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How do you envision education in the future? Do you
think the traditional classroom
with one teacher, 20–25 students, and a chalkboard is a
thing of the past? What role
do you think technology will play in education in the
future? What effects will these
changes have on the student
Technology has certainly evolved at an exponential rate in the last few years, especially in
the field of education. Just less than 30 years ago, you had to visit the library for
encyclopedias to write a paper, and those had to be done by hand. Even if computers
existed, not many people had one at home. Now, we have all the information about the
world in the palm of our hands, readily available, and people can collaborate with others
from across the globe on a variety of projects. Our way of education is changing and so are
our tools; Robots are becoming part of the classroom environment. These are things people
could not imagine happening so soon. So, what we need to do right now is to recognize
what we want to look into the future, specifically how the classes of the future will look

Today’s educational system has faced a lot of significantly changes since the pandemic and
entering the virtual world, and it was there when we learn how to use technology in favor
of our education, it was the same system but in different platforms such as zoom or meet
but the 25 students and one tutor per course were always there, that is why I think that
something that we must keep on the future, for the order and to organize the children

On the other hand, since the pandemic the role of technology in our lives was huge because
it was the only resource that we had to continue our daily activities without risking our
lives, likewise, this role must continue in schools, with teachers in classroom and also as a
tool of learning for the students to get new information about a certain subject or solve
children’s doubts. The changes will not be so hard to get used to, because we are already
starting this technology education system without issues, but the main idea is to implement
it so much more in the future,

The approach of learning through technology must be inculcated in the world, and inside of
any classroom teachers and students need to work together in collaboration with technology
in favor of their own learning. In the same way classrooms will encourage students to tie
classroom knowledge to real-world applications, helping to reinforce principles and spark
further exploration. However, all of these ideas are sustainable and any school must analyze
them to implement them in their classrooms, because it is crucial for our development as
future members of the society.
Thank you!

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