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NAME OF TEACHER APPLICANT: _______________________________________________________________________ DATE: ________________________

Directions: Share how you exhibited the objectives by writing specific situations from your experience/s as a teacher, practicum student, or in other related
instances. Be guided by the questions/prompts provided. Limit your response to a maximum of 10 sentences.

observable Narrative and Reflection

How do you maintain a learning environment responsive to your community's context? Describe the context in your area
and share teacher practices that contribute to the further improvement of your community.
Maintaining a learning environment responsive to a community's context requires understanding the community's unique characteristics, needs, and values. Teachers can conduct a
needs assessment to identify their community's most pressing educational issues. This could involve gathering data from students, parents, community leaders, and other stakeholders
to understand the community's specific educational needs better.
Once teachers better understand their community's context, they can incorporate practices responsive to its unique needs. Here are some examples of teacher practices that can
contribute to the further improvement of a community:
OBJECTIVE 6 1. CULTURALLY RESPONSIVE TEACHING: Teachers can incorporate culturally responsive teaching practices that honor their students' cultural and linguistic diversity.
This includes recognizing and valuing their students' cultural backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives.
Maintain learning 2. COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIPS: Teachers can partner with local organizations, businesses, and community leaders to create meaningful student learning experiences.
environments that are These partnerships can help students connect their learning to real-world experiences and provide opportunities for students to contribute meaningfully to their community.
responsive to 3. PERSONALIZED LEARNING: Teachers can implement personalized learning strategies for each student's unique needs and interests. This includes using technology to
provide customized learning experiences, using data to inform instructional decisions, and providing opportunities for students to engage in self-directed learning.
community contexts. 4. CULTIVATING A POSITIVE CLASSROOM CULTURE: Teachers can create a classroom culture that fosters a sense of belonging, respect, and accountability. This
includes promoting positive behavior through rewards and recognition, creating a safe and supportive learning environment, and using restorative practices to address conflict
and build positive relationships.
In conclusion, maintaining a learning environment responsive to a community's context requires understanding the community's unique needs and values and incorporating culturally
responsive, personalized, and community-centered practices. Teachers who prioritize these practices can help create a more equitable and empowering learning experience for their
students and contribute to improving their community.


Rating: Exemplary (5 pts) Fully Acceptable (3 pts) Not Fully Acceptable (1 pt)

This tool was developed through the Philippine National

Research Center for Teacher Quality (RCTQ) with support
from the Australian Government.
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observable Narrative and Reflection

How do you develop your teaching practice in accordance with the existing laws that apply to teaching and the
responsibilities specified in the Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers? How do you develop your teaching practice in
accordance with existing regulations?
First and foremost, teachers should be familiar with the laws and regulations that apply to teaching in their
jurisdiction. This includes education, child protection, labor, and civil rights laws. Teachers must ensure that their teaching
OBJECTIVE 7 practices comply with these laws, and they should seek guidance from their school administration or legal counsel when
Review regularly they are still determining how to comply.
personal teaching In addition to legal compliance, teachers should also be familiar with the Code of Ethics for Professional
practice using Teachers. This code outlines the ethical and professional responsibilities of teachers, including their responsibility to
existing laws and promote the welfare of their students, maintain their professional competence, and maintain a high standard of integrity
regulations that and dignity.
apply to the
teaching profession To develop their teaching practice by the Code of Ethics, teachers can engage in ongoing professional
and the development and reflective practice. This can include attending professional development workshops or conferences,
responsibilities participating in peer observation and feedback, and reflecting on their teaching practice to identify areas for improvement.
specified in the Teachers can also seek opportunities to collaborate with colleagues, engage with parents and community members,
Code of Ethics for and participate in school and district committees to stay informed about new regulations and policies affecting their teaching
Professional practice.
In summary, teachers can develop their teaching practice by existing laws and regulations and the Code of Ethics
for Professional Teachers by being informed, engaging in ongoing professional development and reflective practice,
collaborating with colleagues and stakeholders, and staying up to date with changes in policies and regulations that affect
their teaching practice.

