in Mujamil Qomar: 2015) explains that the process of Islamization in
the archipelago is different from Islamization in other regions such as the Middle East, North
Africa and South Asia, this is because the archipelago is far from Arab lands. So that the
influence of geographical areas on one's Islam feels more realistic. Meanwhile, Fauzan Saleh
(in Mujamil Qomar: 2015) considers that the process of Islamization in Indonesia is felt to be
late because of its geographical position which is far from the center of the spread of Islam.
During the process of Islamization in Indonesia, the Islamic world began to weaken and was
influenced by Sufism. If the process of Islamization in Indonesia occurred when Islam reached
its peak as a super power, then the character of Muslims in Indonesia would be more optimistic
and progressive.

2.5 Ukhuwah Islamiyah and Ukhuwah Insaniyah
The word "ukhuwah" comes from the root word "akhun" which is plural "ikhwatun"
which means brother. If a sister is called "ukhtun" while the plural is "akhwat" then from that
word the word "al-akhu" is formed whose mutsanna form is "akhwan", and the plural is
"Ikhwan" which means many brothers.

Meanwhile, in the Big Indonesian Dictionary, this word is linked to the meaning of a
motherthere is a father, or only a mother, or only a father. In another sense, namely people who
are related to family, people of the same class, same opinion, religion, and equal. So the word
"akhun" has a very broad meaning, not only brothers and sisters, but also a class, same opinion,
religion, and equal.

Ukhuwah is usually interpreted as "brotherhood" among the general public. Ukhuwah

is also often interpreted as a form or kinship relationship between a Muslim and other Muslims.
In terms of ukhuwah in Islam also is brotherhood as the core of the unity and unity of all

Imam Hasan Al-Bana Rahimahumullah also believes that in terminology or the term
ukhuwah means binding souls with the bonds of faith which are the strongest and most
expensive bonds. He also said that ukhuwah is brothers in faith.

Islamic brotherhood

Hasan (in Arpannudin: 2016) argues that ukhuwah Islamiyah is a relationship that exists
between fellow Muslims without discriminating against one's social status, education, or
religious level. This relationship can be established between family, friends, to relations
between nations.

The Word of Allah SWT in Surah Al-Hujurat 10-12, which is the basic foundation in
implementing the values of ukhuwah Islamiyah among the people.

Surah Al-Hujurat verse 10

‫ ِإنَّ َما ْٱل ُمؤْ مِ نُونََ َِإ‬icy

Meaning: The believers are actually brothers. Therefore reconcile (improve relations) between
your two brothers and fear Allah, that you may receive mercy.

Surah Al-Hujurat verse 11

َ‫نَۖ َو َلَ ت َْلمِ ُز َٰٓوا‬ ََّ ‫سىََٰٓ أَن َي ُك‬
ََّ ‫ن َخي ًْرا ِم ْن ُه‬ َ ‫ع‬ َ َ‫سآَٰء‬
َ ِ‫سآَٰءَ ِمن ن‬
َ ِ‫ل ن‬ َ َ ‫سىََٰٓ أَن َي ُكونُواَ َخي ًْرا ِم ْن ُه َْم َو‬ َ ‫ع‬ َ َ‫َر قَ ْومَ ِمن قَ ْوم‬ َ َ َ‫َيَٰٓأَيُّ َهاَ ٱلَّذِينََ َءا َمنُوا‬
َْ ‫ل َي ْسخ‬
ََ‫ظ ِل ُمون‬ َّ ‫نَۚ َو َمن لَّ َْم َيتُبَْ فَأُوَلََٰٓئِكََ هُ َُم ٱل‬ ِ ْ َ‫ق َب ْع َد‬
َِ ‫ٱْلي َم‬ ُ ُ‫س ٱِلِ ْس َُم ْٱلف‬
َُ ‫سو‬ ََ ْ‫بَۖ ِبئ‬َِ َ‫ل تَنَا َب ُزواَ ِب ْٱْل َ ْلق‬ َ ُ‫أَنف‬
َ َ ‫س ُك َْم َو‬

Meaning: O you who believe, do not let a group of men demean another group, maybe those
who are laughed at are better than them. And don't let a group of women look down on other
groups, maybe the ones who are being looked down on are better. And don't be self-deprecating
and don't call yourself names that contain ridicule. The worst call is a bad (call) after faith and
whoever does not repent, then they are the wrongdoers.

