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Concept Paper

A. Basic Information

Project Title: Digitalization of the University of Makati Evacuation Plan: A Proposal

Evacuation Wayfinding System Utilizing Navigation Algorithm and  Routing Protocol

Topic: Navigation Algorithms, Data Analysis and Visualization, (Routing algorithms

or using pre-deployed static plans that are based on prediction and analysis from
evacuee behavior models), On-line evacuation wayfinding algorithms, Off-Line
Evacuation Wayfinding Algorithms


B. Technical Description

Background of the Study:

Natural disasters and emergencies can occur without warning, causing significant
harm to people, property, and the environment. The safety of people, especially those
in high-risk areas, is a top priority for governments and organizations. As such,
evacuation plans have been developed to guide people on how to respond to
emergencies and move to safety quickly. The effectiveness of these evacuation plans
relies on how easily and quickly people can understand and follow them. However,
traditional evacuation plans in the form of paper-based maps, brochures, or signs
may not be adequate or effective in all situations.
The digitalization of evacuation plans offers a promising solution to improve the safety
and effectiveness of emergency response measures. Digital evacuation plans can be
accessed through various digital platforms, such as mobile applications, websites,
and kiosks. These platforms can provide users with up-to-date information about
emergency situations, evacuation routes, and shelter locations. In addition, digital
evacuation plans can be tailored to the needs of specific audiences, such as
individuals with disabilities or non-native speakers.
One of the primary benefits of digital evacuation plans is their ability to provide real-
time information. During an emergency, information can change rapidly, and people
need to have access to the latest information to make informed decisions. Digital
evacuation plans can provide live updates about the status of an emergency and the
location of evacuation centers. This information can be communicated to users
through notifications on their mobile devices or displayed on digital signage in public

Several studies have explored the benefits of digital evacuation plans. For instance, a
study conducted by A. Yilmaz and colleagues (2019) assessed the effectiveness of a
mobile application-based evacuation plan in a hospital setting. The results showed
that the mobile application-based plan was more effective than the traditional paper-
based plan in terms of reducing the evacuation time and increasing the number of
successful evacuations. Another study conducted by K. Shibanoki and colleagues
(2019) evaluated the usability of a digital evacuation guide for people with disabilities.
The results indicated that the digital guide was more effective than the traditional
paper-based guide in providing tailored information to users.

The researchers aim to develop a digitalization of the University of Makati Evacuation

plan as a tool/ an application to direct evacuees out of the hazardous areas in a timely
and safe manner with the assistance of computer aided systems through the usage of
different algorithms,  wherein it can improve accessibility, interactivity and efficiency,
while also offering greater flexibility and scalability compared to a traditional paper-
based plan.

Objectives: General and Specific General Objective:

To develop a digital platform for accessing evacuation plans in various formats, such
as mobile applications, websites, and kiosks.

1. To provide real-time information about emergency situations, evacuation routes, and

shelter locations through the digital platform.
2. To tailor digital evacuation plans to the needs of specific audiences, such as
individuals with disabilities or non-native speakers.
3. To ensure the reliability and robustness of the digital infrastructure to make the plans
accessible to users during an emergency.
4. To address the security and privacy concerns associated with the collection of
personal information by digital evacuation plans.

How did others solve the problem? (15 articles)

1. "A study on the development of a disaster prevention system for safe

evacuation of elderly people" by Kim et al. (2019) proposes a digital platform
that utilizes IoT sensors and AI technologies to provide personalized
evacuation plans for elderly people.

The system works by collecting data from various IoT sensors, such as wearable devices and
environmental sensors, which monitor the physical and cognitive health of elderly people in
real-time. The data is then analyzed using AI algorithms to identify the individual's specific
needs and provide personalized evacuation plans accordingly.
The proposed platform has several potential benefits, such as reducing the risk of injury and
death for elderly people during emergencies, improving the efficiency of emergency
response, and reducing the burden on caregivers and emergency responders.

2. "Development of a digital emergency evacuation plan system for multi-story

buildings" by Lee et al. (2019) presents a system that allows users to access
building-specific evacuation plans through their smartphones.

