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Unit 9 : Infinitives

The event happened recent, I procrastinated at my work, I had to do a

lot of reports and a procedures manual but I felt bored and I decided to
waste my time doing anything on the internet, seeing things that I
wanted to buy. I decided to put off my task because it was so tedious to
make a procedure about my job, and I thought that I could do the task
later or the next day .
While I thought about all the work that I had to do.

The consequences to put off the tasks was see how all my work
accumulating, a negative attitude with my coworkers, less
concentration in my tasks and healthy problems.

In fact, delaying your tasks is not a good idea, that makes you feel with
a lot of stress and you could have some healthy problems. When I
started to work, I usually used to work hard, I thought that was
important to present my reports on time. but now it is different,
almost one day per week I procrastinate at my job.
I’m think about all the thing that I have to put in order, my work life is a
mess, in that moment I decided that I will put in order my things, stop
to procrastinate is difficult for me not only at my job.

Andrea Benites

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