Surah Al-Hujurat verse 12

َ‫ض ُكم بَ ْعضًاَۚ أَيُحِ بَُّ أَ َحدُ ُك َْم أَن يَأْ ُك َل‬ ُ ‫ل يَ ْغت َب بَّ ْع‬ َ َ ‫سواَ َو‬ُ ‫س‬ َّ ‫ن إِثْمََۖ َو َلَ ت َ َج‬ َّ ‫ض ٱل‬
َِ ‫ظ‬ ََّ ِ‫ن إ‬
ََ ‫ن بَ ْع‬ َِ ‫ظ‬ ً ‫يََٰٓأَيُّ َهاَ ٱلَّذِينََ َءا َمنُواَ ٱ ْجتَنِبُواَ َكث‬
َّ ‫ِيرا ِمنََ ٱل‬
َ‫ٱّلل ت ََّوابَ َّرحِ يم‬َََّ ‫ن‬ َََّ َ‫لَ ْح ََم أَخِ ي َِه َم ْيتًا فَك َِر ْهت ُ ُمو َهَُۚ َوٱتَّقُوا‬
ََّ ِ‫ٱّللَۚ إ‬

Meaning: O you who believe, stay away from most presumptions (suspicions), because some
of these presumptions are sins. And don't look for bad things in people and don't gossip about
each other. Is there anyone among you who likes to eat the flesh of his dead brother? So of
course you feel disgusted with him. And fear Allah. Verily, Allah is the Accepting of
Repentance, the Most Merciful.

Hadith of the Prophet Muhammad related to ukhuwah:

FromَAnasَbinَMalikَraَsaidَthatَRasulullahَSAW.َsaid,َ“Don'tَcutَtiesَwith each other,

don't turn your back on each other, don't be enemies with each other, don't be jealous of each
other. Be the servants of Allah SWT. brothers. It is not lawful for a Muslim not to greet his

This hadith strengthens the verses of the Koran above and proves how important it is to
instill a spirit of ukhuwah by every Muslim. If every Muslim instills it, it will create a
harmonious and peaceful society.

According to Yani (2006), based on QS. Al-Hujurat verses 11-12, there are six things that we
must avoid so that ukhuwah Islamiyah is maintained, namely as follows:

a. Make fun of, both between individuals and between groups, both with words and with sign
language because this can cause hurt, anger and hostility.

b. Scolding or insulting others with hurtful words.

c. Calling others by titles that are not preferred.

d. Be prejudiced, this is an attitude that stems from envy (hasad). As a result, he is prejudiced
if someone gets pleasure or success.

e. Find faults in others.

f. Gossiping by talking about other people's circumstances which if he knew of course he didn't
like it, especially since that right concerns a person's personality.

In Hadiyyin (2017) to avoid divisions among Muslims and strengthen ukhuwah Islamiyah, the
experts define three concepts.

1) The concept of tanawwu al'ibadah (diversity of ways of worship).

The purpose of this concept is to recognize the diversity of worship practices as long as
they refer to the Prophet. Diversity in worship is the result of interpretation of all the Prophet's
behavior contained in the history of hadith. Interpretation certainly creates differences in how
to react, we can look for sources that are clear and closer to the truth and are trusted by many
experts. Towards people with different interpretations we must be tolerant and respect each
other by maintaining friendship.

2) The concept of al mukhtiu fi al ijtihadi lahu ajrun (a mistake in ijtihad will also be

The meaning of this concept is that if someone performs ijtihad, but the form of ijtihad is
wrong, he will not sin, he will still get a reward as long as he follows the opinion of the scholars.
It should be noted that what determines whether a person is sinful or not is Allah, not man.
Even so, we must pay attention that those who put forward ijtihad or opinions are people whose
scientific authority they convey has gone through ijtihad. Differences in ijtihad are natural, but
do not sacrifice Ukhuwah Islamiyah which is built on the same faith foundation.

