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ENG 301 -Table of Contents Topic Pages Formal/informal Emails 14.15 Questionn: 24-25 For and Against Essay 34.35 Report 44-45 Transport Describing Information from a Table 54.55 Literature and Online Film Review 64-65 Final Exam Writing Questions Formal/Informal Emails (Layout) E Writing (1): Formal /Informal Emails i, 2 yl cha ss Tor 11 ‘Subject: Invitation for ... invitation Time + Place Details about invitation Formal Email 1- Invitation 2- Accepting an invitation 3- Rejecting an invitation Informal Email 1- Invitation 2-Accepting an invitation 3-Rejecting an invitation Formal Invitation «iis: Question: Ima first students 1e that you are involved in organizing a school party for the your school this year. Write an email to invite Mr. Adams, the human resource expert to give a speech in the party next month. Your name is Noor Ali. To : From: Subject: Invitation to a speech Dear Mr. Adam, 1 am pleased to write this email to you. | know that you are very special in your career. Therefore, | would like to invite you to give a speech in our party for the students next month because I am involved in organizing the school party this year. The speech would last for about an hour, 45 minutes for the speech and 15 minutes for the questions. | would be grateful if you could come with your whole team as we expect a great presentation. As well, | would like to inform you that many people are eager to attend your presentation. | would appreciate it if you talked about the issues that mainly concern the students in this age such as, how to choose the future career and the most important skills needed for it. Please check the attached document to learn more details about the program. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. | look forward to hearing from you. Yours sincerely Noor Ali Party Organizer A reply to a formal email “accept” 56: Js Question: You have recently received an a speech in the school party for the first students this year as you are a human resource expert. Fortunately, you will be able to attend it as you are free during this, time, but you need more details about the event. Thank you for your invitation to give a speech in your school party for the first students next month. | would be grateful to attend such an important event. I would like to inform you that I would prepare a special presentation for your event as you planned. Moreover, | would come with my whole team to do a perfect presentation. Therefore, we need a data show and good quality speakers. Be sure that I would use all my experience to let your event succeed, Please, could you let me know much more details about your event? For example, how many eople do you expect to attend the party? What is the age average for them? nally, what time would you like me to come exactly? Moreover, would you like me to focus over certain issues that mainly interest the students? look forward to hearing from you. Yours sincerely Mr. Adams Refuse an In nas ies ay Question: You have recently received an invitation to give a speech in the school party for the first students this year as you are a human resource expert, but unfortunately, you will not be able to attend it as you are engaged during this time. From: Subject: Invitation to a speech (Refusal) Dear Ahmed Ali, Thank you for your n about giving a speech in your school party for the first students next month. I do appreciate your great invitation. I am afraid that | will not be able to attend the party because | will be very busy during this time. | have to travel to Dubai for three weeks to give different speeches in the university about how to manage your future career. If you wish, I could recommend one of my colleagues to speak in my place. Mr. Simone is one of the excellent speakers in our field. He will be a great presenter and will enrich your m Once again, | would like to apologize for not attending with you and for any problems caused. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you organize another event in the future. Yours sincerely, Mr. Adams Sam Informal Email- 4) 4 J++! Question: Imagine that you are involved in organizing a school party for the first students in your school this year. Write an email to invite one of your friends, Ahmed, who graduated to give a talk about his work experience the party next month. Your name is Noor Al To : ahmed. From: Subject: Invitation to a party Dear Ahmed, I'm happy to write this email to you. | know that you're very successful in your career. That's why; I want to invite you to give a talk about your work experience in our party for the students next month because I'm involved organizing the school’s party this year. The talk will be for an hour, 45 minutes for the talk and 15 minutes for the questions. | need you to speak about issues that really interest the students such as, your work experience and how did you get your first job? Also, how can you cope with your new friends. Did you face any problems and what did you do to solve them? As well, | like to tell you that many students are waiting for your presentation and you can be very useful for most of them as you're very close to each other in age and life experience. Check the attached document for full details about the program. If you have any questions, please contact me. See you soon! Love, Noor A Reply to an Informal Email "Refuse" es oe es Cab Question: You have recently received an invitation to give a talk in the school party for the first students this year as you were a former student in this school, but unfortunately, you won't be able to come to it as you are busy during this time. To : From: Subject: Invitation to a party (Refusal) Dear Sara, Thanks a lot for your emai the first students next month. 