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Elon_musk inspiration quotes

Why did you choose Elon Musk as your favorite entrepreneur? What catches your
attention on this entrepreneur among others?

When asked on one interview: ,,What made you so audacious to invent the
future”, Elon Musk replied: “I don’t really think of these things as audacious,
they seem like natural things to do. Sort of long-term optimisation, rather
than a short-term one.“

Elon Musk as the man behind Paypal, Hyperloop, SolarCity, Tesla Motors and
Space X has drastically transformed industries like the automobile, space and
finance one. Paypal has changed ecommerce; the futuristic Tesla electric car
has a pollution free benefits; SolarCity works on finding cost efficient
alternatives using solar energy and SpaceX is into space colonization and has
sent the first private vehicle to Space.

He dared to make reality out of what some people would say is unimaginable. In
fact, he dared to achieve as high as he can dream. And he dreams big for sure!

Do you find similarities between him and you?

First of all, I admire the altruistic personality trait of Elon Musk. This
characteristic is very rare to be find especially in the business world! A
world that revolves around money most of the time and as it is said — money
have no soul.

I have read a lot about him, but one sentence he has said especially comes to
my mind. He said:“I think what matters is the actions, not what people think of
me in the future. I’ll be long dead. But the actions that I take, will they
have been useful?”

When I started Youth4Love — humanitarian and social organization and when I

founded Inception Enterprises, the first question I asked myself was: “ Will
they be useful for people?” Youth 4Love is a winner of a CIRA award for most
philanthropic organization and Inception Enterprises` goal is solving a crucial
problem as the unemployment is. So, I can proudly say: “Yes, they will!”,
without the fear of sounding pretentious.

Secondly, Elon Musk is a risk taker as I am. The main thing about risks is
that the results from them are always extreme — defeat or victory! In the same
time, one can not be a risk taker if he is not extremely motivated and driven.
For instance, even after 3 launch failures of the SpaceX rocket, Elon instead
of admitting defeat, launched Spacex rocket for the fourth time. This risk made
him a winner!

Throughout my business career I have had a lot of failures and I have felt
miserable while experiencing them. I have been broke and I am familiar with the
feeling of being underestimated and ridiculed. But, hey look at me now, I am a
CEO of Inception Enterprises — a successful company and a participant in
something as big as the Global Entrepreneurship Summit. So, my motivation and
risk-taking personality has brought me a victory for sure!

Which Elon`s personality trait motivates you the most as an entrepreneur?

There is a video on YouTube of Elon Musk shortly after the third consecutive
failure of the Falcon I rocket. It is recorded in August 2008. In this video,
the interviewer asks Elon if he thought of giving his idea up. Elon replies:
,,Never.”.You can see it in his eyes that the confidence of his ideas and
visions is absolute.

Eight weeks later, the company launched another rocket. This time around
everything worked. So the answer to this question is — his determination, never
to give up.

As a child I was restlessly temperamental so my father used to say to me that

I am going to be a shepherd when I grow up, in order to stimulate me to study
more. Considering my modest background and upbringing, people used to not take
me very seriously when I spoke about my ideas and visions as an entrepreneur.
During my failures I sometimes had doubts in myself like every human being
sometimes has. One thing I have never doubted is the value of my ideas. Giving
up has never been an option and that has worked in my favor so far.

Elon Musk inspires me. Why? Well, it's because Elon Musk is a man with a
vision and the determination to see that vision through. He has been my role
model since I was young and his go-getter attitude and will to succeed is one
that all should have. His ability to be passionate and persistent in spite of
multiple failures sets him apart from most people who would give up after one
or two attempts at something new. Elon Musk created his own rules, did not
follow the standard set by others and as such he's not a human who will fail
easily because he puts all his energy into achieving his goals in life which
makes him inspiring people all over the world through his actions and words

Elon Musk has been my role model since I was young.

Elon Musk is a man who has achieved great success in his life. He founded
Tesla, SpaceX, and Solar City. He's made billions of dollars from these
companies and still continues to innovate new ideas every day. He's also a
great family man.

He has three children named Kimbal, Tosca, and Nikolai Musk (but you probably
know him as "Musk the First").

His go getter attitude and his will to succeed is one that all should have.
Elon Musk is an inspiration to many people. He is a go getter, which means
that he tries his hardest to do as much as he can and achieve what he wants to
achieve. He also has a will to succeed, which means that he does not give up
when things get hard. Instead, he pushes through the hard times so that he can
achieve his goals in life. Elon Musk shows us how important it is for us all to
have these qualities of being a go getter and having a will to succeed so we
can be happy with ourselves and our lives!
His ability to be passionate and also persistent to keep going forward even
after multiple failures sets him apart from most.

Elon Musk is an inspiration because of his ability to be passionate and

persistent at the same time
He is always optimistic and not afraid to take risks, even after multiple
failures. Elon Musk has been described as a visionary who can see what others
can’t by being able to look at things in a different way than others. His
ability to innovate also sets him apart from most people.
He has repeatedly shown his willingness to try something different, even if it
means going down a path less travelled by others or taking another route than
what everyone else seems comfortable with.
Elon Musk is an entrepreneur who is not afraid to break the rules and create
new ones. Elon Musk has created his own rules and has not followed the
standard. He has used his knowledge, skills and expertise to create new
businesses and products for people around the world.
I admire Elon Musk because he does not follow any of the rules that are set by
society or other companies like Apple or Google. This makes him stand out from
other entrepreneurs because he does what he wants no matter what anyone thinks
about it .
Elon Musk is an inspiration to many people all over the world, he has shown us
that if you want something bad enough it will happen. I am thankful for the
life lessons that Elon Musk has given me through his actions and words.

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