3) The concept of laa hukma lillah qabla ijtihadi al mujtahid (God has not established a
law before the effort of ijtihad is carried out by a mujtahid

We can understand this concept that on issues where the law has not been established with
certainty, both in the Koran and in the Sunnah of the Prophet, God has not established the law.
Therefore it is hoped that the mujtahids can determine it through ijtihad. Although the results
of ijtihad are different, it is Allah's law for every mujtahid.

Insaniyah brotherhood

Brotherhood that applies to all humans universally regardless of religion, ethnicity,
race, and so on. Brotherhood bound by the soul of humanity. That is, we as humans must be
able to humanize humans and position or look at other people with great compassion, always
seeing the good not the bad. Ukhuwah insaniyah must be based on the teaching that all human
beings are God's creatures.

2.6 Tolerance between and among religious communities

Etymologically, tolerance comes from English, tolerance which is Indonesianized
becomes tolerance, in Arabic it is called altasamuh which means attitude of tolerance,
tepaselira, and attitude of letting. Tolerance is an attitude or behavior that obeys the rules where
one can appreciate and respect the attitudes of others. In the socio-cultural context, tolerance
means an attitude or action that prohibits discrimination against a group that is different from
a society.

Tolerance between religious adherents means that each religious community allows and
maintains a conducive atmosphere for people of other religions to carry out their religious
worship and teachings without being hindered. This is the tolerance that is meant by Islam.
Tolerance between religious communities is not prohibited in Islam. As the religion of
rahmatan lil 'alamin, Islam highly upholds the concept of tolerance between religious

As a religion of rahmatan lil 'alamin, Islam exists as a form of peace and avoids various
types of conflict, both vertical and horizontal. According to Abu Bakar (2015) there are several
persons acting in the name of Islam to take action which causes horizontal conflict. The conflict
does not necessarily blame Islam because what is wrong is that the individual is not his religion.
This action occurred because of a lack of understanding of the true teachings of Islam or
because of emotional factors, for example due to crimes committed by non-Muslim countries
against countries in the Middle East.

Hadith about inter-religious tolerance:

The hadith narrated by Imam Bukhori states that: "Indeed, there was a corpse that
passed before the Messenger of Allah, then He stood up to respect it. Then, it was said to him:
Verily, the body was a Jew. The Apostle replied: Isn't he also human ". With this, it proves that
the Prophet also taught his people to always tolerate and respect each other between religions.

Islam always teaches to love peace and uphold internal and inter-religious tolerance.
Tolerance both internal and external to religious communities must be understood as a form of
acknowledgment that in this world there are various kinds of religions with forms, systems,
procedures for worship, and freedom in practicing their respective religions. Islam strictly
forbids criticizing other religions' worship procedures.

2.7 The Concept of Islamic Moderation

In the Big Indonesian Dictionary, the word "moderation" means avoiding violence or
avoiding extremes. This word is the absorption of the word "moderate", which means the
attitude of always avoiding extreme behavior or disclosure, and the tendency towards the
middle way.Moderation in Arabic is called al-wasathiyah so that in terms of Islamic
moderation that has been compiled by the Indonesian Ministry of Religion Team, it states that
pluralism in various conditions that exist in Indonesia requires a comprehensive system of
religious teaching that can represent everyone through flexible teachings. by not leaving the
text (Al-Qur'an and Hadith), and the importance of using reason as a solution to any existing
problems (The Thematic Al-Qur'an Tafsir Compilation Team of the Indonesian Ministry of
Religion: 2012). Hamidulloh Ibda (in Ahmad Fauzi: 2018) states that violence in Islam which
leads to thoughts, beliefs, traditions and movements must be straightened out by drawing closer
to the moderate and friendly traditions of Nusantara Islam.
Many experts interpret the concept of Islamic moderation in some Islamic literature.
According to Al-Salabi (in Sauqi Futaqi: 2018) the word wasathiyyah has many meanings.
- First, from the root word wasth, in the form of dharaf, which means baina (between).
- Second, from the root word wasatha, which has many meanings, including:
(1) in the form of an ism (noun) which contains a meaning between two endings.
(2) in the form of a meaningful trait (khiyar) chosen, especially, the best.
(3) wasath which means al-'adl or just.
(4) wasath can also mean something between good (jayyid) and bad (radi').
In addition, several characteristics of the use of the concept of moderation in the context
of Indonesian Islam were identified, including;

1) non-violent ideology in spreading Islam.

