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What is the Strawberry Generation?

The Strawberry Generation is a Chinese neologism for Taiwanese born after 1981 who "shrink" like
strawberries – meaning they can't deal with social pressures or hard work like their parents'
generation; the term refers to people who are insubordinate spoiled, aloof, arrogant, and lazy to

The term evolved from the point of view that members of this generation were raised
overprotective by their parents and in an economically rich environment, in a manner similar to how
strawberries grown in greenhouses are protected and valued more highly than other fruits.

The term is starting to gain prominence in the East Asian press, as it can be a way to design a
growing demographic or psychographic in terms of consumer behavior. The Strawberry generation,
like the Post-80s from China, can be the Asian common ground of Millennials in the West.

Strawberry Generation connotations

Of course, the term strawberry generation is more intended as a kind of ridicule. Often people who
tend to be fragile, easy to complain, a little spoiled or easily sleepy are associated with the
strawberry generation. Aimed at those who consider themselves very important and are not very
sensitive to the circumstances around them.

On the other hand, those who are considered as the strawberry generation think that this term is
just making it up. They think that the strawberry generation is just made by boomers or people who
are older than them and are not ready to accept the existence of a younger generation. Because
everyone is definitely different and can't just be one into one group.

So Does The Strawberry Generation Exist?

It is undeniable, this generation does exist. They may not even realize that they are living with their
own privileges. And it's not their generation's fault, so it's not fair to just corner one side.

This generation is usually brought up in better conditions. They may never know what it's like to live
"hard" so they are less sensitive to some things.

Smart But Weak

According to Prof. Rhenald Kasali in his book entitled “Strawberry Generation” and also one of his
presentation videos through the YouTube platform, the Strawberry Generation is a generation full of
creative ideas, but easily gives up and gets hurt easily. This generation is also often referred to as the
"soft" generation and is less resilient.
The Strawberry Generation phenomenon is rife on social media. One of them is social media Twitter.
Many young people actually have innovative and out of the box ideas. However, apart from that,
they often find restless "tweets" or commonly referred to as "splices" posted through their social
media accounts.
Social media here actually has a big role in shaping the character of this generation. This is because
the Strawberry Generation absorbs information quickly like a sponge absorbs water. The amount of
information they absorb often results in them making inaccurate self-diagnosis. In fact, words such
as healing, insecure, overthinking have become their daily vocabulary.

If reviewed further, actually the main problem of the Strawberry Generation lies in themselves,
namely mental. The Strawberry generation tends to be "tempe-minded". This happens because they
are used to being pampered with various conveniences and instant things. The Strawberry
generation also has a fixed mindset. When compared to the previous generation, they tend to be
more easily crushed, not strong in the face of a competition, and give up easily when faced with
The reason why the Strawberry Generation has a fixed mindset is that they are not used to being
challenged. They are often spoiled by their parents when they face difficulties, so they do not have
the opportunity to find a way out for themselves. They are also not used to dealing with failure. The
lack of interaction with the outside world also makes them have a low standard of difficulty and a
mindset that tends to be unrealistic.

The way that can be done to overcome yourself so that you are not included in the Strawberry
Generation is to instill a growth mindset. By instilling a growth mindset in yourself, it will be very
useful to continue to develop abilities and always be brave in facing challenges. Furthermore, it must
cultivate literacy and cross-check information so that the information that is absorbed is not directly
trusted. And the last thing is to always remember that nothing is instantaneous, because achieving
success requires a long process.

How is the strawberry generation formed?

The strawberry generation was raised in an already developed environment. They grow with the
rapid development of digital technology. This is what makes the strawberry generation a great and
creative generation.

However, being pampered with various conveniences ultimately makes the strawberry generation
mentally weak. They become lazy and give up easily. However, there is no doubt about their
abilities. It's a pity, isn't it?

5 Facts of the Strawberry Generation

1. The Philosophical Meaning of Strawberry Generation

According to Professor Rhenald Kasali in his book, the strawberry generation is a generation full of
creative ideas but gives up easily and is easily offended. This is one of the interesting facts about the
strawberry generation that distinguishes it from generation Z and millennials.