Comments from the Evaluator:

Rating: Exemplary (5pts) Fully Acceptable (3pts) Not Fully Acceptable (1pt)
observable Narrative and Reflection

This tool was developed through the Philippine National

Research Center for Teacher Quality (RCTQ) with support
from the Australian Government.
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Which practices do you show care, respect, and integrity to learners, colleagues, parents, and other education
stakeholders? How do these practices uphold the dignity of the teaching profession?
I can provide some insights on practices that demonstrate care, respect, and integrity towards learners, colleagues, parents, and
other education stakeholders and how these practices uphold the dignity of the teaching profession.
1. ACTIVE LISTENING: Listening actively to learners, colleagues, and parents shows teachers value their input and perspectives.
Active listening involves being fully present, asking open-ended questions, and reflecting on what has been said to ensure
2. EMPATHY: Showing empathy towards learners, colleagues, and parents means putting oneself in their shoes and understanding
OBJECTIVE 8 their perspectives and feelings. This helps to build trust and understanding and can lead to more positive relationships.
Adopt practices that 3. PROFESSIONALISM: Demonstrating professionalism means upholding the highest standards of ethical and moral behavior in
uphold the dignity of all aspects of teaching. This includes being accountable for actions, maintaining confidentiality when appropriate, and always
teaching by acting with integrity.
exhibiting qualities 4. COLLABORATION involves working with colleagues, parents, and other education stakeholders to achieve common goals.
such as a caring Collaborating can lead to more effective and efficient problem-solving, increased engagement and motivation, and improved
attitude, respect, and learner outcomes.
integrity. 5. CONTINUOUS PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: Engaging in continuous professional development demonstrates a
commitment to improving one's teaching practice and staying current with the latest research and trends in education. This can
lead to improved learner outcomes and a more respected and valued teaching profession.
These practices uphold the dignity of the teaching profession by promoting a positive and supportive learning environment,
fostering trust and respect between teachers and learners, colleagues, and other stakeholders, and demonstrating a commitment to
ongoing growth and development as a professional educator. When teachers consistently show care, respect, and integrity towards all
stakeholders, they uphold the highest standards of ethical and moral behavior in the teaching profession, leading to a more positive
perception of the profession in society.

Comments from the Evaluator:

Rating: Exemplary (5pts) Fully Acceptable (3pts) Not Fully Acceptable (1pt))
observable Narrative and Reflection
What co-curricular and/or extra-curricular organizations and/or activities did you participate in that enabled you to

This tool was developed through the Philippine National

Research Center for Teacher Quality (RCTQ) with support
from the Australian Government.
Page | 3
share your knowledge and enhance your teaching practice? How did your membership in this organization or
participation in this activity contribute to your professional development?
Co-curricular and extra-curricular organizations and activities can allow teachers to engage with learners and colleagues outside of the
classroom. This can help teachers develop new skills, deepen their understanding of subject matter, and gain new perspectives on teaching and
For example, teachers might participate in a professional learning community (PLC) where they collaborate with colleagues to develop new
OBJECTIVE 9 teaching strategies, analyze student data, and reflect on their teaching practice. This can help teachers stay current with the latest research and trends
in education and improve their teaching practice.
Participate in
professional networks Teachers might also participate in community service projects, cultural events, or other extra-curricular activities that allow them to engage
with learners and other stakeholders in new and meaningful ways. These activities can help teachers better understand their learners' needs and
to share knowledge
interests and provide opportunities to build positive relationships with learners, colleagues, and other stakeholders.
and enhance practice.
In addition, teachers might join a professional organization related to their subject area or teaching specialty. Professional organizations can provide
access to resources, professional development opportunities, and networking opportunities that can enhance a teacher's knowledge and teaching
In summary, participating in co-curricular and extra-curricular organizations and activities can enhance a teacher's knowledge and teaching
practice by providing opportunities for collaboration, professional development, and engagement with learners and other stakeholders. By
participating in these activities, teachers can stay current with the latest research and trends in education, deepen their understanding of the subject
matter, and gain new perspectives on teaching and learning.

Comments from the Evaluator:

Rating: Exemplary (5pts) Fully Acceptable (3pts) Not Fully Acceptable (1pt)

Applicant’s Signature over Printed Name

This tool was developed through the Philippine National

Research Center for Teacher Quality (RCTQ) with support
from the Australian Government.
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