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Submitted by:
Joey Madelaine A. Bagsit

BSN 2208
AY 2022 - 2023

Presented to:
Course Instructor
It has been a while since I have written a research paper and it never felt this good.
Undertaking the task of writing a research paper after an extended period and discovering an
enhanced sense of satisfaction is truly invigorating. The process of crafting a research paper offers
a unique combination of intellectual rigor, meticulous investigation, and comprehensive analysis.
Engaging in this endeavor not only provides an opportunity to explore a subject matter of
personal interest but also contributes to the broader academic community's knowledge and
understanding. Moreover, the act of crafting a research paper cultivates valuable skills such as
analytical thinking, logical reasoning, and effective communication, all of which contribute to
personal and academic growth. Thus, the renewed enthusiasm felt upon returning to the realm of
research paper writing is a testament to the joys of intellectual exploration and the gratification
that accompanies contributing to the body of knowledge.
Nevertheless, the process of conducting this research presented its fair share of challenges.
Our block had recently concluded our clinical duties, leaving us with only a few weeks before the
research colloquium. Time emerged as a formidable adversary, threatening our ability to complete
the task within the allotted time frame. To counter this, we implemented a well-organized
distribution of tasks among team members, aiming to ensure the timely completion of our paper.
My assigned responsibility was to review the related literature—a task that initially filled me with
confidence due to my proficiency in this area. However, I soon discovered that some areas of
literature were remarkably elusive, making it difficult to locate the necessary resources.
Additionally, we found ourselves contending with the demands of the CONAHS Fest, an event
that our block was participating in. Balancing the responsibilities of both tasks proved to be
challenging, yet I approached the situation with a lighthearted and joyful demeanor, finding
enjoyment in the process of accomplishing both endeavors.
In preparation for the research colloquium, our block had formed several committees, and
I was appointed as the head of the technical committee. This came as no surprise to me, as I had
already served in a similar capacity in one of the organizations I belonged to. A few days before
the colloquium, we held dry runs to ensure that everything was proceeding smoothly. However,
during our live Facebook practice, the equipment I was using malfunctioned, causing a
desynchronization of the audio and video. We had to act quickly and seek assistance from another
technical committee. As the head of the technical committee, I found this experience to be
incredibly challenging, as I was consumed by adrenaline and pressure. Nevertheless, my team
members were kind and supportive, reassuring me that we were doing our best and that
everything would turn out fine. Despite this setback, we managed to pull off a successful event in
the end.
Moreover, during our group's allotted time for the question and answer segment of the
research colloquium, we were confronted with unexpected inquiries. While it is customary to
encounter challenging questions in such events, we were taken aback by the specific question
posed to us. Fortunately, Yvette, one of our group members, displayed remarkable quick thinking
and promptly suggested employing a pre-test and post-test methodology to assess the
effectiveness of our application. Through collaborative efforts, we managed to respond effectively
to the questions posed to us, ultimately showcasing our preparedness and adaptability in the face
of unforeseen challenges.
The research colloquium serves as a platform to present and highlight the various research
projects undertaken by students, symbolizing a celebration of science and technology within the
nursing field. It is not only our block that achieved noteworthy accomplishments through our
research endeavors, but also other second-year blocks who accomplished remarkable studies.
Being part of the organizing committee itself was an additional achievement, as it allowed me to
contribute to the event's success behind the scenes. Furthermore, the triumphant outcome of the
entire research colloquium can be attributed to our unwavering dedication and relentless efforts to
complete this task.

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