2) adopting a modern way of life with all its derivatives, including science and technology,
democracy, human rights and the like.
3) the use of rational thinking.

4) contextual approach in understanding Islam.
5) the use of ijtihad (intellectual work to make legal opinions if there is no explicit justification
from the Qur'an and Hadith).

2.8 The values of ukhuwah Islamiyah in everyday life

1. Uphold the five daily prayers

When Muslims meet five times a day to carry outpraycongregation in the mosque or prayer
room, they will get to know each other. As a result, friendship will be established between
fellow Muslims. This can also make their hearts adrift to bring feelingsloveand unity.

2. Spread greetings and are prohibited from being indifferent

As fellow Muslims, it is recommended to greet each other and not be indifferent. As the Prophet
SAW said: "One of the actions that will make us love each other is to spread greetings to each
other. And conversely, Islam forbids its followers to act indifferently to each other and sever

3. Fulfilling the rights of fellow Muslims

Everymanmust have their own rights. Therefore, it is fitting for us to fulfill each other's rights
between humans, especially fellow Muslims.

When you meet him, then say hello; If he invites you, then fulfill his invitation; If he asks you
for advice, then advise him; If he sneezes and says Alhamdulillah, then pray for him (by saying
yarhamukallah); If he is sick, visit him; And when he dies, then accompany his corpse. (HR.

4. Help each other

As fellowMuslim, we should help each other by helping and lightening the burden of our
brothers who are being hit by a disaster. That way, our sympathy and empathy for all other
living things will emerge.

5. Forgive each other

Forgiveness is the most correct step in solving a problem or conflict. By forgiving, every
problem will be easy to solve. Rasulullah SAW said, "Whoever forgives when he is able to
repay, Allah will forgive him on the day of trouble." (Narrated by Ath-Thabrani).

6. Stay away from immoral acts

Immorality is one of the causes of enmity among humans, such as drinking khamr and
gambling. Allah SWT says:

ََ‫صلوةَِفَ َه ْلَاَ ْنت ُ ْمَ ُّم ْنتَ ُه ْون‬

َّ ‫ع ِنَاَل‬
َ ‫َو‬ ِ ‫ع ْنَ ِذ ْك ِر ه‬
َ ‫َّٰللا‬ َ َ‫صدَّ ُك ْم‬ َ ‫َو ْال َم ْيس ِِر‬
ُ َ‫َوي‬ ْ ‫ض ۤا َءَف‬
َ ‫ِىَال َخ ْم ِر‬ َ ‫َالعَدَ َاوة َََو ْالبَ ْغ‬
ْ ‫شيْطنُ ََا َ ْنَي ُّْوقِ َعَبَ ْينَ ُك ُم‬
َّ ‫اِنَّ َماَي ُِر ْيدَُال‬

Meaning: "With liquor and gambling, Satan only intends to create enmity and hatred among
you, and hinder you from remembering Allah and performing prayers, so don't you want to
stop?" (QS. Al Maidah: 91).

7. Pray for each other in goodness

Muslims should pray for one another in goodness among His people. The Prophet SAW once
said, "If someone prays for his brother without his knowledge, then the angels will say,
'(Hopefully) you get what you pray for your brother.'" (HR. Muslim).

Chapter 3


3.1 Conclusion
Multiculturalism is a necessity especially in the Indonesian context. The diversity of
race, ethnicity, language and religion is a characteristic and advantage of the Indonesian nation
that distinguishes it from other nations. However, differences that are not managed properly
will lead to conflict and disputes. Therefore, the role of religion is needed to reconcile and unite
Islam teaches us about ukhuwah which means fellow Muslims are brothers. This
brotherhood will make us love peace. Islam also teaches us to tolerate inter-religious people.
With tolerance, society will avoid conflict. If Islamic teachings are implemented properly and
appropriately by every Muslim then conflicts between religious communities and among
fellow Muslims can be avoided.


