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Most of us believed that COVID-19 started in the year of 2020. But COVID-19 really started on
December 31, 2019 in Wuhan, China. It was not yet known and prevalent in the Philippines and
in other countries at that time. But what really is COVID-19?
COVID-19 is caused by a new type of CoronaVirus which is the severe acute respiratory
syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). The Most common symptoms of COVID-19 are fever,
cough, loss of smell or taste and tiredness, while it's less common symptoms are sore throat,
headaches, aches or pains, diarrhea, a rash on skin, or discoloration of fingers or toes, red or
irritated eyes. There are also some serious symptoms that include difficulty breathing or
shortness of breath, loss of speech or mobility, or confusion chest pain. A person who has
COVID-19 can either be Symptomatic or Asymptomatic. Symptomatic case is where you can
feel and see that you have symptoms of COVID-19, while Asymptomatic case is someone who
can feel no symptoms but tested positive in laboratory tests.

On January 1, 2020 the U.S Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) identified that a
seafood market in Wuhan, China is suspected to be at the Centre of the Outbreak. On 30th
January 2020, The World Health Organization or also known as WHO declared the Outbreak of
COVID-19 a Public Health Emergency of International Concern, and declared it as a Pandemic
on 11th March 2020. Where almost all the Continents in the World have COVID-19 cases except
Antarctica. Most of the Countries including China, Italy, and many Europe and Asian Countries
have implemented Lockdowns. It is prohibited to go outside where there are many people and
implement Social Distancing and to always wear a mask when going out. In those months that
passed, many things happened. Outbreaks, Quarantine, and many Variants of COVID-19
emerged and became dominant. Many Deaths over 400, 000 and rising. This Year, 2021, many
vaccines are made for Adults and also for 12 years old and above. Many Countries are now
COVID Free and started Face to Face classes and works. Only the Philippines and Venezuela are
the last countries in the World where schools are shut down due to COVID-19.

The COVID-19 Pandemic not just affected the People’s Physical Health, but also the People’s
Mental Health. Many feared, many became anxious, many became depressed, many became too
stressed, many lost love ones, many became jobless. We feel like there is no hope left, we feel
drained, we feel pressured. There are many what ifs, many worries. But we overcame it. Now it's
been 1 year since COVID-19 Pandemic started, yet here we are striving to live and making the
most of our life, here we are waking up every morning.
COVID-19 Pandemic also has it's advantages. You see, when Pandemic started We see the true
value of life, we see the value of our Family, we spend more time to bond with them, we learned
to take care of ourselves and be hygienic, we learned to use other Technologies other than
cellphones, and of course We learned to be humble and to run to God, The one and only Living
God. We learned that without God in our Life, we are clearly nothing but a sinner who can't save
his/her self.
This Pandemic teaches us not only to be hygienic but to also be appreciative of small things and
value our life and the people around us and our Relationship with God.

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