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1. The number of typing errors on a page follows a Poisson distribution with a mean of 6.3.

want to find the probability of having exactly six (6) errors on a page.

The probability mass function (PMF) of a Poisson distribution is given by the formula:

P(X = k) = (e^(-λ) * λ^k) / k!

where X is the random variable representing the number of errors, λ is the mean of the distribution, and
k is the desired number of errors.

In this case, the mean (λ) is 6.3 and we want to find P(X = 6).

P(X = 6) = (e^(-6.3) * 6.3^6) / 6!

Calculating this value:

P(X = 6) ≈ (e^(-6.3) * 6.3^6) / (6 * 5 * 4 * 3 * 2 * 1)

You can use a calculator or a software to evaluate this expression. The approximate value of P(X = 6) is
0.1049, or approximately 10.49%.

Therefore, the probability of having exactly six errors on a page is approximately 10.49%.

2. There are three bags, each containing different numbers of balls of different colors. One bag is
selected at random, and we want to find the probability of drawing a yellow ball from the
selected bag.

Let's calculate the probability using the law of total probability.

P(Yellow) = P(Yellow|Bag 1) * P(Bag 1) + P(Yellow|Bag 2) * P(Bag 2) + P(Yellow|Bag 3) * P(Bag 3)

P(Yellow|Bag 1) = 3 yellow balls / (6 red + 2 blue + 3 yellow) = 3/11 P(Yellow|Bag 2) = 5 yellow balls / (2 red
+ 4 blue + 5 yellow) = 5/11 P(Yellow|Bag 3) = 1 yellow ball / (3 red + 7 blue + 1 yellow) = 1/11

P(Bag 1) = 1/3 (since there are three bags) P(Bag 2) = 1/3 P(Bag 3) = 1/3

Now we can substitute these values into the equation:

P(Yellow) = (3/11) * (1/3) + (5/11) * (1/3) + (1/11) * (1/3)

Simplifying this expression:

P(Yellow) = 1/11 + 5/33 + 1/33 P(Yellow) = 3/33 + 5/33 + 1/33 P(Yellow) = 9/33

Therefore, the probability of drawing a yellow ball is 9/33, which simplifies to 3/11.
3. In a viral pool test, it is known that in a group of five (5) people, exactly one (1) will test positive.
If they are tested one by one in random order for confirmation, we want to find the probability
that only two (2) tests are needed.

There are two possible scenarios where only two tests are needed:

The first test is positive, and the second test is negative.

The first test is negative, the second test is positive, and the remaining tests are negative.

Let's calculate the probability for each scenario and add them together.

Scenario 1: The probability of the first test being positive is 1/5 (since exactly one person will test
positive). The probability of the second test being negative is 4/9 (since there are four untested people
left out of the remaining nine). The probability of this scenario is (1/5) * (4/9) = 4/45.

Scenario 2: The probability of the first test being negative is 4/5 (since exactly one person will test
positive). The probability of the second test being positive is 1/4 (since there is one untested person left
out of the remaining four). The probability of the remaining tests being negative is 3/3 (since all three
remaining people have to test negative). The probability of this scenario is (4/5) * (1/4) * (3/3) = 4/20 =

Now, we add the probabilities of the two scenarios:

P(Only two tests needed) = (4/45) + (1/5) = 9/45 + 9/45 = 18/45

Simplifying, we get:

P(Only two tests needed) = 2/5

Therefore, the probability that only two tests are needed is 2/5.

4. If one ball each is drawn from 3 boxes, we want to find the probability that all 3 balls drawn are
of different colors.

The total number of balls in each box is as follows: Box 1: 3 red + 2 yellow + 1 blue = 6 balls Box 2: 2 red +
2 yellow + 2 blue = 6 balls Box 3: 1 red + 4 yellow + 3 blue = 8 balls

The total number of balls in all three boxes is 6 + 6 + 8 = 20 balls.

To calculate the probability of drawing 3 balls of different colors, we need to consider the different
color combinations for the three draws.

The number of ways to choose one ball from each box is: 6 (Box 1) * 6 (Box 2) * 8 (Box 3) = 288.
The total number of ways to choose three balls from the 20 balls in all three boxes is given by the
combination formula:

C(20, 3) = 20! / (3! * (20 - 3)!) = 1140.

Therefore, the probability of drawing 3 balls of different colors is:

P(3 balls of different colors) = 288 / 1140 = 0.2526, or approximately 25.26%.

5. In the basket of fruits, there are eight (8) apples and ten (10) oranges. Half of the apples and half
of the oranges are rotten. We want to find the probability of choosing a rotten apple or an
orange when one fruit is chosen at random.

The number of rotten apples is 8/2 = 4. The number of rotten oranges is 10/2 = 5.

The total number of rotten fruits is 4 (rotten apples) + 5 (rotten oranges) = 9.

The total number of fruits in the basket is 8 (apples) + 10 (oranges) = 18.

Therefore, the probability of choosing a rotten apple or an orange is:

P(Rotten apple or orange) = 9 / 18 = 1/2 = 0.5, or 50%.

6. A small-time bingo card costs P100.00 for 5 games. The prizes for the first three games are
P5,000.00 each, the fourth game is P10,000.00, and the last game is P20,000.00. If 1,000 bingo
cards are going to be sold and you could only win once, we want to find the expected value of a

To calculate the expected value, we need to multiply each possible prize by its probability of winning
and sum up the results.

The probability of winning each game is the same since there are 1,000 cards sold and you can only win

The expected value of a ticket is calculated as follows:

Expected value = (Prize 1 * Probability of winning Prize 1) + (Prize 2 * Probability of winning Prize 2) +
(Prize 3 * Probability of winning Prize 3) + (Prize 4 * Probability of winning Prize 4) + (Prize 5 *
Probability of winning Prize 5)

Expected value = (5000 * 1/1000) + (5000 * 1/1000) + (5000 * 1/1000) + (10000 * 1/1000) + (20000 *

Simplifying this expression:

Expected value = 5 + 5 + 5 + 10 + 20 = 45
Therefore, the expected value of a ticket is P45.00.

7. When picking a card from a deck, we want to find the expected value of the amount that can be
won based on the card drawn.

Let's calculate the expected value for each possible outcome and sum them up.\

The probability of picking a face card is 3/13 (since there are 3 face cards in each suit and 4 suits in a
deck). The probability of picking an ace is 4/52 (since there are 4 aces in a deck). The probability of
picking a red card is 26/52 (since there are 26 red cards in a deck).

The amount won for each possible outcome is as follows: Face card: P500.00 Ace: P1,000.00 Red card
(non-face, non-ace): P100.00

Now, let's calculate the expected value:

Expected value = (Amount won for a face card * Probability of picking a face card) + (Amount won for
an ace * Probability of picking an ace) + (Amount won for a red card * Probability of picking a red card)

Expected value = (500 * 3/13) + (1000 * 4/52) + (100 * 26/52)

Simplifying this expression:

Expected value = (1500/13) + (4000/52) + (2600/52) Expected value = 115.38 + 76.92 + 50

Therefore, the expected value that can be won is P242.30.

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