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Development of Dragonfly Identification Field Guide

Application in Jatimulyo Tourism Village Integrated with

Values of Local Potential: Feasibility and Student Responses
Ishadiyanto Salim1, a) and Yuni Wibowo2, b)
Master of Biology Education, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta,
Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Department of Biology Education, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta,
Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Corresponding author:

Abstract. This study aims to determine the feasibility and student responses of dragonfly identification guide mobile
application for tenth grade students in field study activities of biodiversity in Indonesia. This research is a research and
development with a 4D model (define, design, develop, and disseminate) and a pretest posttest control group design.
Assessment of the feasibility of dragonfly identification guide mobile application is carried out by material experts,
media experts for product feasibility, biology teachers as assessors of practicality, and student responses to know the
readability of the product. The data collected were analyzed using descriptive analysis. The results show that the
dragonfly identification guide application compiled in Jatimulyo Tourism Village has very good quality in aspects of
material, presentation, software engineering, usage, and display and has good quality in the language aspect. Readability
tests by students get a percentage of 85% with a positive response. Therefore, the dragonfly identification guide mobile
application integrated with values of Local Potential in Jatimulyo Tourism Village is feasible to be used for senior high
school students.

In this Industrial Revolution era, everything continuously changes, and this results in rapid development in
technology [1]. Nowadays, we are in the industry 4.0 which changes how people work, turning it into automation
and digitalization [2]. Science and technology development in the industry 4.0 happens rapidly and is unavoidable,
for one of the examples is in the educational field [3]. Science and technology development requires the educational
world to adjust to it to improve the quality of education [4]. Technology application in the educational world could
be used as a tool in various interests such as a Learning Management System (LMS) platform, as learning resources,
as a learning media, and as a tool for administrative matters [5]. Integrating education with technological advances is
done in hopes of improving the quality and effectiveness of learning in schools [6].
The result of the observation done before the Covid-19 pandemic in Public Senior High School 1 Girimulyo in
Kulonprogo shows that the teachers already use smartphone as a learning media, even though it is only used as a
tool to look for learning sources not as a tool where they could use an application as a learning media. One of its
impacts shows that the students cannot focus on their study because there is no special application prepared by the
teachers to support the learning activity in class. The use of smartphones as a learning media because the average
student in Indonesia already has a smartphone [7] and a smartphone is not a foreign item, especially for students in
Indonesia, and in general students are more interested in reading and socializing using smartphones [8].
Furthermore, the fact that the learning activity in 2020/2021 is done online or students learn independently in their
homes, and they are directed by the school because of Covid-19 pandemic only heightens this impact [9], so
learning in the 2020/2021 school year cannot be implemented directly in schools [10]. To prevent the transmission
of the Covid-19 virus, according to the policy of the government of the Republic of Indonesia, independent learning
is carried out [11].
In this observation result, the biology teacher needs a special application that could be used in android-based
smartphones, and this is enhanced by the observation result of students in Public Senior High School 1 Girimulyo
wishing that there will be a practical and flexible learning media that could be used in smartphones. Therefore, the
students’ skills in using technology could be cultivated and utilized by using smartphones as a learning media.
Application running in smartphones is expected to be one of the easy solutions to have virtual learning. Online
learning, however, is an effective solution in this situation amidst the raging Covid-19 pandemic.
Learning materials about biodiversity in the tenth grade which contains Basic Competencies 3.2 analyzing
various levels of biodiversity in Indonesia as well as their threats and conservation is very important material in
learning, especially in knowing local flora and fauna. Another important learning in knowing flora and fauna on the
biodiversity subject is the efforts to preserve those flora and fauna [12]. Improving the quality of science learning
outcomes can be achieved by inviting students to have real experiences through activities that can involve them with
the environment and local potential around them [13]. The result of the observation done in Jatimulyo Tourist
Village in Kulonprogo District shows that there are several diverse faunas. Some faunas which have high diversity
in Jatimulyo tourist village are bird, which reaches eighty species of birds some of which are protected bird species;
one hundred species of butterflies, two of which are protected; thirty species of dragonflies, five species of which
are endemic to Java; two kinds of snakes, and seven kinds of lizards. Moreover, there are several types of
dragonflies that are endemic to Java Island. The abundance of water sources and its clear, unpolluted water quality
found in waterfalls and rivers in Jatimulyo Tourism Village area are very important for the survival of various kinds
of fauna, including the dragonflies.
Jatimulyo Tourist Village, as a beautiful natural tourist destination in which a variety of fauna can be found,
should have a potential as a place or a biology learning resource. Biology learning based on local potential can be
applied effectively in learning activities [14]. Another research shows that local wisdom can be used as a learning
resource and basic knowledge to innovate in the biology learning process. Students can observe the environment or
use their knowledge to solve problems in everyday life that originally come from local wisdom, conservation, and
preservation of natural resources through education [15]. This makes the biology learning process more meaningful
so that the learning objectives or learning competencies can be achieved properly [16]. Biology learning with
problem solving activities based on local potential can activate students' cognitive structures to critically analyze
problems that occur in their environment and creatively find solutions to problems based on the values contained in
local wisdom which are used as learning resources [17]. Therefore, this research will discuss the development of
local potential based dragonfly identification guide application in Jatimulyo Tourism Village. This research is
expected to provide insight related to learning media that can be applied in schools. This study aims to determine the
feasibility and student responses of dragonfly identification guide mobile application for tenth grade students in field
study activities of biodiversity in Indonesia.

