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Lesson Plan in

Music 8
I. Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
a. discuss the geographical and cultural factors that influenced music in the region,
b. discuss Indonesian Gamelan ensembles and their instruments and
c. differentiate between Javanese and Balinese Gamelan ensembles.
II. Subject Matter:
a. Topic: Music of Southeast Asia: Geographical, Historical, and Cultural Background;
Indoesia’s Gamelan
b. Reference: Explore the Wolrd of MAPEH 8
c. Materials: Powerpoint Presentation

III. Procedure
a. Motivation
 The teacher shows a map of Southeast Asia.
 The class will be grouped into five.
 The students locate the 11 countries that are part of the region, and mark them
with stars and answer the following questions:
o Describe the location of each country.
o What countries are their neighbors?
o Is it part of the mainland, or is it an island or group of islands?
o Name one tourist spot per country.
b. Activity
 Classify the following instruments according to Hornbostel-Sachs classification.
Write whether the instrument falls under aerophones, membranophones,
idiophones, or chordophones.
Boanang barung Siter or celempung
Celung Kendang
c. Analysis
 The teacher will play video clips about the different instrument and asks the
students about the similarities and differences of each of the following
d. Abstraction
 Influences from Outside the Region
 Religion and Music in the Region
 Indonesia as the largest archipelago in the world.
 The Gamelan Ensemble
o Gong ageng
o Bonang
o Saron barung
o Gambang.
o Rebab
o Kendang
 Two main kinds of Gamelan ensembles in the country
o Javanese and Balinese.
 Two basic tuning systems used for both Javanese and Balinese Gamelan:
o Slendro
o Peloq
e. Application
 With the same groupings, the students willlook for materials around you that can
use as instruments. Create a short piece that mimics the sounds of nature, and
perform it in class.
IV. Generalization:
 The teacher asks students about the topic.
V. Evaluation:
Fill in the blanks with the correct answer.
1. The____________ is the rack gong of Gamelan.
2. When Indonesians want to express happiness in the piece they commonly use the
__________________ tuning.
3. _________________ is the cyclical playing of music, in which each cycle is marked by a
periodic punctuation..
4. _________________ is a distinct element found in Balinese Gamelan music in which a
pair of gongs, one of them de-tuned, is played together, creating a sound similar to a tremolo..
5. ______________ is the dominant religion in Java.
6. Name a European country that colonized a part of Southeast Asia.
7. The european countries Portugal and the Netherlands made ____________ impact in
Southeast Asia.
8. Britain and France acquired colonies in the region to use as sources of goods such as
9. Indians brought ____________________, ____________________, and
____________________ to Southeast Asia.
10. ____________________ is a famous gong ensemble from Indonesia.
VI. Assignment
 Using the Venn Diagram, show the similarities and differences of music in
Javanese and Balinese

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