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My Holiday during Quarantine Time - Stay at Home

Last holiday wasn’t that bad. I spent my day at home for about four weeks. I didn't go
anywhere because of the corona outbreak. The pandemic was getting worse so I spent
my time watching YouTube jogging in the morning, playing futsal at night or playing
online games with my friends. My mother bought me a new mobile phone because all of
my school classes and assignment were online. She told me that it was better to play an
online game than play outside the house. 

I usually woke up without in the morning and took a bath when my mother asked me.
After that, I feed my cat and played with him, watched YouTube, or played online
games. Sometimes, I also helped my mother with the dishes, swept the floor, or washed
my own clothes. I really missed the beach and the cinema. 

For most people, it looked so boring because we needed to stay at home on holiday.
But I enjoyed my time because I could be with my family every day. And the most
important thing, we hope we could manage to be healthy until this pandemic over.

Liburan yang lalu tidak terlalu buruk. Saya menghabiskan hari saya di rumah selama
sekitar empat minggu. Saya tidak kemana-mana karena wabah korona. Pandemi
semakin parah sehingga saya menghabiskan waktu menonton YouTube, jogging di
pagi, bermain futsal di malam hari nya atau pun bermain game online dengan teman-
teman saya. Ibu saya membelikan saya ponsel baru karena semua kelas dan tugas
sekolah saya online. Dia mengatakan kepada saya bahwa lebih baik bermain game
online daripada bermain di luar rumah.

Saya biasanya bangun tanpa tidur di pagi hari dan mandi ketika ibu saya menyuruhnya.
Setelah itu, saya memberi makan kucing saya dan bermain dengannya, menonton
YouTube, atau bermain game online. Kadang-kadang, saya juga membantu ibu
mencuci piring, menyapu lantai, atau mencuci baju saya sendiri. Saya sangat
merindukan pantai dan bioskop.

Bagi kebanyakan orang, itu terlihat sangat membosankan karena kami harus tinggal di
rumah saat liburan. Tetapi saya menikmati waktu saya karena saya bisa bersama
keluarga saya setiap hari. Dan yang terpenting, kami berharap bisa tetap sehat hingga
pandemi ini selesai.

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