This research is a research and development which produces a dragonfly identification guide as a learning media
to study the biodiversity materials for the tenth-grade students. This research and development use a 4-D model
(Define, Design, Develop, and Disseminate). This research is started with define stage where the observation to
schools and analysis of the observation results on local potential takes place. The observation is done by analyzing
the curriculum being used, analyzing the learning process, and analyzing the school condition. The purpose of this
action at define stage is to find out the type of learning media that is suitable for students to achieve learning
objectives. The second stage is design stage in which designing learning media that can answer the students’ needs
and designing suitable presentation of learning materials strategies in hopes of achieving expected goals and results
take place. The third stage is developed stage. In this stage, the validation is carried out by material experts, media
experts, and biology teachers. Validation by material experts and media experts is done by lecturers in Yogyakarta
State University and validation by biology teachers is done by biology teachers in Public High School 1 Girimulyo
in Kulonprogo. The tenth-grade science students in Public High School 1 Girimulyo will also give their responses
for the results of the said media development. The last stage is disseminated stage which is the results of media
development to other schools and intellectual property rights registration.
The data processed from this study were obtained by using media expert validation sheets, material expert
validation, biology teacher validation, and questionnaire responses from students for the developed media.
Validation was done by using Likert Scale questionnaires with very good, good, poor, and very poor interpretation.
The purpose of this validation is to determine the feasibility of the developed media.
The data analysis technique used in this research is descriptive analysis by calculating the percentage score of the
validation results from material experts and media experts, as well as responses from students. Data analysis was
carried out using the formula [18]:
research score
Ideal Percentage = ×100%
ideal maximum score (1)

The feasibility level of the developed media is based on the percentage of research score such as the criteria in the
following table:

TABLE 1. Feasibility Criteria

Percentage (%) Category
80.00 – 100 Very Good
60.00 – 79.99 Good
50.00 – 59.99 Less Good
00.00 – 49.99 Not Good


The result of this study is a mobile application for dragonfly identification guide in Jatimulyo Tourist Village in
Kulonprogo. According to the development of 4D stage (define, design, develop, and disseminate), a detailed
discussion of each stage will be presented as follows:

Define Stage
Observation activities and limited interviews are carried out at Public High School 1 Girimulyo, Kulonprogo.
The analysis result on the observation activities carried out on the curriculum used by the teachers shows that they
already use the curriculum of 2013. The analysis of the learning process happened in class shows that the learning
process is unable to attract the students’ attention as they are not directly involved in the learning process. Other
things found is that students do not use any media in the learning process, and there are students who exhibit bad
attitudes such as not paying attention to the teacher explaining the learning materials. There are students who only
focus on their smartphones, unrelated to the biology learning that is being taught by the teacher. Limited interviews
conducted with some students is related to the local potential around the school, which is in Jatimulyo Tourism
Village. The interview result shows that the students are not aware of the local potential in Jatimulyo Tourist Village
which could be used as a learning resource or learning media. The students are unable to mention the local potential
they have, unable to mention the current environmental issues, unable to analyze the environmental conditions, and
if faced with certain problem students are unable to find a solution to it.
Needs assessment of several aspects such as curriculum, school conditions, learning process, and students’
characters is important to do as it can be used in obtaining information that will be used in media development. The
aforementioned information that has been obtained is problems that become references in product development. The
solution to these problems is to develop a practical learning media by using smartphones where its usage is aimed
for students to be motivated and interactive while learning biology, especially on the biodiversity subject.

