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Academic and Educational

Actividad 15 segundo año ingles

Profr. Adalberto Valles

B. According to the flow chart instructions, complete the text

about how the microwave works.

When the electricity is turned into the microwave, by the

magnetron a generator the machine, these
microwaves bounce and forth off the metal
until they enter the . The microwaves enter the food
and the molecules of inside the food start to
quickly. The vibrations cause . As the
molecules faster, the food gets hotter, finally, your food
is .

6. Instrucciones: Identify the elements of a Infographic

a. Choose a machine that you know, investigate about how that

it work and elaborate an infographic, according to this
b. Create a mindmap of your invention.
c. Draw your invention and label the parts of the machine.
d. Create a flow chart describing how your machine works.
e. Design an infographic describing how your machine works.


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