This term first appeared in Taiwan and is aimed at the younger generation who easily feel vulnerable
and can't stand pressure. Just as strawberries are easily crushed when stepped on, this generation
also has a resistance that tends to soften when faced with pressure.

2. Referring to the Current Generation

Strawberry generation refers to the younger generation born in 1997 and after. However, according
to Rhenald Kasali, this generation does not merely refer to the generation born in a certain time
period. Because, there is also a generation born in the 90s who are included in Generation Z and
Millennials. More than that, this generation refers to the generation who were raised in a certain
social strata that formed them into spoiled individuals and tend to be lazy, selfish, and even

3. Creative Generation but Not Pressure Resistant

The strawberry generation is considered unable to deal with various social pressures as the previous
generation of parents. Even though this generation has science and technology far above the
previous generation. This generation has so many creative ideas.

According to Rhenald Kasali, this generation has access to easily and quickly absorb various
information on social media like a sponge absorbing water. Unfortunately, the information received
is too fast and gives them an influence in the form of an inaccurate self-diagnosis. That's why most
of this generation often complain about needing healing, needing a vacation, and so on.

4. Born in a family environment that tends to be prosperous

Interesting facts about the strawberry generation can not be separated from how this generation
was formed. Strawberry generation comes and grew up in an advanced family environment. On
average they grow with rapid technological developments. This is also the main reason why this
generation is great and creative.

Unfortunately, being spoiled by various conveniences makes them eventually grow up with a weak
mentality. They are easily discouraged and give up.

Rhenald said that this happened because of the upbringing of parents who raised their children in
more prosperous conditions.

They tend not to want their children to experience the difficulties they are experiencing so that their
children tend to be pampered. This is why young people of this generation not only need knowledge
intake, but also need mental training.

5. Have Out of The Box Ideas Even If You Are Less Persistent

The strawberry generation has creativity and ideas that are often out of the box. This is because they
grow directly in conflict with technology and information. Unfortunately, this generation lacks
tenacity. Brilliant ideas are often lost because of the lack of fighting power of the strawberry

This is something that must be addressed when they enter the world of work. They must receive
adequate mental training in order to be able to deal with various pressures in the world of work.
They are actually able to face their own problems, it's just that they grow up in an environment that
always spoils them so that their mentality becomes weak.
Therefore, the strawberry generation needs to be educated properly so that it not only has strength
in terms of knowledge and technology, but also mentally and psychologically and is not easily

Those are interesting facts about the strawberry generation that IDXChannel has compiled from
various sources. So, do you belong to this generation?

4 Characteristics of the Strawberry Generation

1. Often Desperate

Living life certainly makes a person often faced with various problems. Both small problems that can
be easily solved, as well as big problems that are difficult to solve. When a problem arises, of course
the only action that needs to be taken is to calm down and try to find a solution.

Unfortunately, this is considered rarely found in those who are dubbed the strawberry generation.
Because, one of the characteristics embedded in them is often despair. In addition, the strawberry
generation is also considered to be often pessimistic. In fact, this attitude actually makes the
problem even more difficult to solve.

2. High Laziness

Laziness is actually a very human thing. However, if your laziness makes you want to relax all the
time, even though you have a lot of activities, you could be in the strawberry generation. Because,
laziness is one of the negative characteristics that exist in this generation.

3. Flickering

It is a must for everyone to grow into a person who is able to adhere to principles and be selective
about something. However, this attitude is thought to be lacking in most of this generation. Instead
of being selective and principled, they grow up to be fickle people who are easily influenced by the

4. Want Instant Success

Achieving success is certainly a dream for almost everyone. As a result, many people are willing to
fight for success even though they have to go through a winding journey. However, this is not the
case for the strawberry generation. Because, they just want to achieve success through an easy and
fast way without the need to bother.

That's an explanation of some of the attitudes that characterize the strawberry generation or the
strawberry generation that is considered soft. Starting from often desperate, having a high sense of
laziness, fickle or unstable, to tend to want to be successful instantly.

Some of these attitudes, of course, need to be avoided and fought so as not to hinder your social
life. It is also important to show that you are a young generation who holds fast to principles and has
a positive nature.

If you feel that some of the attitudes that characterize the strawberry generation appear in you,
don't immediately diagnose yourself, OK! Be sure to discuss with an expert first, namely a

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