1g me to give a tal feel very proud to your school party for ite me for this event. However, | won't be able to be with you. Sorry, I won't be able to come to your event because I'm very busy during this time as my brother is going to have an operation and I should stay with him in the hospital for two weeks. Therefore, I won't be ready to give a good talk and manage a debate in these conditions. I really wished to come to such an important event, but unluckily, the time isn’t suitable for me. If you want, I can recommend one of my friends to speak in my place. He can give an excellent talk concerning the topic of the event. Once again, sorry for not coming with you and for any problems cause: Please, contact me if you organize another event in the future. See you soon! Love, Noor A Reply to an Informal Email “accept” wets ab St Bye le Tal go Question: You have recently received an invitation to give a talk in the school party for the first students this year as you wore a former student in this school. Fortunately, you will be able to attend it as you are free during this time, but Dear Sara, Thanks for your em: ting me to give a talk in your school party for the first students next month. I feel very proud to be invited me for this event. Therefore, I'll be happy to come to such an important event. | like to tell you that I'll prepare a special presentation for your event as you planned. Moreover, I'll come with a group of my friends to do a perfect presentation. Therefore, we need a data show and good quality speakers. Be sure that I'll use all my experience to let your event succeed. Please, can you give me more details about your event? For example, how many people will come to the party? What is the average age for them? Finally, what time do you like me to come exactly? Also, do you like me to focus over certain issues that mainly interest the students? Waiting for your reply very soon, good-bye for now. Se you soon! Love, Noor Writing (2): Questionnaire cy! How to write a questionnaire? The aim of the questionnaire . The aim of this questionnaire is to investigate the e instructions of the questionnaire . Example : Please answer the given questions. Please choose one answer. Information of respondents. - Name / Age/gender (Female -Male)/Country Choose the style of the questionnaire. 1- Open-ended 2-Close-ended 3- Scaled questionnaire A questionnaire about air pollution (Questions examples) The aim of this questionnaire is to investigate the issue of air pollution. Please answer the following questions: Name 2 rn 4-How would you rate the overall air quality in your city now compared to last year? Excellent © Good © Baa « 2, What do you think are the main causes of air pollution in your city? 3. To what extent isthe air pollution affecting you? Very much affected Afecteda litle © Novateoted at all 4, In which of the following ways are you affected? Please select all applicable. Breathlessness/having more difficulty in breathing Doing less outdoor activities Doing more to look after my skin qda140 Doing more to stay healthy Please rank on your level of concern. with 1 -higheat concern and 7 lowest concern. ‘5- Do you have additional comments about the air pollution situation in your city? Writing (3): For and Against Essay 12) ao yiss ai Introduction “Give general background about the topic. (92+) oe Giga Gs *Mention the aim of the essay. is) isp) 4s Body “Argument for the topic. (Give facts, examples and reasons) shpat y GMliadly 11 ppeatig Alia) 383 0 & pagal Gael) cull 61) Gada gt * Argument against the topic. (Give facts, examples and reasons) ADAM ny HIS 61M oy A JS gg gal a Oa fall il Conclusion *Your own opinion. 92s) 28) 4) 8 *Recommendations. § 9) 25 0 For and Against Essay » E-books are better than traditional books” Write a for and against essay in response fo this topic. Include these ideas: for and against points and support your argument with examples and facts. In recent years, technology has played an important role in our lives and it is involved in almost every part of it. In this essay, I will discuss whether e-books should replace traditional books. It is true that technology is very vital in different fields. Firstly, technology helps us a lot in saving time to do other things. Secondly, it is very useful in many ways. You can use it in your job for communication purposes. Finally, there is always something to do with technology wherever you go. One the one hand, many people argue that e-books are better than traditional ones in so many ways. Firstly, e-books are so much easier to use than normal ones. In simple terms, you can find any information on search engines without any efforts. In addition, having books on devices will make students’ and teachers’ lives easier as problems with not bringing the book or leaving at home will not emerge. Moreover, books are lighter than traditional books, so students will not suffer from back pain. On the other hand, many other people think that traditional books are better than e- books because traditional books are cheaper than e-books. It is also clear that reading from screens affects your eyesight. Also, some people love having an actual book rather than a book on devices. In conclusion, | believe that e-books are better than normal books because it is more fun to study with it. All in all, both e-books and traditional books have advantages and disadvantages. i: Introduction: Who requested the report? * i) is di th oa What is the title of the report? * 11) su When to submit the report? § 28) 20 os Facts and Finding Write general facts and findings about the topic. (Write 4 points) BEI le ¢ pagal CF Gila clase AS ay Conclusion: Mention the experts’ opinion. Ewasall FlySll 61) Say Recommendation: Write recommendation