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Behavior Change

64% of mothers reported a change

in parenting behavior as a result of having a height chart in their home.

“Now we can see the changes in terms of the height of our children and what happens when we give them
nutritious meals. Before, I only gave my child snacks.”
—Mother, Messah island

“Because of the height chart I am more concerned with what I feed my child and sanitation. And now my
daughter is not sick as much as she used to be.”

—Mother, Komodo Island

“Now I wash my hands often and I can see the weight and height of my child increasing.”
—Mother, Rinca Island
Allows parents to visualize &
understand growth
Packed with essential
Developed & designed by moms
47 cm for moms
24,000 Height Charts
25 Islands
65 Posyandu
500 Frontline health workers
World Bank Pilot Results
Key Findings:
65% of caregivers were able to define stunting and 48% were able to explain
why stunting is important—a significant increase from a baseline of 4%.

On the frontline village health workers side, while at baseline only 35% felt
confident explaining key aspects of stunting and stunting prevention, this
figure more than doubled to 73%.

Additionally, the continuous follow-up and community level meetings

contributed to all three villages rendering additional budget allocations to
finance activities aligned with the prevention & reduction of stunting.
Designed by Moms for Moms

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