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I'm not kidding when I say I use notion

every single day it's the first thing I

open when I get to my desk and by far my

favorite and most used app for studying

running Cajun koi Academy and managing

my life I was so stoked when they wanted

to partner up with us and sponsor this

video Fanboy so I'm going to show you

guys the smart planner I created using

notion it tells me what I need to study

every day so I don't even need to think

about it and it's aesthetic aesthetic

and as a bonus I'm giving away my

workspace template for free because I

love our rookies and I want you to feel

organized and confident so you can enjoy

your school life all I ask is after this

video go check out notion by using our

special link in the description alright

let's hop over to notion so this is the

command center home base I wanted it to

feel comforting and inspiring which is

why Misty delivers the welcome message

and not Mike just kidding you can change

the message to match your mood whatever

tickles your pickle on this page is also

my master calendar so I know which

lectures I have going on for the week

along with any assignments to complete

which have this assignment tag on them

so I'm going to explain how this

template Works in two parts so it's

simple first I had to input information

so everything is linked together and

then how to use this planner during the

school year so first things first click

on the curriculum tab to see the folder

for every class every folder here is

linked to the main calendar so you can

just change the names if this doesn't

reflect the actual classes you're taking

so if this was like chemistry for

example I only made five folders in the

template hopefully you don't have to

take more classes than that for any

semester oof that would be critical

damage but if you do have to take more

classes no big deal just click on the

new button at the top right to create a

new class folder and it should

automatically sync to all the other

calendars in this template alright so

let's put in some data so let's pretend

I'm taking physics class I'll open up my

physics folder here expand it to full

screen and then I'll enter the name of

my professor you know Professor Oak add

their email

com class website the course code all

that logistical stuff you know just so

it's handy now when I scroll down this

is the individual calendar for physics

don't worry it's linked to the main

calendar as well so you don't have to

enter information in twice so this is

when I would pull out my class syllabus

and enter in every lecture and the date

of that lecture so let's say I'm

learning maths on the 27th uh learning

about acceleration on the 28th Newton's

laws on the 31st on Halloween scary

times Newton ignore the Mastery column

for now I'll cover that in part two of

this video then switch over to the

assignments Tab and enter in all of your

assignments for this class along with

their due date I've already entered in

two assignments here problem set one and

two on those due dates let's add a third

one just for demo

number three and maybe this one will be


um on November 4th on that Friday there

so including here homework problem sets

essays projects and I also like to

include midterms and finals because

technically that's a due date right you

need to finish studying in order to do

well so let's say my final exam is going

to be on the 18th of November I created

a formula in notion so that when I set a

due date it automatically tells me how

many days left I have to procrastinate

so check this out if I change problems

to have threes due date to tomorrow then

it will automatically change to tomorrow

and if it's due today it'll tell me it's

due today and as I work through the

assignments I can adjust the progress of

them from not started pending or done

just to keep track of all my assignments

so I can stay on top of it after I've

entered in all of my assignments and all

of my lectures that's it for physics

class now I would just repeat this

process for every single class that I'm

taking in all the other folders if

you're not taking five classes you don't

have to delete the folders you can just

leave them there they're chilling not

hurting anybody and they won't interfere

with the main calendar because we didn't

put any information in them now if I go

back to the command center following the

breadcrumb trail at the top of the

screen I can see every lecture and

assignment for the whole semester pretty

sick right I can also switch views to

assignments and I can see all of the

assignments for every single class on

the home page the contacts page on the

left should also be filled out if we've

entered in all that information from

inputting the class information and I

also like to link my school website or

Blackboard to this page for easy access

to do that just highlight over the word

school here click on link and then you

can paste the URL of your school website

and connect it next I included a section

under this toggle for daily tasks that

should have been there nothing fancy

here though just a typical to-do list

you can click on WhatsApp and it'll add

to-do's to do to do grocery shop clean

room pay mic back you know and you can

kind of just click through them as you

finish them for the day and then you

know delete them all once you finish I

also like to keep an widget on my phone

so I can quickly add to my to-do list

even when I'm on the go and final thing

here at the very bottom is my weekly

agenda here is where I would put my

rough weekly responsibilities I'm not

super hardcore about time blocking every

minute of my life I think that takes too

much work and I'm not like that OCD just

a little bit I prefer a flexible

schedule just in case my Kitsune brain

gets lost watching anime or stalking

women or something so stuff I put in

here are like my class schedule you know


work schedule

um you know volunteering time for Jesus

