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Module: leadership

Name: AL Hussein Mohamed Elsayed

Module leader: Dr Nagwan Abu El-Ella

Assistant lecture: Noha

Id: ai00766

Submission date:
Question 1: How does Musk exhibit each of the major leadership traits? Which
traits do you think he is strongest in? Are there any where he is weak?

Elon musk is a strong leader because he had the ability to articulate a compelling vision. He not
only has the incredible knowledge, but also the way to accomplish the amazing vision. His
articulation of an incredible vision is best illustrated by the fact that California is investing $68
billion in a high-speed rail line between Los Angeles and San Francisco, which will cut travel
time from three hours to two hours at a speed of 200 miles per hour. Hyperloop is Elon Musk's
response to this venture; it is a high-speed rail line that would transport passengers between Los
Angeles and San Francisco at a rate of 800 miles per hour. The implementation of his plan will
take eight years and cost around $10 billion. Elon Musk's lack of fear in the face of danger is
another one of his remarkable qualities and in other words is risk taking so as a leader. Musk is
such a confident trailblazer that he invests his own money in his ventures. He has invested over
$100 million in SpaceX, $10 million in SolarCity, and roughly $55 million in Tesla Motors out
of his own pocket in the past. The huge benefits he reads from his actions, however, make it

People management is one of the leadership skills that Elon Musk is promoting. He can make the
best decision for progress. Elon Musk does not hire just to fill positions in his company; rather,
he hires the best person the first time. He prepares his employees for success. He can discover
talent by placing workers in jobs that are typical of their social ascribes. According to Elon
Musk, "It's like baking a cake if you're attempting to create an organization. You must have all of
the fixings in the correct quantities." Furthermore, he generally demands that representatives lose
their ability if they are forced to do something they are not capable of doing. Similarly, if
employees are happy and enthusiastic about their jobs, they will bring success to the

Elon Musk excels at critical thinking issues that arise during the completion of any project. He is
qualified to screen the issues and determine a bit-by-bit arrangement. Elon Musk himself
recommends three basic steps to address various issues. He distinguishes and characterizes the
assumptions from the start. When he encounters a well-known issue or challenge, he simply
records his assumptions about it. He also divides the problem into its major standards. Elon
Musk once said of this fundamental advancement, "Consider information to be a type of
semantic tree. Before you get into the leaves/subtleties, make sure you understand the
fundamentals, such as the storage compartment and massive branches. Otherwise, they won't
have anything to cling to." Finally, after distinguishing and separating the issues or assumptions,
he begins to make new imaginative arrangements without any prior planning. As a result, I
believe that this is his strongest trait because critical thinking is a rare trait in people, and it is this
ability that has enabled him to accomplish all of this and become one of the best pioneers who
have ever lived.

…………………………………………………..needs improvements
Question 2: Describe how far Musk exhibits each of the Big
Five personality factors. Which of these do you think are
most important in making him a successful leader?


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