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Name : Hasratul Kusuma

NPM :180301012

MK :Bhs.Inggris

12 January 2019

Tugas Bhs.Inggris
Today I will go jogging. After that, I will play
badminton at Tugu Selong. But before that I would invite Kevin
to play Badminton.
After stopping playing badminton I bought drinks and
rested with Kevin. After finishing resting, I and Kevin go
back to boarding house
I immediately continued my activities, namely washing
clothes and bathing. after that, getting ready to go to school
for study
After I arrived at the campus I brought assignments that
had to be collected today. Because of that, I was punished by
my teacher. I was told to clean the toilet and bathroom
because, I did not collect assignments.
After I finished, I met Kevin and Kevin invited me to
take a break and lunch after that I visited the library before
it closed
After arriving at the library I am reads a book and
Kevin writes a latter. After that I am borrow a book. And
than, Kevin take care of books that have been removed.
After that we came out of the library and Kevin and I
entered the class, the teacher told me to read a book and was
given assignments. Before going home, we were told to present
the results of our reading in front of the class.
A few minutes later the bell rang. That indicates the
time is up, we also have ready to go home. Until the parking
lot took the bicycle and Kevin took the motorbike. Before we
go home, we make an appointment to do a joint assignment.
Got home I cooked myself. after I finished, I called my
brother to eat together. After that I wash the dishes.
A few minutes later Kevin called me to invite me to do
the assignment and buy a book. After that, I prepared to go to
Kevin's house.
Arriving at Kevin's house before working on the
assignment Kelvin invited me to coffee and eat. When I, Kevin
and I drank and his mother's meal came out to greet me.
After finishing eating, Mrs. Kevin cleared the dining
table and I looked for lesson references and Kevin wrote the
subject matter, which I had searched for on the internet.
Finally our assignment became me and Kevin together
cleared the place of study suddenly Mujo called and invited to
go swimming and eat at Leshan Selong. After that, Kevin and I
said goodbye to Kevin's mother and immediately left.
We met Mujo in Lesehan Selong. After that, Kevin paid a
ticket and MUjo paid for the motorcycle parking.
Before we swim we first order food and drinks. After
that, we all started swimming and eating. Before Lesehan
Selong was closed, we first went home to each other

Simple sentence :15

Compound sentence :15

Complex sentence: 15

Passive 45

Active 45

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