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good morning teacher and classmates, today our group will present a type of business pet

clothing store

the name of the company is PATITAS FELICES

this is our logo and this is our slogan

our work team are Brenda, ronie, juan y me

I am going to talk about the special events that the company will carry out this year

One proposal is to celebrate the birthdays of the pets that are registered as clients, sing a song
and give a small gift.

then we have the special days that will be random, when the company deems it convenient

Pet fashion week is one of the biggest fashion events, where all pet owners can sign up so that
their pets can parade and the winner will receive a present from the company

We also have Black Fridays where there will be offers on many garments and accessories on
selected products.

Finally, the cyber wow on this date all the items in the store will have unmissable discounts
and customers will not be able to miss this opportunity

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