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The boundary layer of a class of innite yawed cylinders

J. C. Cooke

Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society / Volume 46 / Issue 04 / October 1950, pp
645 - 648
DOI: 10.1017/S0305004100026220, Published online: 24 October 2008

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J. C. Cooke (1950). The boundary layer of a class of innite yawed cylinders. Mathematical
Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, 46, pp 645-648 doi:10.1017/

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Research Notes 645


Communicated by L. HOWARTH
Received 6 April 1950
1. Introduction. Prandtl(i), Sears (2) and Wild (3) have given accounts of the laminar
boundary-layer flow of an incompressible fluid streaming uniformly past infinite
yawed cylinders. They point out that if a; is measured along the surface perpendicular
to the generators, y parallel to the generators and z perpendicular to x and y, then all
physical quantities that describe the flow are independent of y. This simplifies the
equations, and in fact the motion in the xz plane is the same as in two-dimensional flow.
This has also been pointed out by Jones (4).
Sears gives an exactf solution for a family of cylinders for which the potential flow
outside the boundary layer in the x direction is of the form U = axx + azxz, which
includes as a special case U = a^x, for which Prandtl also gave the solution. It is our
purpose here to give an exact solution for the case U = cxm which gives the flow over
a pointed body, or infinite yawed wedge at zero angle of attack. It is intended later to
compare these exactf results with an approximate procedure initiated by Wild,
following the well-known von Karman-Pohlhausen method extended to one more
dimension. A more general extension of this method was sketched by Prandtl, but it
would seem to be advisable to test the Pohlhausen method in this much simpler case
before proceeding to the general case.
2. The boundary-layer equations. With axes as described above the boundary-layer
equations for steady motion (Sears (2)) are
du du 1 dp d2u , v

dx dz pdx dz2 v
dv dv dv , ,
1 = 0, <„
together with the equation of continuity

Equations (1), (3) and (4) are the usual two-dimensional equations of motion, and
can be solved in the well-known ways (see, for instance, Goldstein (5)). With the values
of u and w thus obtained there remains to be solved for v the equation (2).
t The word 'exact' here is used in the sense that no further assumptions beyond those of
boundary-layer theory have been made. In this sense Sears's results are 'exact'; those due to
the von Karman-Pohlhausen method are not. It does not mean that the figures given are 'exact'
in the strict sense of the word.
646 Research Notes

3. The solution for U = cxm. We suppose that the components of the potential
velocity are U and V, where U = cxm and V is constant. In this case Bp/p 3a; = — UdU/dx
by Bernoulli's theorem.
The method of solution for this velocity distribution in the two-dimensional case
was given by Falkner and Skan ((6), (7)).
We write a / a »

which satisfies (4); equation (1) becomes

dashes denoting differentiation with respect to 7}. The boundary conditions are
/ = / ' = Oati/ = 0 , / ' = 1 at 17 = 00.
If we further write
kn=Y, kf=F(Y), y?=2m/(m+l), ft =[$(»»+1)]*, (5)
we obtain F" + FF" = y?(J?"2 - 1), (6)
dashes now denoting differentiation with respect to Y. This form was studied by
Hartree (8) who obtained solutions for y? varying between — 0-1988 and 2-4 by means
of the differential analyser.
4. The equation for v. From the equations (5) we obtain

•"" dx~ 2
dashes denoting differentiation with respect to TJ.
If we write v = Vg(rj), V being constant, and substitute in the equation
dv dv _ dH
dx + Wdz ~ Vdz2'
we obtain g" = — \{m+ l)fg'.
On making the substitutions (5) together with g(i/) = G(Y), we have
G"+FG' = 0, (7)
dashes denoting differentiation with respect to Y.
This equation was given by Sears for the caseTO= 1. It can be solved by numerical
quadratures, and in fact the solution is

?-I ' - * (-
where c is obtained from the boundary condition v = V for Y = 00.
Research Notes 647