Design Stage

The second stage is design stage in which there are five stages, namely application framework preparation, in-
app material preparation, product systematics preparation, flowchart making, storyboard making and wireframe
making, and evaluation tool design. This dragonfly identification guide application that is operated by using
smartphones is created using Android Studio software and a database from Google Firebase.
This dragonfly identification guide application has some menus that could be used by students, such as:
Homepage, Preface, Get to Know Dragonflies, Get to Know Jatimulyo Tourist Village, Dragonfly Observation
Guide, Dragonfly Identification Guide, Dragonfly Identification, Observation Notes, Quiz and Developer Page.

(a) (b) (c)

FIGURE 1. Display of the dragonflies’ identification guides mobile applications. (a) Display of Homepage. (b) Display of the
dragonflies’ identification guides mobile applications Menu. (c) Display of the dragonflies’ identification guides mobile
applications Material

Development Stage

The third stage is developed stage which includes prewriting, drafting, validation, revision, and readability tests.
In this stage, an initial draft of a dragonfly identification guide application in Jatimulyo Tourist Village is produced.
This application was made not based on the results of observations and the needs of the application maker but based
on the needs of application users that are known from the analysis stage [19]. In this stage, validation is also carried
out by material experts, media experts, and biology teachers. In the prewriting stage, a search as well as study of
references and related bibliography to support and assist the application development process are carried out. The
next stage is writing draft where many things are carried out, such as: making mockup using Adobe XD software,
editing photos, and writing a content draft in Microsoft Word, preparing application prototypes with Android Studio
software, setting up an app database on Google Firebase, and inputting the results of content draft to the app
database. The next stage is validation by experts.

Validation of Material by An Expert

Validation is done by three material experts and three media experts. The chosen experts are lecturers from
Biology Education, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Yogyakarta State University. The validation done
by the material experts is based on material aspects or the truth of concepts and the description aspect of each type
of dragonfly. The validation result done by the material experts on the dragonfly identification guide application can
be seen in Table 3.
TABLE 2. The validity of dragonfly identification guide application by material experts
Components Percentage (%) Category
Material Aspect 98.17% Very Good
Description of Dragonfly 92.22% Verry Good

According to the results of the assessment done by material experts in table 2, it is found that three material
experts give different evaluations to the concept being assessed. Assessment results done by three material experts
shows that on the “true” criteria frequently arises with 98,17% while on the “false” criteria obtains 1,83%, hence the
“true” criteria become modus in this research. Some incorrect concepts are improved based on suggestions and input
from the material experts.
Material experts also give an assessment of the description aspect of the type of dragonfly and the language used
in describing the type of dragonfly in the Dragonfly Identification page. The assessment consists of thirty indicators
describing the type of dragonfly. Based on table 2, the description of the types of dragonflies in the dragonfly
identification guide application has a “very good” category. The material experts also give some suggestions for
improvement if there is any conceptual error because of incorrect use of language. An example could be found in the
sentence, “Dragonflies lay their eggs in the water,” which has an incorrect concept as not every dragonfly lays its
egg in the water, and the correct concept would be, “Generally, dragonflies lay their eggs in the water”. Another
example of incorrect use of language can be found in the word “habitat”, “venation”, “moulting”, and “mandible”.
Besides that, another example could also be found in the sentences that have multiple meanings and sentences that
are convoluted or difficult to understand.

Validation of Media by An Expert

Validation done by media experts is based on some aspects such as presentation, language, software engineering,
usage, and display. The validation result done by media experts on the dragonfly identification guide application can
be seen in Table 3.
TABLE 3. The validity of dragonfly identification guide application by media experts
Components Percentage (%) Category
Presentation 87.12 % Very Good
Language 79.54 % Good
Sofware Engeneering 93.05 % Very Good
Usage 91.66 % Very Good
Display 84.37 % Very Good

