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Alan Turing was an English scientist who was born in 1912 (nineteen twelve) in

He studied mathematics and cryptology and during World War II, he was a leading
participant in wartime code-breaking, particularly that of German ciphers.
He worked at Bletchley Park where he made five major advances in the field of
cryptanalysis, including specifying the bombe, an electromechanical device used to
help decipher German Enigma encrypted signals.
This is said to have shortened the second World War.
Turing also wrote two papers about mathematical approaches to code-breaking.
He first introduced artificial intelligence in his 1950 (nineteen fifty) paper, named
"Computing machinery and intelligence," and proposed an experiment known as the
“Turing Test”.
Over the past decades, the test has influenced debates over artificial intelligence.
Since homosexuality was illegal in the UK at the time, when he admitted he had had
a homosexual relationship, he was arrested.
Turing died in 1954 (nineteen fifty four) due to cyanide poisoning.
The remains of an apple were found next to the body.
On the twenty third December 2013 (twenty thirteen) Queen Elizabeth the second
granted him the Royal Pardon, which is an official order given by a king or queen to
stop the punishment of a person accused of a crime.
Now I will talk a bit about cryptography.
Cryptography is the study of techniques to avoid third parties to be able to
understand private messages.
The word comes from Greek words, and the Greek invented a first simple
cryptography code.
Then the Roman ruler Julius Caesar invented a new encryption code called Caesar
Cipher in which each letter was substituted with the one following it by three
After this, codes weren’t used much until sixteenth century, when cryptoanalysis
was born.
The Vigenère cipher is the best-known example of a polyalphabetic cipher. In a
polyalphabetic cipher, the key is a string, so it’s much more complex to decrypt.
RSA is a modern cipher based on Asymmetric Encryption. The algorithm is based on
a math rules based on the difficulty of finding large prime numbers. This problem is
called prime factorization.

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