and advice. (Gi) Had Jos pe Epa yal gi Udall glny ealy Cuayi is a= mn Herbal medicines Eng 301 Unit 4 Medicines free Use the notes on page 166 to complete the report on Herbal medicines Report on Herbal medicines introduction: This report ~ by Department. It investigates Herbal Remedies and considers -- The report was to -- Facts and findings: 1- Herbal remedies were developed during the early ages of ancient civilization. Many illnesses were treated with natural materials such as leaves, seeds and even roots extracted from herbs. Conclusion Recommendations It is recommended that patients: Eng 301-Unit4: Medicine- Writing a Short Report Report on Herbal Remedies Introduction: This report was requested by Mr. Ali Nader general health department. It investigates herbal remedies and considers wh hether they are effective and safe. The report was to be submitted by 21 march 2019, Facts and findings: ‘+ Herbal remedies were developed during the early ages of ancient civization. Many lihesses were treated with natural materials such as leaves, seeds and even roots extracted from herbs. 2-there are various origins of herbal medicines: western, m Egyptian and Indian. Each civilization has its unique way of prescribing and treating, Sherbal remedies are considered safe by most users and experts because the ingredients are natural and chemical-free. On the other hand, not all herbs are safe for medical use. 4-some medical journals say that herbal remedies do not have sufficient healing effects ‘on all cases. However, some studies have found that conventional medicines are more effective in treating certain illnesses. Conclusion Scientific experts and users of herbal remedies are divided about their benefits. However, herbal remedies are considered to be safe due to their naturally formulated elements. Some herbal medicines have a harmful effect on the body. But there are many beneficial ones that can help cure diseases that modern medicine has failed to cure, Recommendations: Itis recommended that patients: © consult their doctor before using herbal remedies. get advice from a registered herbalist before taking any remedy. understand that symptoms can get worse before they get better. read the instructions of usage carefully before using herbal as medicines. ‘buy herbal products from an established outlet. For example, a reputablehealthcare center. should not believe all the claims they read on the packaging of a herbal product. Report Your teacher has asked you to write a report on the effectiveness of online learning when compared to traditional learning during the pandemic lockdown. Here is a model answer. Introduction This report was requested by my class teacher. It investigates the effectiveness of online learning in educating students compared to traditional face-to-face learning. This report was to be submitted by the end of the first semester. Facts and Findings 1. The COVID-19 has resulted in closing schools all across the world. Globally, over 1.2 billion children are out of the classroom. 2. Online learning has proved to have positive effects for student learning outcomes but there are some safety concerns and ‘some negative health impacts on the kids with long hours spent in front of the computer screens. 3. Some teachers and students consider face-to face learning more effective as it provides better interaction between the teacher and the student and this is mainly needed for young learners. 4. Online learning requires a greater amount of reading and assignments than traditional classes. Conclusion Educationalists and students are divided about the extent of effectiveness of online learning when compared to traditional face-to-face learning, Recommendations Itis recommended that: + parents check on their children’s technology use regularly. ‘+ feedback and support for students should be individualized for online learning, rather than given to the entire group. ‘+ while students work through the online course material parents should be there to support, encourage, and nurture their kids’ development as learners. (but they should not do the work for their children) + blended learning should be empowered, Conclusion (Para 4) Choose different figures to compare and contrast The table shows 2015 statistics for passenger traffic at 10 different internation: airports from various countries. The information shows 2014 and 2015 ranks and the percentage of change in the number of passenger traffic. Hartfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport moved up to the first place. Based in the USA, it transports just over 100 million passengers. Bejing Capital International Airport maintained its ranking in the second place with a slightly smaller percentage change in passenger numbers than Hartfiled-Jakson Atlanta Airport. Dubai International Airport had a significant increase in the number of its passengers which was recorded as 10.7%.lts ranking also rose by 3 places. Chicago had a similar boost in passengers, and its ranking rose by three places. Similarly, Hong Kong airport rose to two places. In contrast, the two European airports both dropped by one place in the ranking. Over: the change in ranking and total passengers were less than the previous year, Most airports in the top ten saw a huge rise in passenger numbers, although Dellas/Fort Worth had a slight jump in the number of passengers. Introduction: 1+ Film's title, pli! olsie us 2+ Film's author. oli) ys pul Ase 3+ Film's director. ali < As aul Us 4+ &-Main characters, Asi Glued) pleal Si 5 Film’s type. ... GJ gauss — GAS all e553 Write a summary of the plot, ll Giss! ce GaSe Aus 2 Mention the setting (Time and place) iy <9 si 3. Comment on the main characters, culisal slsi ce cites Liss 4 Comment on the plot, cil! isa) ge