A digital emergency evacuation plan system for multi-story buildings that allows users to
access building-specific evacuation plans through their smartphones. The system aims to
improve the efficiency and safety of building evacuations during emergencies.
The system works by using building floor plans and data from sensors installed throughout
the building to generate customized evacuation plans for each user based on their location
within the building. Users can access the evacuation plans through a smartphone app that
provides real-time information and guidance during emergency situations.
The proposed system has several potential benefits, such as reducing the time needed to
locate and access evacuation plans, improving the accuracy of evacuation instructions, and
increasing the likelihood of a safe and efficient evacuation.

3. "Design and implementation of a mobile-based emergency evacuation system

for smart buildings" by Wang et al. (2018) describes a system that utilizes a
combination of mobile apps, RFID sensors, and cloud computing to facilitate
emergency evacuations in smart buildings.

A mobile-based emergency evacuation system for smart buildings that utilizes a combination
of mobile apps, RFID sensors, and cloud computing to facilitate emergency evacuations.
The system works by using RFID sensors to detect the location and movement of people
within the building. This data is then transmitted to a cloud-based system, which generates
real-time evacuation plans and sends them to users through a mobile app.
The mobile app provides users with detailed evacuation instructions, including the safest and
quickest routes to exit the building. The app also includes a panic button that users can press
to alert emergency responders of their location in case of an emergency.
The proposed system has several potential benefits, such as reducing the time needed to
generate and disseminate evacuation plans, increasing the accuracy of evacuation
instructions, and improving the speed and efficiency of emergency response.

4. "Smart emergency evacuation system for high-rise buildings using the Internet
of Things" by Kim et al. (2017) proposes an IoT-based system that can detect
emergency situations and provide users with evacuation guidance through
mobile apps and voice announcements.

Smart Emergency Evacuation System for high-rise buildings that utilizes the Internet of
Things (IoT) to detect emergency situations and provide users with evacuation guidance
through mobile apps and voice announcements.
The system works by installing various sensors throughout the building, such as fire and
smoke detectors, and integrating them with an IoT platform. In the event of an emergency,
the sensors detect the emergency and trigger the system to send evacuation guidance to
users' mobile apps and voice announcements through speakers installed in the building.
The proposed system has several potential benefits, such as reducing the response time to
emergency situations, providing real-time guidance and support to users during evacuations,
and enhancing the overall safety and efficiency of the evacuation process.

5. "A novel mobile application for indoor evacuation guidance and real-time
location tracking" by Vakalopoulou et al. (2019) presents a mobile app that can
guide users to safe evacuation routes and track their location in real-time
during emergency situations.

presented a novel mobile application for indoor evacuation guidance and real-time location
tracking during emergency situations. The app aims to provide users with guidance on the
safest and fastest evacuation routes in buildings, and to enable real-time tracking of users'
locations to enhance the efficiency and safety of evacuations.
The system works by utilizing indoor positioning technologies, such as Bluetooth beacons
and Wi-Fi signals, to track users' locations in real-time and provide them with customized
evacuation routes based on their location within the building. The app also includes features
such as voice-guided navigation, real-time updates on the status of evacuation routes, and
the ability to request assistance in emergency situations.
The proposed app has several potential benefits, such as improving the accuracy and
efficiency of evacuation procedures, enhancing user safety by providing real-time guidance
and assistance, and reducing the response time of emergency services.

6. "A smart and adaptable emergency evacuation management system for urban
areas" by Yang et al. (2020) proposes a system that integrates GIS
technology, IoT devices, and big data analytics to provide real-time evacuation
guidance to users.

A smart and adaptable emergency evacuation management system for urban areas that
integrates GIS (Geographic Information System) technology, IoT (Internet of Things) devices,
and big data analytics to provide real-time evacuation guidance to users.
The system works by collecting real-time data from various IoT devices, such as sensors and
cameras, and integrating it with GIS technology to generate a comprehensive map of the
area. The system then uses big data analytics to analyze the map and identify potential
evacuation routes and safe zones. The system can also track the location of individuals in
real-time, which enables it to provide personalized evacuation guidance and support.
The proposed system has several potential benefits, such as reducing the response time of
emergency services, improving the accuracy of evacuation instructions, and enhancing the
safety and efficiency of evacuation procedures.

7. "A mobile-based emergency evacuation system for people with disabilities" by

Kim et al. (2019) presents a system that provides personalized evacuation
plans for people with disabilities through a mobile app.

