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can you share with us a person who overcome obstacles that you admire ?

I’m going to tell you about a businessman that I really admire and respect. This is Elon
Musk.He is co-founded and leads Tesla, Space. Over the years, he has been compared to
the likes of Steve Jobs even Iron Man

What did he through in the past to become successful today?

Acoding I reasrech that Musk was born in South Africa. As a child, Musk was so lost in his
daydreams about inventions. In grade school, Musk was short, introverted, and bookish. He
had been violent in school until he was 15. He did shared that: “I was raised (rây) by books.
Books, and then my parents.”
Today He ranks as the second richest person in the world have admiration of the almost
when did BtS overcome the obstacle (óp ti cồ ) and how long did it take them?
– Hỏi Anh.
Is Edison a source of your motivation? Why is that? Hỏi Vinh
why do you admire him like that ?
BC : Elon Musk's success ( sắt sít) has been an inspiration to many entrepreneurs
(on trơ phơ nou) and businessmen. His story consists of several challenges.. But on top
of that, I look up to the man mostly for his attempts to change the wold.

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