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The reason why I said technology does more harm than good technology actually makes us lazy it puts
people out of jobs and lots more.The society gets more corrupt through social media examples are
youtube , videmo etc.

The destruction of sea animals

Sea animals are animals that breath sea water to survive.the technology we use pollute the sea and
destroy our eco healthy environment. It may kill about 100 animals. The sea is a fascinating place with
interesting and wonderful animal .

The destruction of trees

Heavy lifting machines are sometimes use to cut trees which can deplete the air that we breath . trees
take in carbohydrate and breathe out oxygen and we need oxygen

Destruction of earth
The ozone layer is depleting through pollution. It is caused by the creating of machines that use oil like
titanic etc.There destroy our atmosphere. nothing on earth can stop the depleting of the ozone layer.
Scientist believe that the world will destroy until it no longer exist.

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