A mobile-based emergency evacuation system for people with disabilities that provides
personalized evacuation plans through a mobile app. The system is designed to address the
unique needs and challenges faced by people with disabilities during emergency situations,
such as limited mobility or communication difficulties.
The system works by collecting information about the user's disability and individual needs
through a questionnaire on the app. Based on this information, the system generates
personalized evacuation plans that take into account factors such as the user's mobility
limitations, communication needs, and preferred evacuation routes.
The proposed system has several potential benefits, such as improving the accessibility and
safety of evacuation procedures for people with disabilities, reducing the response time of
emergency services, and enhancing the overall effectiveness of emergency evacuations.

8. "Integrating social media data into emergency evacuation planning" by Wu et

al. (2018) proposes a method for utilizing social media data to enhance the
accuracy and effectiveness of evacuation planning.

Proposed a method for integrating social media data into emergency evacuation planning to
enhance the accuracy and effectiveness of evacuation procedures. The proposed method is
designed to leverage the vast amount of real-time data generated by social media platforms
during emergency situations, such as Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram, to provide up-to-date
information on the status of evacuation routes, potential hazards, and crowd movements.
The proposed method works by analyzing social media data using natural language
processing (NLP) and machine learning techniques to extract relevant information, such as
the location and severity of the emergency, and to identify patterns in crowd behavior. The
information is then integrated with GIS technology to generate real-time maps and evacuation
plans that take into account the latest information available from social media.
The proposed method has several potential benefits, such as improving the accuracy and
timeliness of evacuation instructions, enhancing the safety and efficiency of evacuations, and
reducing the response time of emergency services.

9. "Development of a mobile emergency response system for college campuses"

by Wang et al. (2018) describes a system that allows users to access campus-
specific emergency information and evacuation plans through a mobile app.

presented a mobile emergency response system for college campuses that allows users to
access campus-specific emergency information and evacuation plans through a mobile app.
The system is designed to provide students, faculty, and staff with timely and accurate
information during emergency situations, such as natural disasters, active shooter incidents,
or other critical events.
The proposed system works by integrating various data sources, such as weather alerts,
security alerts, and campus maps, into a single platform accessible through the mobile app.
Users can access real-time information on the status of campus facilities, evacuation routes,
and emergency contacts, as well as receive push notifications and updates during critical
The proposed system has several potential benefits, such as improving the awareness and
preparedness of students and staff during emergency situations, reducing response time and
confusion during evacuations, and enhancing communication between campus officials and
the campus community.

10. "An IoT-based smart emergency response system for campus safety" by Guo
et al. (2019) proposes an IoT-based system that can detect emergencies and
provide users with real-time evacuation guidance through mobile apps and
voice announcements.

An IoT-based smart emergency response system for campus safety that utilizes various
sensors and IoT devices to detect emergency situations and provide real-time evacuation
guidance to users through mobile apps and voice announcements.
The proposed system is designed to integrate various data sources, such as surveillance
cameras, fire alarms, and environmental sensors, into a single platform that can detect
emergency situations, such as fire, gas leaks, or active shooter incidents. The system can
then provide users with personalized evacuation guidance based on their location and the
severity of the emergency, using mobile apps and voice announcements.
The proposed system has several potential benefits, such as improving the speed and
accuracy of emergency response, reducing response time and confusion during evacuations,
and enhancing communication between campus officials and the campus community.

11. "Development of an integrated emergency evacuation planning system for

airports" by Kim et al. (2017) presents a system that integrates various
technologies such as GIS, IoT, and mobile apps to provide efficient and
effective emergency evacuation plans for airports.

to provide efficient and effective emergency evacuation plans for airports. The proposed
system is designed to provide real-time information on the location of passengers and staff,
as well as the status of airport facilities, in order to facilitate the safe and timely evacuation of
airport buildings during emergency situations.
The system uses GIS technology to generate evacuation plans that take into account the
layout of the airport, the location of exits, and the capacity of evacuation routes. IoT devices,
such as sensors and cameras, are used to detect emergency situations and provide real-time
information on the status of airport facilities, such as the availability of exit routes or the
presence of smoke or fire.
The system also utilizes mobile apps to provide real-time information and guidance to
passengers and staff during emergency situations. The mobile app can provide customized
evacuation plans and real-time updates on the status of the emergency, as well as alert users
to the location of the nearest exit or evacuation route.
The proposed system has several potential benefits, such as improving the efficiency and
effectiveness of emergency response and management, reducing response time and
confusion during evacuations, and enhancing communication between airport officials and