cits 4 Conclusion: 1. State your opinion about the film. Did you like it or not? Why? Sas ¥ 9) isl Ja, alll c= es) 2 Doyou recommend the film? Why? "kal *¥ sill Less Se 89! aos da Eng 301- unit 6 Film Review Fill in the blanks with the correct words from the box: Directed death live hero. romance * scene . Rose saves iceberg film roles cousins best "plot actors Last weekend, I saw a great 1, -~ Called “Titanic”, I watched it yith my sisters and 2, was 4. in my grandmother's house. It is one Of the 3. ......u...films I have ever seen. It «by James Cameron, Titanic is an English 5. film that was produced in 1997. The actors who play main aes are Leonardo i Caprio as Jack and Kate Winslet as Rose. The film tells the story of a huge ship, which sets off from England towards America. Jack, the7. .... Of the film, wins tickets to travel on Titanic with his friends. On the board of this ship, he meets a beautiful rich and young lady called 8. .. - He falls in love with her and they spend wonderful times together. Unfortunately, as the ship is sailing, it hits a huge 9. “use and sinks causing the tragic 10... Of a lot of passengers including the young artist, Jack. The 11, -. IS very interesting and the 12. are talented and brilliant. The best 13. that I like about this film is when Rose tries to commit suicide and Jack 14. . her, Also, I like the music and effects as they are really great. Overall, this is such a wonderful film that everyone’should see because it is full of interesting events that make you feel that YOU 15. cc every Moment of the film. Film Review- Prison Break * Prison Break” is a first-class action film. It was first released at the United States. The main characters of the film are Michael Scofield and Fernando Sucre. The duration of the film is about two hours. This famous film is directed by Paul Scheuring . “Prison Break” tells the story of Michael Scofield who used to work as an engineer. Before deciding to help his brother who got framed for murder, Michael created a smart plan to help his brother to escape from Prison. The plot of the film is interesting and well-written. Michael is a very clever man who would use his intelligence to achieve his goals. He also cares for his friends and family which is why he came up with his plan to rescue his brother. He is respected by his friends and other prisoners. There are many strong and memorable scenes in this film. The best scene was when Michael saved his brother. This scene is well written and directed. “Prison Break” is a great action film with great plot twist and unpredictable events. Each minute would make you on the edge of your seat. I highly recommend watching this film. ENG 301 - Final Exam Writing Questions WRITING: Choose A or B (8 marks) (A) Your friend, Noor, is a student who has a part time job in a big supermarket. Write anemail (120 words) inviting him/her to give a speech to his/her classmates to toll them about his/her experience: (i.e. advantages, problems etc.). Your name is Sabah. OR (B) “All subjects should be taught in English in government schools". Write an essay (200- 260 words) discussing this topic. WRITING: Choose A or B (8 Marks) (A) Your friend, Noor, went to an English language summer camp in UK last summer holiday. Write an email (120 words) inviting him/her to give a presentation to a group of students who will attend the same course this year which might include (i.e. the advantages, possible problems, pieces of advice etc. ) Your name is Sabah. OR (B) Some sports like football, weightlifting and bodybuilding are suitable for men only. Write an essay ( 200 - 250 words) discussing this topic. "A) Some experts argue that there Is a link Delween obesity and depression in both directions. Write a report to your school magazine using the notes below. ] Sonctusion | better understanding of the causes of obesity “Minimizing depression effects 0 ‘Recommendstions Raising social ewareness (Importance of mental and physical neath ) information sources World Health Organization Facts = More than 300 milion people - ive with depression. “Depression - can eause - i neath (., abost). ~ At least 2.8 millon people dle each year — cause: overweight cor obesity + 38%, Individuals with obesity ~ subject to humiliation. (rom ‘amily, riends. during social events, at work ote.) ¢neressod epression = Obesity teanagers, cllcton (mostly affected ~ 700 miion children) —bet eetetecten may denon retome of dreson | Tat eivermat fone, sot samen Reconssanieinniesnr rrr sagt scones oy es aaa = Then nm ren ad ttn B) Write an online review of a film you have seen recently. Make sure you include the following hints: (film genre, the setting(s), main actor(s), a brief summary of the film, explain why you liked /hated the film, what wasiwere your favorite scene(s)) - use the appropriate adjectives and adverbs ‘The bar chart below shows the expenditure in France &The UK in 2017. Write a report (120-150 words) summarizing the information in the bar chart and describing the main features. port layout Expenditure in France & The UK in 2017 (2) tntroduetion: Description of ‘what the graph shows (2) overview :The key features {the highest point & the lowest point) (3) The Body :All details (numbers Feomparisons .) me (4) Coneluston :a summary as computes ‘Books ptumes ‘Writing 1 (10 marks) ‘The bar graph below shows the percentage of U.S. teens’ social media usage in 2012 and 2018. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant. (Write about 150 words) Teens’ Social Media Usage is Drastically inereasing, Percentage of 13 -to 17 year-olds in the U.S. who check social media 10% wax u ez za - a a a rotethan onceadny——sevenitines—soncenwest—— ‘lessthan cnces dey seek wey scaled

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