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Nama :ANDI

Nim :5223540032

Kelas :GIZI B 2022

This holiday I celebrated Eid al-Fitr with my family. There is nothing so special as gathering with
loved ones.In addition, the day right before Eid al-Fitr, in the evening after the Maghreb prayer for about
half an hour I participated in calling takbir in the mosque, and after the isha prayer I went home and
rested.But before that, at around 20.30 pm we had time to leave the house to watch the torch parade
on the side of the main road.

The next day, around 04.30 am I was awakened by my mother. In a sleepy state, I immediately
wash my face, perform ablution, and immediately go to the mosque to perform the Fajr prayer. After
the Fajr prayer, I take a shower to prepare for the Eid al-Fitr prayer.

After the Eid prayers, our family immediately went to visit neighbors and relatives, apologized to
each other, ate together, and most importantly complained about the fate and achievements of each
family's children.but Alhamdulillah I still got thr.

this year's Eid al-Fitr holiday is quite simple, as I get older my hopes are simpler, it's enough to
be able to gather with my family, and see my loved ones healthy and happy.

this is my holiday, thank you

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