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Submitted to PPG Prajabatan Program of Widya Mandala Catholic University Surabaya
as a Requirement for Mid-term Test of Semester 1




In modul ajar, there are 3 main parts that are general information, core competencies, and

appendices. These analysis will be reported part by part as follows.

A. General Information

In this part of modul ajar, there are some information provided. The first is the identity in

the modul ajar. Here all the components are completed except for the information about the

semester. The teacher did not include the semester in which the modul ajar will be used. This

can be seen from figure as follows.

Figure 1. The identity in modul ajar

In the figure shown, there is no information about the semester in which the modul ajar will be

implemented. There should be the information about the semester because it is important part of

the general information of the modul ajar. The second part is about capaian pembelajaran,

domain capaian pembelajaran, indicators, tujuan pembelajaran, and ATP. In the modul ajar,

there are no capaian pembelajaran, indicators, and ATP. Those essential parts should have been

in the modul ajar as those components are the among the main core of the modul ajar. In the

next part, the teacher included prior knowledge which is important since it consists of the
previous materials should be mastered by the students before starting the new lesson. It gives the

students and the teacher a general overview about the next lesson. In profil pelajar pancasila

part, the teacher made use all six aspects of profil pelajar pancasila that are berakhlak

mulia, berkebinekaan global, independence, collaboration, critical thinking, and creativity. The

minimum aspects of profil pelajar pancasila included are three aspects in each modul ajar.

Making use all the aspects of profil pelajar pancasila is good, but the teacher needs to pay

attention to the assessment of each aspect and the more aspects are included, the more time is

needed to design the assessment. In pemahaman bermakna, the teacher provided the meaningful

learning which refers to the lesson that is applicable to the students’ real daily life. It is neccesary

for teacher to include it as the implementation of the lesson in the real daily life can be seen

through pemahaman bermakna. In the aspects of sarana and prasarana, the teacher already

stated the facilities needed for the laerning activities including the internet network, modul,

technology, and other facilities. The aspect that was not mentioned is the classroom and

laboratory. This part is also important for teachers as it will make teachers easier in preparing all

the facilities needed before the lesson is started. The next part is targeted-students. In this part,

the teacher mentioned the students that would be taught in the class. By including this

information, the teachers can know the strategy and the materials that are suitable for the types of

the students. For example, if there are some special need-students, the teachers will need extra

strategy and perhaps materials for the students. In term of mentioning the number of students,

the teacher did not write it in modul ajar. Writing down the number of the students will be taught

is also important for managing the class. For example, if the teachers want to give any printed

materials or assessment, the teachers can prepare as many as needed. It is also easier for the

teachers to do the grouping if the teachers know the number of the students in the classroom
beforehand. The availability of the material was not included. There should be some varied

materials for the regular students, slow-learner students, and high achieving students. Because

basically all students are unique and have different characteristics, the teacher should provide

more varied materials that can meet the need of all types of students. In the modul ajar, the

teacher also mentioned all the tools or equipments needed in the classroom including the

teaching media and the sources for the teacher and the students. The teacher also included the

method, mode, and student arrangement. In contrast, there was no approach mentioned. The

approach is the essential part of the modul ajar because it gives the overview of the general steps

in the teaching and learning process in the classroom.

B. Core Competencies

In the aspects of core competence, there are trigerring questions, learning activities,

assessment, enrichment and remedial, and reflections. In the the modul ajar, the teacher attached

the triggering questions that enable the students to be curious and stimulate the students’ critical

thinking skills. The examples of the triggering questions in the modul ajar are “ have you ever

met a stranger or foreigner?”, “If yes, where do you meet them?”. The learning activities in the

modul are divided into two meetings. In the first meeting the missing part is the group

discussion. It should have been included because the group discussion is an important part in

kurikulum merdeka that represents the students’ collaboration. In the asseement, the teacher

attached all the types of assessment except assessment for profil pelajar Pancasila. It should

have been attached for assessing the students’ non affective aspects of profil pelajar Pancasila.

The enrichment and remedial assessment were also included. The enrichment is for the students

who have high achievement while the remedial is for the students who have low achievement. In

the modul ajar, there is no reflection both for the teacher and the students. It should have been
attached because reflection is the essential part in which by providing the reflection both teacher

and the studnts can do the evaluation about the learning activities they have done. It will be

beneficial for the improvement of the teaching-learning activities.

C. Appendices

In the aspects of appendices, there are student worksheet, materials, bibliography, and

glosarium. In the modul ajar, the teacher attached the students worksheet but there is no scoring

rubrics for the assessment of cognitive, skill, and non-cognitive (profil pelajar Pancasila). The

scoring rubrics are significant parts of the modul ajar as the rubrics allow the teacher to measure

students’ achievement in the area of cognitive, non-cognitive, and skills. In addition, the teacher

provided the bibliography for the learning and teaching sources as well as the glosarium. In

addition, bibliography allows the students to access the sources of the learning materials and the

glosarium will help the students understand about some vocabularies related to the material


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