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A. And analyze the essay by answering the following questions:

1. What tone or mood is exhibited

The tone that was used here is formal and the mood is being inspirational and persuading.

2. Who is being addressed in the essay?

For my own opinion, all of us peoples are being addressed in this essay that we need to
love God.

3. How does the writer describe the subject of the text? Do you agree
with the writer’s ideas?
I agree with the writer’s ideas because it’s being showed here that you need to put God
first and it’s being shown here is his love from the country thru sharing ways and advices
on how you accept your blood and nationality.

4. What idea is revealed by the writer in the tenth commandment?

For my own opinion, the writer used 1st you shall have no other gods before me, and 2nd
you shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.

5. Based on the text, in what ways does the writer reveal his love for
the country?
He used the way of sharing and advising people to love your country and defend it with
your life because you were born as a Filipino and accept the faith and love this country at
all cost after God.

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