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Journal, 19(2): 401-405.
no. 2 (2015): 186.
Amalia, Mila. (2020). Strengthening Ukhuwah Islamiyah during the Covid-19 Pandemic.
Tangerang: Makmood Publishing

Essay Problem Practice
1. What is meant by multiculturalism and why is Indonesian society called a multicultural
2. What is meant by brotherhood? Explain what is meant by ukhuwah Islamiyah!
3. Explain the verses of Al – Quran and hadith about ukhuwah!
4. What is meant by tolerance? And what are the benefits of inter-religious tolerance?
5. Mention the values of ukhuwah Islamiyah in everyday life!


1. Multicultural is a combination of two words namely 'multi' and 'cultural'. The word
'multi' is defined as something plural, while the word 'cultural' comes from a word in
English, namely culture, which in Indonesian means culture. So, multicultural can be
interpreted as many cultures.Berkson (in Abdul Fadhil et al: 2019) argues that
multiculturalism is a society consisting of various races, religions, ethnicities, cultures
and customs that have the right to express their respective cultures. Indonesian society
is said to be a multicultural society because Indonesian society consists of various
ethnicities, religions, cultures, customs, races, and so on.

2. The word "ukhuwah" comes from the root word "akhun" which is plural "ikhwatun"
which means brother. Ukhuwah is usually interpreted as "brotherhood" among the
general public. Islamic brotherhood
Hasan (in Arpannudin: 2016) argues that ukhuwah Islamiyah is a relationship that exists
between fellow Muslims without discriminating against one's social status, education,
or religious level. This relationship can be established between family, friends, to
relations between nations.

3. Surah Al-Hujurat 10-12, which is the basic foundation in implementing the values of
ukhuwah Islamiyah among the people.

Surah Al-Hujurat verse 10

َِ‫إِنَّ َما ْٱل ُمؤْ مَِنُونََ إ‬icy

Meaning: The believers are actually brothers. Therefore reconcile (improve relations)
between your two brothers and fear Allah, that you may receive mercy.

Surah Al-Hujurat verse 11

‫سىََٰٓ أَن َي ُك َّنَ َخي ًْرَا‬ َ ‫ع‬ َ َ‫سآَٰء‬َ ‫سآَٰءَ ِمن ِن‬ َ َ ‫سىََٰٓ أَن َي ُكونُواَ َخي ًْرا ِم ْن ُه َْم َو‬
َ ‫ل ِن‬ َ ‫ع‬ َ َ‫َر قَ ْومَ ِمن قَ ْوم‬ َْ ‫ل َي ْسخ‬ َ َ َ‫ََٰٓيأَيُّ َها ٱ َّلذِينََ َءا َمنُوا‬
َّ ‫نَۚ َو َمن لَّ َْم يَتُبَْ فََأ ُولََٰٓئِكََ هُ َُم ٱل‬
ََ‫ظ ِل ُمون‬ ِ ْ َ‫ق بَ ْع َد‬
َِ ‫ٱْلي َم‬ ُ ُ‫س ٱِلِ ْس َُم ْٱلف‬
َُ ‫سو‬ َِ َ‫ل تَنَابَ ُزواَ بِ ْٱْل َ ْلق‬
ََ ْ‫بَۖ بِئ‬ َ ُ‫ل ت َْلمِ ُز َٰٓواَ أَنف‬
َ َ ‫س ُك َْم َو‬ ََّ ‫ِم ْن ُه‬
َ َ ‫نَۖ َو‬

Meaning: O you who believe, do not let a group of men demean another group, maybe
those who are laughed at are better than them. And don't let a group of women look
down on other groups, maybe the ones who are being looked down on are better. And
don't be self-deprecating and don't call yourself names that contain ridicule. The worst
call is a bad (call) after faith and whoever does not repent, then they are the wrongdoers.

