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【事前課題】 プレゼンテーション・スキル講座①・②
【Preliminary Questionnaire】Presentation Skills Program(1)(2)

Q1. あなたはこれまで日系社会や大学、高校、日本語学校などでプレゼンテーションや発表をし
Q1: Have you ever had any problems or difficulties in giving a presentation or
presentation at a Japanese American community, university, high school, or
Japanese language school?
I had problems at presentations at university because of lack of preparation. When I have a
presentation I know a lot about the topic that I’m presenting, but a lot of times I tend to
improvise the presentations, and instead of structure the speech in advance I just present.
Sometimes, this can have good results, but there were other opportunities where I had
trouble for doing this, because of being nervous, or not being clear at all about the topic
presenting. So, I think that the best way to present is to have a plan, a structure and
preparation in advance.

Q 2. これまでプレゼンテーションや発表をしたときに成功したことはありますか? 具体的に教え
Q2. Have you ever had a successful presentation or announcement?   Please be
specific. Also, when you were successful, what did you do to make it better?
I had participated in Japanese speech contest with good results in many of them. I think
that the things that made me be a good contestant and have good results was the constant
practice. I had lot of practice saying my speech, received a lot of feedback from my
teachers, putting at work all the tips that I received and practice more.

Q 3. あなたはプレゼンテーションや発表をするとき、どんなことに気を付けていますか?
Q3: What do you pay attention to when you give presentations or presentations?
I pay attention to the structure and want to make it the lightest possible. When I present, I
want the people to be involved with the presentation, and also to make them as
understandable as possible. Also, I try to make some jokes at the presentation in order to
break the ice.

Q4. 次のテーマで 2 分のプレゼンテーションを行うとしたら、あなたならどんな風に伝えますか?
Q4:If you were to give a 2-minute presentation on the following topic, how would you
convey it?   Please think about it, incorporating your own experiences and
  【 High School Students 】 Differences and similarities between their own country
and Japan
【 University Students 】 What is great about the Nikkei and the Nikkei community,
and what makes you proud of it?

Hi I’m Henry and I’m a Nikkei. Do you know what is to be Nikkei? I’m a Japanese
descendant, my mother is Japanese, but I was not born in Japan. I feel myself peruvian,
but also feel myself Nikkei.
In Lima, there is a big Nikkei community, and there are places where the nikkei’s meet
near my home. Places such as APJ or AELU, are where the community gathers, spend
time together, perform big events and so on.
But, do you know that in the past the Nikkei community was not like these? They had to
battle a lot to be where they are now. In the past, the Nikkei community didn’t have a
good reputation, had a lack of resources and were segregated by other Peruvians.
Nikkei community had a lot of troubles at the time of World War II and later. They stood
up and built a big community that nowadays has tremendous results. There are a lot of
big companies, schools, clubs in Peru that are part of this Nikkei community. And I think is
great what has been accomplished over the years.
I am proud of the Nikkei community because it is resilient, strong and intelligent. The
presence that Nikkei has, is the result of a lot of challenges and wins.
I invite you all to read more about the challenges that Japanese descendant people had
over the years. And that they are the proof that resilience is part of the community.

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