12. "A smartphone-based emergency evacuation guidance system for urban

areas" by Choi et al. (2016) proposes a system that utilizes smartphone GPS
data and GIS technology to provide users with real-time evacuation guidance
during emergency situations.

proposed a smartphone-based emergency evacuation guidance system for urban areas that
utilizes smartphone GPS data and GIS technology to provide users with real-time evacuation
guidance during emergency situations. The proposed system is designed to overcome some
of the limitations of traditional emergency management systems, such as the lack of real-time
information and the limited scope of communication.
The system utilizes smartphone GPS data to track the location of users and provide them
with real-time information on the safest evacuation routes. The system also uses GIS
technology to analyze and visualize real-time data on the status of evacuation routes, such as
traffic congestion or road closures, and to provide users with alternative routes if necessary.
In addition to providing real-time evacuation guidance, the system also allows users to
communicate with emergency responders and other users through text messages and social
media. This can help to improve the overall communication and coordination during
emergency situations and facilitate a more efficient and effective emergency response.
The proposed system has several potential benefits, such as improving the accuracy and
efficiency of emergency evacuation planning and response, enhancing communication and
coordination between emergency responders and the public, and providing users with a
greater sense of control and safety during emergency situations.

13. "Development of an emergency evacuation system for urban areas using

mobile agents" by Kang et al. (2016) describes a system that utilizes mobile
agents to provide users with personalized evacuation plans based on their
location and destination.

Proposed an emergency evacuation system for urban areas that utilizes mobile agents to
provide users with personalized evacuation plans based on their location and destination. The
proposed system aims to address the limitations of traditional emergency management
systems, such as the lack of real-time information and the limited scope of communication.
The system utilizes mobile agents, which are autonomous software entities that can move
between different systems, to collect real-time data on the status of evacuation routes and the
location of users. Based on this data, mobile agents can generate personalized evacuation
plans for each user, taking into account their location, destination, and other factors such as
traffic congestion or road closures.
The system also allows users to communicate with emergency responders and other users
through text messages and social media and provides real-time updates on the status of
evacuation routes and other relevant information.
The proposed system has several potential benefits, such as improving the accuracy and
efficiency of emergency evacuation planning and response, enhancing communication and
coordination between emergency responders and the public, and providing users with a
greater sense of control and safety during emergency situations.

14. "An IoT-based emergency evacuation system for smart buildings" by Yang et
al. (2019) proposes an IoT-based system that can detect emergency situations
and provide users with real-time evacuation guidance through mobile apps and
voice announcements.

proposed an IoT-based emergency evacuation system for smart buildings that can detect
emergency situations and provide users with real-time evacuation guidance through mobile
apps and voice announcements. The proposed system utilizes various IoT devices such as
smoke detectors, motion sensors, and cameras to detect emergencies and transmit real-time
data to a central server.
Based on the collected data, the system can generate personalized evacuation plans for each
user, considering their location, destination, and other relevant factors such as the severity
and type of emergency. The system also provides real-time guidance to users through mobile
apps and voice announcements, directing them to the safest and fastest evacuation routes.
In addition, the proposed system allows emergency responders to access real-time data on
the status of the building and the location of users, enabling them to respond more effectively
and efficiently to emergency situations. The system also includes a monitoring and control
center that allows building managers to track and manage the status of the system and make
necessary adjustments to improve its performance.
The study by Yang et al. (2019) highlights the potential of IoT technology to enhance the
effectiveness and efficiency of emergency evacuation systems in smart buildings. The
proposed system has several potential benefits, such as improving the accuracy and speed of
emergency response and evacuation, enhancing communication and coordination between
users and emergency responders, and increasing the overall safety and security of smart
buildings during emergency situations.

15. "A web-based evacuation planning system for large-scale events" by Chen et
al. (2018) presents a web-based system that allows event organizers to create
and manage evacuation plans for large-scale events such as concerts and
sports games.

