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Essay Exam

Part 1

Over the years we have seen technology become more and more commonplace in our

everyday lives. This can easily be seen in how it has affected, not only our teachers and

students but the way we learn as a whole. In the last couple of years there has been more talk

of whether technology will replace teachers altogether. A recent Finnish study showed that the

use of technology has changed the role of teachers, from a traditional knowledge provider to a

facilitator guiding the students’ learning. This is where the fear of teachers being replaced

started, but others believe the opposite. They believe that by incorporating technology into the

classroom and embracing the roles of teachers changing, that it could solve all the problems of

learning. If nothing else, the past year has shown us that technology can’t replace the role of

teachers and in person learning. Teachers have always had to be flexible when it comes to

teaching. From different learning styles, to different classrooms, different districts, and different

students every year; no two years are ever alike. The pandemic showed us just how flexible

teachers, and students, really are. Teachers had to reimagine entire lesson plans in order to still

have human connection and interactions to facilitate learning.

Teachers aren’t the only ones whose roles have changed due to technology. The way

students learn in the classroom and on their own has been greatly affected by technology.

When I was in elementary school the only time, we used technology was when it was time to go

down to the computer lab for an hour, two or three times a week. Now, students have tablets

in their classroom that they are able to use periodically throughout the day. At one field

placement I had the students had tablets in the classroom that they were able to use to play

preprogrammed educational games after they finished an assignment and there was extra time
before the next activity. During the pandemic technology became the main focus for students,

teachers, and parents. With the development of technology, students were able to learn

remotely from learn and stay connected with friends and family. However, with the added

technology also imposed the negative side effects. Too much screen time can cause vision

impairment, sleeplessness, anxiety, and even addition to the device. Even though technology

was able to connect us with those outside our household, it also disconnected us from those

who were in our house. Technology is a poor substitute for in-person interactions, especially in

young children who are still developing their social skills.

Technology isn’t all bad, there are some great benefits to having and using technology in

the classroom. It can create a more engaged environment. Technology can help make learning

different topics more exciting and interesting. Teachers can more easily comminate different

types of learning styles. Students who may not like or be able to easily write an assignment can

type it out on a tablet or computer. It can also help prepare students for the future. By using

technology in the classroom can better help students better tackle high school, college, and

even some careers. In the end, using technology is a balancing act that teachers and students

are still learning to juggle.

The changing role of teachers and technologies amidst the COVID 19 pandemic: key findings
from a cross-country study. World Bank Blogs. (n.d.).

Effects of Technology on Children During a Pandemic. Regis College Online. (2021, February

The Future is Now! How Technology Has Changed Students: A Revolution in Education. iGrad.
How Has Technology Changed Education? Purdue University Online. (n.d.).

ScienceDaily. (2015, February 16). Technology changing teacher's role. ScienceDaily.

Walden University. (2021, April 14). Top 5 Benefits of Technology in the Classroom. Walden

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