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Grades are a powerful tool for encouraging students to produce their best

work. If there were no means of grading or grades, then why would students want to

put in so much effort? Although students cannot grade themselves because they lack

a scale of grading, the educator is the only one who compares the students and

assigns grades accordingly. Students can thus, recognize their placement in the

class by receiving their grades. If their placement became low, they would work hard

to rise to higher ones to reach their goal of becoming great.

Grading serves multiple purposes in the academic world. One of the most

important objectives is to measure students’ knowledge and understanding of

specific subjects. It is easy for teachers to identify the areas where students can

improve their skills and which lessons have been most successfully taught by

assessing students’ grades from their teachers. Another aim of grading is to provide

an objective measure of achievement that students can use to measure their

progress over time and with the help of grading, it will provide information to parents

about their student’s achievement, and performance in school to assess and


Grading also serves as an important motivation for students. Students who

receive high grades may feel validated and more willing to learn and put in extra

effort to maintain and surpass their high grades. Grading also allows students to

understand how their work is being evaluated and what is expected of them. This

can help students to develop an understanding of the quality of their work and how to

achieve better grades.

Undoubtedly, grading is a powerful tool that pushes students to be the best

version of themselves with their academic responsibilities and to not settle for the

bare minimum. This also helps students who seek validation from other people,

especially from their parents through their grades. Although grades are just a

number, one way or another it absolutely does matter to an extent because it

determines the type of programs or jobs we get into. And even though grades don’t

define what kind of person we are and what we’re capable of, it definitely makes or

breaks many opportunities.

Ballon, Nedy Mae

Felipe, Romely O.

Morales, Jerald Austin

Santos, Rafie A.

Torres, Joer Ronnie Jr M.

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