The validation aspects by media experts used to assess the mobile application are presentation, language, usage,
display, and software engineering [20], [21]. Questionnaire consists of presentation aspect which has 22 indicators,
language aspect which has 11 indicators, software engineering aspect which has 6 indicators, usage aspect which has
5 indicators, and display usage which has 8 indicators. From the assessment done by three media experts, the result
is shown in Table 3. Based on the validation result, the software engineering aspect has the highest percentage score
compared to the other four aspects. The language aspect., according to the validation result, has the lowest
One of the suggestions given by the media experts for improvement in the language aspect is to edit some
sentences that still have double meanings and some sentences that still cause misconception. Furthermore, media
experts also give suggestion to improve some sentences that are hard to understand and change it into simpler
Apart from the language aspect, the media experts also give suggestions for the construction of instructions for
using the application that still needs improvement, and the chosen icon on the navigation menu button which seems
less tangible hence it could confuse the user. The assessment results and the suggestions provided by these media
experts will later be used as material for product improvement in dragonfly identification guide application. A good
android-based media quality can be seen from three aspects which are: technical aspects such as operation, content,
and design being used. Material and media validation results in the dragonfly identification guide application can be
declared feasible to be applied in the learning process with the category "good” and “very good".
Validation of Media by Practitioner

The readability test is carried out to determine the assessment of biology teachers and the students’ responses to
the quality of dragonfly identification guide application. The readability test is done by giving out an assessment
instrument in the form of a questionnaire to two biology teachers and 17 students at Public High School 1
Girimulyo. The first readability test is done by the biology teachers in Public High School 1 Girimulyo who have
experience in outdoor learning activity to evaluate the quality of dragonfly identification guide application. The
instrument is arranged by including some aspects such as material, presentation, language, usage, and display. Here
is the result of assessment done by biology teachers on the dragonfly identification guide application in Jatimulyo
Tourist Village. The validation result done by biology teachers on the dragonfly identification guide application can
be seen in Table 4.
TABLE 4. The validity of dragonfly identification guide application by Practitioner
Components Percentage (%) Category
Material 82.95 % Very Good
Presentation 87.50 % Very Good
Language 86.36 % Very Good
Usage 87.50 % Very Good
Display 87.50 % Very Good

The result of validation done by biology teachers who have evaluated the quality of dragonfly identification
guide application shows that out of five aspects being evaluated, the highest percentage are in the presentation
aspect, usage aspect, and display aspect and those have the same score, and then the lowest percentage is in the
material aspect. Suggestion and input from the biology teachers to improve the material aspect in the dragonfly
identification guide application is to add more materials regarding cases or environmental issues which are currently
happening around the students, and to add some materials about climate change so the media being arranged could
be used as another relevant subject in the biology learning. The validation assessment that has been carried out by
practitioners regarding the content of the material and media developed is declared feasible to be used in learning
activities with the "Very Good" category.

Student Responses to Dragonfly Identification Guide

Feedback from students is made to know the responses to the dragonfly identification guide application’s
product quality, and the compiled questionnaire is based on the material aspect, display aspect, presentation aspect,
language aspect, and usage aspect. Here is the feedback from students on the dragonfly identification guide in
Jatimulyo Tourist Village.
TABLE 5. Student responses for dragonfly identification guide application
Components Percentage (%) Category
Material 88.24% Very Good
Display 77.64% Good
Presentation 91.17% Very Good
Language 88.23% Very Good
Usage 82.35% Very Good

Based on the responses received from the students’ evaluations, it is found that there are four aspects which are
rated as “very good” and only one aspect which is rated as “good” in the display aspect. The students find that in the
display aspect, the dragonfly identification guide application has a design model that still needs improvement so that
the user could be more comfortable in using it, and to attract more attention for the students to learn it. The
responses from the students on the dragonfly identification guide application get the "Good” and “Very Good"

The validation result of material experts, media experts, and practitioners or biology teachers shows that the
media is deemed feasible in the learning process with categories given by the experts (the material experts and
media experts) are “good” and “very good”, category given by practitioners is “very good”, and the students’
responses to the media are “good” and “very good”. So that the dragonfly identification guide application integrated
with Local Potential was feasible to be used by educators in learning Biodiversity in class X high school students.
This research was limited to product feasibility assessment, so that further research is expected to be developed to
determine the effectiveness of the product being developed. In addition, the development of dragonfly identification
guide application in future research was expected to be used on desktop and Android, so that it can provide more
varied choices to students.

The author is grateful to Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta for providing opportunities, facilities, and guidance to the
authors to conduct research. In addition, we would like to thank the biology teacher and students of SMA N 1
Girimulyo for their assistance.


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