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• Submissive Palm: Non – Threatening Gestures(for eg: The person being

asked to move the box will not feel that the request is given with pressure and, in a normal
superior/subordinate situation, will not feel threatened by the request . )
• Dominant Palm: Immediate Authority (for eg: When the palm is turned to
face downwards, you will have immediate authority. The person to whom you have directed
the request feels that he has been given an order to remove the box and may feel
antagonistic towards you, depending on your relationship with him.)
• Aggressive Palm: (For eg: The palm is closed into a fist and the pointed finger
becomes a symbolic club with which the speaker figuratively beats his listener into
submission. The pointed finger is one of the most irritating gestures that a person can use
while speaking, particularly when it beats time to the speaker’s words. )
The intention of the double-handed
handshake is to show sincerity, trust or
depth of feeling towards the receiver. Two
significant elements should be noticed.
Firstly, the left hand is used to
communicate the extra feeling that the
initiator wishes to transmit and its extent
is related to the distance that the
initiator’s left hand is moved up the
receiver’s right arm.
Elbow Grasp - The elbow grasp, transmits
more feeling than the wrist hold, and the
shoulder hold.
• In general, the wrist hold and the elbow
grasp are acceptable only between close
friends or relatives and in these cases,
the initiator’s left hand penetrates only
the receiver’s intimate zone.
• The shoulder hold and the upper arm grip
enter the receiver’s close intimate zone
and may involve actual body contact.
They should be used only between people
who experience a close emotional bond at
the time of the handshake.
• Hands-clenched position IT is a
frustration gesture, signaling that
the person was holding back a
negative attitude.
• The person would be more difficult to
handle when the hands are held
• than he would be with the person
whom hands resting on the desk
“Indicates a confident or know-it-all' attitude”

Raised Steeple: “ Giving his ideas or opinions

Lowered Steeple: “listening rather than

Superiority :“ For eg: Headmasters, Senior

Police Personnel, Authority people”

Hand Gripping: “a signal of frustration

and an attempt at self-control.”

Upper Arm Grip: “He is showing a greater

attempt at self-control than the man in Hand-
Gripping-Wrist Gesture man.”
Body Language Interpretation
Biting nails Nervous, Insecure

Drumming fingers Restlessness or Impatience

Steepling fingers Display of Authority, Influence

Open palms Expression of sincerity, Innocence

Rubbing both hands Anticipation, Impatience

Resting the cheek on the hand Thinking, Evaluating

Folded arms across the chest Disagreement

Walking to and fro with hands clasped behind Frustration, Apprehension

Eyes downcast Guilty, Boredom

Rubbing the eyes Disbelief, Doubt

Rubbing the bridge of the nose Uncertain, Rejection

Resting the head on the palms Boredom, Despair

Head tilted to one side Shows interest, Listening

Hands on the hips Aggression, Authoritative

Brisk walking Exudes confidence

Kicking your foot while walking or sitting Signs of boredom

Sitting with hands behind the head and legs
stretched Relaxed, Confident and Thinking

Leaning forward Displaying Interest

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