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I am particularly interested in the topic of axiology because studying it made me aware of

the nature of value in life. The value contained in this life turns out to have its science (the
foundation of its philosophy). The terms ethics, morals, aesthetics, hedonism, eudemonism, and
utilitarianism added a new understanding to me. In the past, I only knew from others, but now I have
learned it. Each of our behaviors turns out to contain values that sometimes go unnoticed. For
example, when I dress it turns out that there are many contents of value that can be obtained, such
as dressing cleanly and neatly, it will provide aesthetic value or beauty for those who see it. People
will assume and infer positive values from us simply because of the way we dress. Therefore, after
studying this Axiology, I pay more attention to my appearance of myself to be neat and polite in
order to produce good judgments or good grades. Because appearance reflects a good person.

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