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Specifically it seeks to answer the following

1. What is the profile of a study in terms of ?

1.1 AGE
1.3 SEX

1.3 GPA


2. What a doctor of students tardiness?

3. How can tardiness effect of students academic performance ?

4. What are the reason student are late?


Tardiness in schools if left unchaked creates. Serious systematic problem. Understanding that is the of
fact of being late a in an institution it can. Persons performance in variety of ways a quality affect a
persons performance in variety of ways .
Tardines can be attributed to a variety of factors, including personal habits, cultural norms and
environmental factors. Cultural norms cultures As a can also play a rola in punctuality with some valuing
timeless more than others. Result they may , get ready actors that may understimate the time needed
for school or arrive at class on time. Contribute to tardiness include transportation ies, family
responsibilities, and mental health concerns.

Conceptual framework

The conceptual frame work of tardiness involves the identification of the factors that contribute to an
individuals. Tendency to arrive late or miss deadlines.

Environmental Factors-these include external factors such as trafic congestion, weather conditions and
distance from the school
Scope end Delimitation

The scope of the study is focused on tardiness among Students it a specific educational Institution. The
study will explore. The causes and effects of tardiness on academic performance and the overall well
being of students. It will also examine the strategies and interventions employed by the school to addres
tardiness among students.

The study is limited to a specific educational Institution and does not only frous for us include other on
tardiness schools er Universities The resiarely will! Among students and will not OF absenteeism or
truancy The study will not debut into the personal lesues cover other of circumstances of indendual
students that may Contribute to their tardiness The research will also not address the impact of
fourdiness on the schools faculty and steff.

Significant of the study

This study is all about tardiness. SHS students among GINAS The significant of a study about tardiness is
to identify the causes tardiness and its effects on academic performance. It can also of insights how to
address and improve the punctuality of students additionally the study on can provide help schools and
strategies to reduce tardiness and a culture of ponctuality among students. The study promota can
contribute the existing literature on students behavior, impact on academic success. Ultimately, the
findling of the study can can benefit students, parents, teachers, and school addministrators, creating a
conductive learning envirenment that fosters academic excellence.

Factors that affect the Tardiness of the students General Luna National High School

This study is all about of Tardiness among SHS Students in GLNHS

Late- coming to school is one of major problems that have plagued. Many schools there is hardly any
sclinal that is spared from this problem- The impact of the great menace cannot be over emphasized, as
it has contributed Immensely in a negative way to the academic achievement of learners and the
functioning of the school

The tardiness implies a situation where an intuided is coming, securing. Or remaining after connect,
usual or exported time. Thus the terms class fardiness” has been defined as student not attending class
on time missing out initial time from the first period and primarily not boing present in the time set. One
of the causes of lateness is going to bed late.. because it could result is waking up late and insufficient
rest for the lessen on the next day. Lats esss is caused by innate anxiety laval of individual, There are no
positive incentives to be on time as students assume an that there will be no constructive activities
happen for the first five minutes of the che class.

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