Surah Al-Hujurat verse 12

‫ضاََۚ أَيُحِ بَُّ أَ َحدُ ُك َْم‬

ً ‫ض ُكم بَ ْع‬ ُ ‫ل يَ ْغت َب بَّ ْع‬ َ َ ‫سواَ َو‬ُ ‫س‬ َّ ‫ل ت َ َج‬َ َ ‫ن إِثْمََۖ َو‬ َِ ‫ظ‬ َّ ‫ض ٱل‬ ََّ ِ‫ن إ‬
ََ ‫ن بَ ْع‬ َِ ‫ظ‬ ً ‫يََٰٓأَيُّ َها ٱلَّذِينََ ََءا َمنُواَ ٱ ْجتَنِبُواَ َكث‬
َّ ‫ِيرا ِمنََ ٱل‬
َ‫ٱّلل ت ََّوابَ َّرحَِيم‬ َََّ ‫ن‬ َََّ َ‫ل َل ْح ََم أَخِ ي َِه َم ْيتًا فَك َِر ْهت ُ ُمو َهَُۚ َوٱتَّقُوا‬
ََّ ‫ٱّللَۚ ِإ‬ ََ ‫أَن يَأ ْ ُك‬

Meaning: O you who believe, stay away from most presumptions (suspicions), because
some of these presumptions are sins. And don't look for bad things in people and don't
gossip about each other. Is there anyone among you who likes to eat the flesh of his
dead brother? So of course you feel disgusted with him. And fear Allah. Verily, Allah
is the Accepting of Repentance, the Most Merciful.

Hadith of the Prophet Muhammad related to ukhuwah:

don't turn your back on each other, don't be enemies with each other, don't be jealous
of each other. Be the servants of Allah SWT. brothers. It is not lawful for a Muslim not

This hadith strengthens the verses of the Koran above and proves how important it is to
instill a spirit of ukhuwah by every Muslim. If every Muslim instills it, it will create a
harmonious and peaceful society.

4. Etymologically tolerance comes from English, tolerance which is Indonesianized

becomes tolerance, in Arabic it is called altasamuh which means an attitude of
tolerance, tepaselira, and an attitude of letting. Tolerance is an attitude or behavior that
obeys the rules where one can appreciate and respect the attitudes of others.
The benefits of inter-religious tolerance, namely:

- Increase Faith
- Creating a Sense of Harmony and Peace
- Strengthen the Sense of Brotherhood
- avoid divisions between religions.
- strengthen friendships.

5. The values of ukhuwah Islamiyah in everyday life:

- Help each other
- Forgive each other
- Pray for each other in goodness
- Fulfilling the rights of fellow Muslims
- Send greetings

Multiple Choice Questions Practice

1. Brotherhood that applies to all humans universally regardless of religion, ethnicity,
a. brotherhood
b. Ukhuwah Wathaniyah
c. Insaniyah brotherhood
d. Islamic brotherhood

2. A society consisting of various races, religions, ethnicities, cultures, and so on is

referred to as a society...

a. Pluralism
b. Multicultural
c. Homogeneous
d. Madani

3. The characteristics of a multicultural society according to Pierre L. Van den Berghe,

a. There has never been a conflict between one group and another.
b. The occurrence of segmentation into the form of groups that often have sub-cultures
that are different from one another.
c. There is political domination by one group over other groups.
d. Having a social structure that is divided into non-complementary institutions.

4. Al-QuranَversesَaboutَukhuwahَIslamiyahَareَfoundَinَtheَletter….
a. Al-Baqarah verse 180
b. As-Saff verse 2
c. An-Nisa verse 11
d. Al-Hujurat verse 10

5. What should we avoid in order to maintain ukhuwah Islamiyah, except….

a. Insulting others
b. Visit a friend's house
c. Bad idea
d. Find faults in others

6. An attitude or behavior that obeys the rules where a person can appreciate and respect
the attitudes of others is the meaning of....
a. Solidarity
b. intolerance
c. Moderation
d. Tolerance

7. ModerationَinَArabicَisَcalled….
a. al-wasathiyah
b. al-Qayyum
c. al-Ghaffar
d. al-Malik

8. The characteristics of moderation in the context of Islam in Indonesia are as follows,

a. Use of Ijtihad
b. Non-violent ideology in spreading Islam
c. Use of irrational thinking
d. Contextual approach in understanding Islam

9. The whole idea, action, which is produced from mind, reason, creation, feeling to meet
a. Customs
b. Culture
c. Habit
d. Tradition

10. The relationship that exists between fellow Muslims without discriminating against
one's social status, education, or religious level is the meaning of...
a. Brotherhood
b. brotherhoodWathaniyah
c. Islamic brotherhood
d. Insaniyah brotherhood


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