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Dewi Purnama

English Language Education K1

Title: Content Analysis of the Pedagogical Content Knowledge in the Curriculum of Yemeni EFL Teacher
Education Programme

Year: 2017
Author: Morshed Salim Abdullah Al-Jaro, Adelina Asmawi, Zuwati Hasim
Research Question: How to analyse the pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) in the current
curriculum of the English teacher education programme (ETEP) at a Faculty of Education in a Yemeni

Research Objective: This study aims to analyse the pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) in the
current curriculum of the English teacher education programme (ETEP) at a Faculty of Education in a
Yemeni University

Research Significant: Much attention was given to the teacher education as well as teacher's
knowledge in the last few decades to re-evaluate the teaching programmes and assess the trainees'
performance. various types of knowledge should be presented by student teachers while doing teaching
practice. Such types of knowledge reflect the extent to which s/he is fully prepared for performing
teaching practices.

Methodology: Qualitative Approach

Result: This study of the PCK in the ETEP curriculum courses offered by the English Department, Faculty
of Education at a Yemeni University has developed four major themes: language proficiency,
pedagogical skills, education and culture, and research skills. It isrevealed that the portion of
pedagogical skills courses in the curriculum is considered inadequate representing only 16% of the total
credit hours of all courses of the programme. the interest of the present study is to analyse the PCK in
the current curriculum courses offered by the ETEP at the Department of English, Faculty of Education at
a Yemeni University. Therefore, future studies should adoptother sources such as expert opinion, task
analysis and perceived needs in order to identify the student teachers’ PCK in similar EFL teacher
education programmes.

Year: 2011
Reseach Question: 1. What kind of genre contained in the reading passages found in English on Sky
textbook for 9th grade of Junior High School published by Erlangga?

2. What is the lexical density of reading text in English on Sky textbook for 9th grade of Junior High
School published by Erlangga?

Reseach Objective: The objectives of this study are (1) to find out the kind of genre contained in the
reading passage found in English on Sky textbook for 9th grade of Junior High School published by
Erlangga, (2) to find out the lexical density of reading text based on English on Sky textbook for 9th
grade level of Junior High School.

Reseach Significant:

The writer hopes that this research will be useful for: 1. The teacher a. The teacher can select the
textbook which is most suitable in teaching learning process. b. The teacher can apply the result of this
study as feedback on their teaching activities; improve their knowledge and experience in choosing
appropriate book, so that the students are better in reading skill. 2. The Students To improve the
students’ knowledge and ability in English reading materials, so that the students are able to understand
the meaning of steps and rhetorical development in written text becomes better. 3. The writer It would
be useful for the writer because it can improve the writer’s knowledge about the genres and the lexical
density in reading materials

Methodology: Qualitative Approach

Result: The findings reported in the four chapter discussed previously have given us a description about
the result of this research. Here, the researcher will draw some concluding remarks based on the
statements of the problem of this research. They are: 5. The writer found that the English on Sky
textbook contained three genres. They are procedure, report and narrative. The dominant text on this
book is report text. The writer found seven report texts. Furthermore, the writer found only one
procedure text in this book.
Title: A Content Analysis of Bright 1: A 2013 Curriculum-Based Textbook for VII Grade
Year: 2017
Author: Ari Purwani, Dewi Rochsantiningsih, Diah Kristina
Research Question: In terms of whether the textbook (BRIGHT 1) meet the characteristics of a
good textbook and reflect the 2013 curriculum for VII year English subject that includes the core
competences and the and the basic competences, the steps of scientific approach, and the
assessment standards?
Research Objective: The goal of this research is only to analyse the content of BRIGHT1, in
terms of whether the textbook meet the characteristics of a good textbook and reflect the 2013
curriculum for VII year English subject that includes the core competences and the and the basic
competences, the steps of scientific approach, and the assessment standards.
Research Significant: a 2013 curriculum-based textbook, a descriptive-evaluative content
Methodology: The research was carried out at MTsN Surakarta 1, Surakarta, and Central Java.
The object of this research was “BRIGHT 1” for year VII that was published by Erlangga
Publisher. This textbook was chosen because it is used by teachers in MTsN Surakarta 1 as one
of the teaching resources based on curriculum 2013. The subject of this research is four English
teachers and three classes of students in MTsN Surakarta 1, in 2016/2017 academic year.
This research is designed as a descriptive-evaluative content analysis. Content analysis was used
in evaluating the textbook. The procedure is presented as follows:
1. Deciding on Criteria
In this step, the criteria of good English textbooks were determined by taking into
account English curriculum 2013, the criteria of good textbooks, and the checklist
proposed by experts who discussed in the theoretical review.
2. Applying Criteria
In this step, the criteria which had been determined were applied. The textbook was rated
based on the criteria. After that, a description of BRIGHT 1 for year VII students was
made based on the criteria.
3. Summary
In this step, conclusions were drawn based on the rating and descriptions. Then, an
overall evaluation of BRIGHT 1 for year VII was made. The summary about the general
statement of the quality of BRIGHT 1 for year VII was produced.
The data collecting techniques that are used in this research are the checklist of criteria of good
English textbook based on curriculum 2013 and the interview. The data collecting instruments
are a set of checklist for textbook evaluation which is in the form of questionnaire. This research
uses two kinds of data collecting that are quantitative and qualitative checklist.

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