presented a web-based evacuation planning system for large-scale events that enables event
organizers to create and manage evacuation plans for different scenarios, including fire,
terrorist attacks, and natural disasters. The proposed system utilizes GIS technology to create
2D and 3D models of the event site and its surroundings and allows organizers to simulate
different emergency scenarios to evaluate the effectiveness of their evacuation plans.
The system also provides real-time updates on the status of the event, such as the number of
attendees, their location, and the weather conditions, to help organizers make informed
decisions during emergency situations. Moreover, the system allows organizers to
communicate with attendees through various channels, such as SMS, email, and social
media, to provide evacuation guidance and updates.
The proposed system also includes a dashboard that displays real-time data and alerts
related to the event and allows emergency responders to access the system and coordinate
their response efforts with event organizers. The system can also generate reports and
statistics on the effectiveness of the evacuation plans, which can be used to improve future
emergency preparedness for large-scale events.
The study by Chen et al. (2018) demonstrates the potential of web-based systems and GIS
technology to enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of evacuation planning for large-scale
events. The proposed system has several potential benefits, such as improving the accuracy
and speed of emergency response and evacuation, enhancing communication and
coordination between organizers and attendees, and increasing the overall safety and
security of large-scale events during emergency situations.

How do you intend to solve the problem:

To solve the problem of digitalization of evacuation plans, I propose to develop a

user-friendly digital platform that allows users to create, store, and access evacuation
plans digitally. The platform will enable users to easily create evacuation plans by
providing them with customizable templates and tools for adding essential information
such as emergency contact numbers, evacuation routes, assembly points, and
hazard locations.

The platform will also incorporate features for real-time updates, allowing for quick
and efficient distribution of updated evacuation plans to all relevant parties. This will
ensure that everyone involved in an emergency situation has access to the most up-
to-date information to facilitate safe and effective evacuations.

Target users / Beneficiaries:(Describe each Beneficiary)

1. Students: Students are one of the primary beneficiaries of a digitalized

evacuation plan. In the event of an emergency situation, such as a fire or
natural disaster, students are often the most vulnerable and in need of clear
and concise evacuation instructions. With a digitalized evacuation plan,
students will have easy access to the information they need to evacuate safely
and efficiently. This will help to ensure that students are not left behind or
placed in harm's way due to confusion or lack of information.

2. Admins: Administrators are responsible for the safety and well-being of all
individuals within a given facility, and as such, they have a critical role to play
in emergency preparedness and response. With a digitalized evacuation plan,
administrators will have access to a centralized platform for creating, storing,
and updating evacuation plans. This will help to ensure that all relevant parties
have access to the most up-to-date information, and will facilitate better
communication and coordination among stakeholders. Additionally, a
digitalized evacuation plan will help administrators to meet regulatory
requirements and ensure compliance with safety standards.

3. Employees: Employees are another important beneficiary of a digitalized

evacuation plan, especially those who work in large buildings or facilities.
During an emergency situation, employees need clear and concise instructions
on how to evacuate the building safely and quickly. With a digitalized
evacuation plan, employees can access the information they need on their
mobile devices or computers, which can help them navigate the evacuation
process more efficiently. This can also help to reduce panic and confusion,
which can be a common occurrence during emergency situations. Additionally,
having a digitalized evacuation plan in place can help to increase employee
morale and job satisfaction, as it demonstrates that the employer takes their
safety and well-being seriously.
Significance of study:

The significance of this research lies in its ability to contribute to the development of
more effective emergency response systems. By studying the benefits and challenges
of digitalized evacuation plans, researchers can identify areas for improvement and
develop best practices for implementing these systems.
In addition, this research has practical implications for various stakeholders, including
administrators, emergency responders, and the general public. By providing a more
efficient and effective way to distribute emergency information, digitalized evacuation
plans can help to reduce confusion and chaos during an emergency situation, and
can help to ensure that everyone is working together towards a common goal.

1. A digital platform for storing and distributing emergency information: This
platform will provide a centralized location for emergency information, including
evacuation plans, floor maps, and emergency contact information.
2. Mobile application: The mobile application will be designed to provide access
to the digital platform from mobile devices. It will allow users to access
emergency information and receive alerts and notifications during an
emergency situation.
3. Implementation plan: The project will include a comprehensive plan for
implementing the digital platform and mobile application. This plan will include
details on how to integrate the platform with existing emergency response
systems and how to train individuals to use the platform.
4. Testing and evaluation plan: A testing and evaluation plan will be developed to
ensure the effectiveness of the digital platform and mobile application. This
plan will include user testing and evaluation of the system's ability to provide
clear and concise emergency information.
5. Training materials: The project will include training materials for individuals
responsible for using the digital platform and mobile application. These
materials will provide step-by-step instructions on how to use the system, as
well as tips for responding to emergency situations.
6. Final report: A final report will be prepared detailing the results of the project,
including the effectiveness of the digital platform and mobile application, and
recommendations for future improvements.

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