the whole point is not to think about it

too hard you know things change and move

around all the time life happens you

know work life balance Vibes and that's

it congrats we've officially put in all

the data to make this system run now on

to the cool part one of the biggest

struggles I faced as a student was not

knowing when to review past lectures my

thought process back then was oh maybe

today I'll study lecture one because I

haven't looked at it in a long time

which makes sense we know that over time

we start to forget stuff the problem

with that approach is that it doesn't

take into account how well we know the

material so it's possible that even if I

didn't look at lecture one for a month

I'd still remember the key Concepts but

maybe lecture 10 which was two days ago

I had a really hard time with so I

should prioritize learning that so I

think it's more valuable to review based

on her Mastery of a topic rather than on

how long it's been most students don't

even think about this they just cycle

through lectures one through ten over

and over again if you plan a review

schedule by Mastery you're crushing it

but if you plan to review step by both

Mastery and time sheesh and I got you

that's how we're going to take this to

the next level so anytime I start a

lecture either I went to class or I did

some self-studying I'll open up that

lecture and I'll change the Mastery from

none to rookie and what that does is it

automatically sends that lecture to this

other view called review

and here I can see all the material that

I've started to learn and I would also

put today's date just so I know the last

time I reviewed it so if I skipped class

which I would never ever do obviously

that lecture wouldn't show up on my

review tab because I didn't change the

Mastery from none to rookie and let's

say that by the end of my study session

I did some practice problems active

recall or whatever and I feel really

confident with this lecture I'll change

the Mastery again from Rookie to Ranger

and that lecture then moves down to the

Rangers section I made this review

system as simple as possible I only

created three options rookie Ranger and

retired if you're not confident even

after reviewing it leave it as rookie if

you've mastered it your Ranger if it's

not going to be on the final at all or

it's not important to know you can move

it to retired by using this system I

always see two things my confidence with

material or the Mastery and the last

time I reviewed it so whenever I sit

down to study I'll click on this review

Tab and I can prioritize reviewing the

lectures that are marked rookie and the

ones that I haven't reviewed in a long

time you know this way I'm not just raw

dog in my studies at random without a

plan I actually have a system that tells

me which topics to focus on and which

ones I actually know well but remember

to also trust your instincts if there's

a lecture in the ranger category you

haven't touched in weeks by all means

have another stab at it and reevaluate

maybe you realize it's rustier than you

thought maybe after studying a different

lecture you realize you missed a lot of

important points from the previous

lecture well change it back from Ranger

to rookie and set a new last review date

be honest with yourself this is your

personal review schedule no one's

judging you use this as a tool to keep

track of things now as you can imagine

if you're taking five classes then two

months into the semester this review tab

is going to look insanely cluttered so

instead of using the master calendar you

can also open up the individual folders

and look at each review tab individually

for each class cool right now I have no

excuses for not knowing what to study as

this clear tracks on I've historically

been terrible at maintaining a planner

because I get burnt out so I also

included a few things into this

dashboard that helps me stay motivated

first is this daily streak widget which

I got from indify every day I show up to

study I add it to my streak it's

something that I always thought video

games did really well to get me to come

back and play more the only thing is

this one's doesn't reward you and also

doesn't punish you if you miss a day you

have to manually reset it so Scout's

Honor like I said before this is your

personal study calendar you know there's

no leaderboards no one's checking to see

if your streak is legit or not art but

mine is for sure and lastly I also

included a mood check area if you're

part of our Discord Community this will

be familiar but I think it's very

important to start a self-reflection

process often when we settle into

routines we stop paying attention and

stuff like we just go through the

motions of going to class eating Ramen

playing video games but we're checked

out you know lights are on but no one's

home so muchek is a safe space for you

to think when you're feeling stressed or

even if you're just chilling add a new

log by hitting what's on your mind here

you can say this log number two and

self-reflect how's class going what's

working what's not working you know

how's my stress level

am I sleeping well you know use this

space to celebrate wins or vent or post

memes it could be whatever you want my

hope with it is that you carve out some

time for self-discovering and yeah that

is everything in my start study planner

besides some Shameless self promo at the

bottom please use it for peace of mind

while you're grinding away during the

school year so you know exactly what you

need to be doing at all times I hope

you'll discover like I did that having a

organizational system for studying is

game changing feel free to duplicate

this template to use for every upcoming

school year or semester and let me know

what other templates you want me to

create or how I can improve this one to

make it better don't forget to check out

notion they're awesome send them some

love and I will see you all next time

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