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“THE LAST SUPPER” (joke dili bitaw oi) Everyone sits at the table and tension starts to

build as Derek begins to get mad at Angelica:

I wanna use diff names for the musical but
imma use my OC’s names for now cause it’s Derek: WHERE IS MY FOOD WOMAN??! WHAT
easier for me to write the story  THE HELL DO YOU DO ALL DAY IN THIS HOUSE,
God, you’re useless.
ACT 1:
Angelica: Just wait derek, please, Im still
The musical starts off with the youngest sibling,
cooking, Faipien go prepare the table.
Faipien, singing “top of my school” she sings the
song with passion as she boasts about her Faipien: Okay mom…
academic achievements with pride. She greets
Faipien (muttering): Why do we have to do this
her condescending mother, Angelica:
every night?
Angelica: What are you doing this late? Are you
Heather: What? prepare the table? That's all
out there tryna make a fool out of yourself
you're good at. (scoff)
again Faipien? Go get your useless ass to the
kitchen. Kate: Heather, don't be rude. Faipien is doing
great in school, infact she’s the top of her class
Faipien heads to the kitchen and begins
prepping dinner. Just then the door opened to Derek: But not as well as my sweet pea,
reveal her eldest sister, Heather, heather walks Heather, who never fails to be on top of
in with a proud smile on her face immediately everything, I’m so proud of you darling.
greeting her father:
Heather: Thank you daddy, besides its not like
Heather: daddy look!! I won the science fair!! she’s impressive, she’s just like you, mediocre
Again!! Doesn’t it kill you to have such a as hell HAHAHHAHAHHAHA!!
talented and smart child like me? ( mura syag
nagpadungog sa iyang manghod tryna show her Kate rolled her eyes and began to play with her
that she’s the better sister) tablet

Derek (dad): wonderful news my dear, we Faipien: (muttering) "Why can't they just be
should celebrate!! Which bag do you want this proud of me?"
time sweetheart? Daddy will buy you anything. As the meal progresses, tensions rise. Derrek
(FAIPIEN’S THOUGHTS) starts berating Angelica for not cooking the
steak correctly, and Angelica starts yelling at
And there’s my oldest sister my old man’s Faipien for not setting the table properly.
favorite. She’s the school council’s president, a Heather starts taunting Faipien, and Faipien
smart, independent woman in the eyes of loses her temper.
others but in reality she’s a pathetic,
manipulative, spoiled brat who will do anything Faipien: Why can't you just leave me alone? I'm
to get what she wants sick of being compared to Heather all the time.
I'm sick of being the target of your anger, Dad.
(dun dun dun) And you, Mom, you make me feel like I'm never
enough. None of you care about me.
Veronica and her father begins to sing “When
Veruca Says” (WILL EDIT THE LYRICS) Heather: Oh, shut up stop acting like a baby,
You're always the victim.
Angelica: Dinner’s ready!
Faipien: I am so sick and tired of your constant
manipulation and entitlement. You think you
can get away with everything just because
you're the oldest, but you're nothing but a
spoiled brat who thinks the world owes her
everything. You don't care about anyone but
yourself, and I'm done putting up with your
crap. So don't expect me to just sit back and
take it anymore

Heather begins to sing Candy Store by Heather’s


Derek: Go to your room Faipien you’re

disturbing this dinner.

Faipien: Why can't you just leave me alone? I'm

sick of being compared to you all the time. I'm
sick of being the target of your anger, Dad. And
you, Mom, you make me feel like I'm never
enough. None of you care about me

Angelica: You're just like your father, always

looking for someone to blame.

Derek: What did you just say?

Angelica: I SAID she’s just like you, always

looking for someone to blame Derek!!

Derek: say that again and you’ll know what’ll

happen next

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