The values of F' for different values of /? are given by Hartree, and, in the case
TO = 1, ft = 1 are given in various places (e.g. Howarth(9), Goldstein (5)). The case
fi = 0 is, of course, also well known as the flow over a flat plate, and Sears has shown
that vj V in this case is the same function as uj U is.
A -0-1988 -01 00 0-2 0-6 10 1-6 20
0-0 0-0000 0-0000 0-0000 0-0000 00000 0-0000 00000 0-0000
0-1 00469 00507 0-0547 00570 00594 0-0605
0-2 _ — 00939 01013 01093 01140 0-1187 01210
0-3 — 0-1408 01519 01638 01709 01779 01813
0-4 01303 01731 0-1876 0-2024 0-2181 0-2275 0-2367 0-2411
0-5 0-2342 0-2526 0-2720 0-2835 0-2948 0-3003
0-6 — 0-2806 0-3023 0-3253 0-3388 0-3521 0-3585
0-7 0-3266 0-3515 0-3778 0-3921 0-4081 0-4153
0-8 0-2605 0-3443 0-3720 0-3999 0-4292 0-4461 0-4625 0-4704
0-9 — — 0-4167 0-4474 0-4792 0-4974 0-5151 0-5234
1-0 0-4606 0-4936 0-5275 0-5468 0-5653 0-5740
1-2 0-3896 0-5083 0-5453 0-5817 0-6184 0-6387 0-6579 0-6668
1-4 — 0-6244 0-6625 0-6998 0-7199 0-7385 0-7470
1-6 0-5157 0-6566 0-6967 0-7346 0-7704 0-7891 0-8061 0-8137
1-8 — — 0-7610 0-7969 0-8295 0-8461 0-8608 0-8672
2-0 0-6350 0-7804 0-8167 0-8490 0-8773 0-8912 0-9032 0-9084
2-2 0-8633 0-8911 0-9145 0-9256 0-9350 0-9389
2-4 0-7424 0-8734 0-9011 0-9240 0-9424 0-9508 0-9578 0-9607
2-6 0-9306 0-9486 0-9625 0-9685 0-9736 0-9755
2-8 0-8324 0-9351 0-9529 0-9664 0-9764 0-9806 0-9840 0-9853
3-0 0-9691 0-9788 0-9857 0-9884 0-9907 0-9915
3-2 0-9010 0-9707 0-9804 0-9871 0-9916 0-9933 0-9948 0-9953
3-4 0-9880 0-9924 0-9953 0-9963 0-9972 0-9975
3-6 0-9477 0-9885 0-9929 0-9957 0-9974 0-9981 0-9985 0-9987
3-8 — — 0-9959 0-9977 0-9987 0-9990 0-9993 0-9993
4-0 0-9756 0-9961 0-9978 0-9988 0-9993 0-9995 0-9997 0-9997
4-2 0-9988 0-9994 0-9997 0-9998 0-9999 0-9999
4-4 0-9900 0-9988 0-9994 0-9997 0-9999 0-9999 0-9999 0-9999
4-6 — O9997 0-9999 0-9999 1-0000 1-0000 10000
4-8 0-9965 0-9997 0-9999 1-0000 10000 — — —
50 — 0-9999 — — — — —
5-2 0-9989 0-9999 1-0000 — — — — —
5-4 — — — — —
5-6 0-9997 1-0000 — — — — — —
5-8 — — — — —
60 0-9999 — — —-
6-4 1-0000 — —
<?'(0) 0-3258 0-4332 0-4696 0-5069 0-5467 0-5704 0-5938 0-6053

P(l-G) dY 1-6696 1-3043 1-2168 11376 1-0646 10265 0-9917 0-9759

rO(l-G)dY 0-6245 0-5160 0-4696 0-4497 0-4173 0-4044 0-3923 0-3872
648 Research Notes

It is worth noticing that the solution for ft = 2 can be used for the case U = ceax
(a > 0). As Goldstein pointed out (10) the substitutions

-$)'*•• *-&+•**>
lead to equation (6) with ft = 2. If we now put v/V = G(Y) we obtain equation (7).
The table gives the values of G for selected values of/?. The case ft = 1 given by Sears
and Prandtl has been recalculated from Howarth's data. The case ft = 0 is also included
for completeness, being given as a function of Y instead of i) as is usual. It is taken
directly from Hartree's values for ft = 0. A short table is given for ft = — 0-1988, the
case where the normalflowis everywhere just about to separate. The values of
['°{l-G)dY, \C°G(l-G)dY,G'(O)
Jo Jo
are also given. (Note. There appears to be a misprint in Hartree'sfiguresfor ft = 2 as
can be seen by differencing the values. It appears that the value of y'iorx = 0-8 (Har-
tree's notation) should be 0-7958 and not 0-7858 as given.) For ft = 1, Sears gives
6?'(0) equal to 0-570, Prandtl 0-571.
5. Summary. An exact solution is given for the boundary-layer flow of a uniform
stream past an infinite yawed cylinder in the case where the potentialflownormal to
the generators is of the form U = cxm or c eax. It is shown that the normal velocity is
obtainable by the well-known method of Falkner and Skan; tables are given for the
boundary-layer velocity parallel to the generators for selected values offt[ = 2m/(m + 1)].
It is intended to use these for a test of the approximate von Karman-Pohlhausen
method applied to three-dimensional flow.

(1) PRANDTL, L. R. and T. no. 64, M.A.P. Volkenrode (1946).
(2) SEARS, W. R. J. Aero. Sci. 15 (1948), 49.
(3) WILD, J. M. J. Aero. Sci. 16 (1949), 41.
(4) JOKES, R. T. Tech. Note Nat. Adv. Comm. Aero., Washington, no. 1402 (1947).
(5) GOLDSTEIN, S. (editor). Modern developments in fluid dynamics, 1 (Oxford, 1938).
(6) FALKNER, V. M. and SKAN, Miss S. W. Rep. Memor. Aero. Res. Comm., London, no. 1314
(7) FALKNER, V. M. and SKAN, Miss S. W. Phil. Mag. 12 (7) (1931), 865.
(8) HARTREE, D. R. Proc. Cambridge Phil. Soc. 33 (1937), 223.
(9) HOWARTH, L. Rep. Memor. Aero. Res. Comm., London, no. 1632 (1934).
(10) GOLDSTEIN, S. Proc. Cambridge Phil. Soc. 35 (1939), 338.


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