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Brand Management

December 2022 Examination



As we start our survey of brand and allure function in shopping, take any notes of meeting to
watch the following television about Coca-Cola, that is perhaps individual of ultimate
emblematic brands of continually. As you watch this broadcast, look and attend for the all the
various fundamentals that influence current fashion we call a “brand.” Brands are appealing,
strong concoctions of the forum that build overwhelming advantage for organisations and for
things. Because brands do various functions, we can delineate the term “brand” in the
following ways:
A brand is an identifier: a name, sign, symbol, design, term, or some combination of these
things that identifies an offering and helps simplify choice for the consumer.
1. A brand is a promise: the promise of what a company or offering will provide to
the people who interact with it.
2. A brand is an asset: a reputation in the marketplace that can drive price
premiums and customer preference for goods from a particular provider.
3. A brand is a set of perceptions: the sum total of everything individuals believe,
think, see, know, feel, hear, and experience about a product, service, or
4. A brand is “mind share”: the unique position a company or offering holds in the
customer’s mind, based on their past experiences and what they expect in the
A brand exists of all the countenance that identify ability and duties of individual trader from
another: name, term, design, style, characters, consumer touch points, etc. Together, all
ingredients of the brand work as a subjective set off or provocation that causes an union to all
additional concepts individual has had about this brand.
The key to building a brand or correspondence in accordance with American shopping
partnership search out within financial means pick the brand ingredients. Brand factors
are the singular facets of your brand, like name, trademark, colour blueprints, etc, that forge a
close-knit, recognisable representation for your trade and longer into entirety you design.
Branded parts further help you be conspicuous from your competitions.

The various types of brand elements are:

Name: A name is a term secondhand for labelling by an extrinsic spectator. They can
recognise a class or classification of belongings, or a alone characteristic, either particularly,
or inside a likely framework. The system labeled by a name is named allure antecedent. A
given name recognises, not inevitably particularly, a distinguishing individual human.

Eg: Sakshi Tai’s Pickle

Logo: A trademark is a pictorial mark, crest, or letter used to aid and advance public labelling
and acknowledgment. It may be of an abstract or descriptive design or contain the passage of
the name it shows as in a concise manner mark

Symbol: A motto is a significant slogan or phrase secondhand in a family, governmental,

marketing, scrupulous, and additional framework as a repetitious verbalisation of an plan or
purpose, accompanying the aim of exhorting appendages of all or a defined mark group.

Tagline: In amusement, a tagline is a short quotation that serves to explain a concept for, or is
devised accompanying a form of, exciting effect. Many tagline mottos are repeated phrases
guide an individual, friendly group, or commodity. A captivating idea line/tagline is very
main to build a brand correspondence and invigorate the brand position.

URL: A URL endures a uniform means locator, or namely netting address. It is customarily
buxom about what the brand is about or allure name to link your association accompanying
content joint connected to the internet. Taking the description into concern, associations
inquire to find a room on computer network that fits accompanying their brand names. This is
hard on someone because the number of URLs is growing efficiently.

A brand recall maybe improved through URLs. The main URL for powerful brands is
consistently the real name of the brand’s name. This helps consumers to find the brand surely
on computer network.

Packaging: Brand bundle is the process of crafty wrappers or whole for the brand. The
working parts of Styrofoam endure be preferred painstakingly by marketers. In addition to
the creative tests that are wanted to select addictive colours that express the brand.

Jingles: Brand make metallic clinking noise is generally refer to as the sound of the brand. It
is a short harmonic meaning about a stigmatised brand or aid that is to say calm by
professional songwriters. Jingles are signified to transmit brand significations and benefits
obliquely to inflame sure impressions towards the presented amount or duties. Moreover, it is
main in growing brand knowledge by mentioning the brand’s name diversified periods that
eases the process of encrypting the wanted ideas this harmonic meaning. “I’m Lovin it” is a
familiar instance of McDonald’s’ make metallic clinking noise that has existed implant
people’s occasion for a very long time. This signifies the gain that McDonald's has realised in
doing people’s concepts and conduct.

Criteria of choosing brand elements:

In general, there are 6 criteria for brand elements-
1. Memorable: Easily recognised or remembered. Any figure or trademark that is to say
memorable will surely wait in the minds of the client. It concede possibility be
specific that it maybe immediately remembered for one consumers.

2. Meaningful:Descriptive or effective. The brand material endure have intended and

concede possibility able to have or do correspond inexact or distinguishing news
about the, The pickle brand shows jar or the parts secondhand for making
pickle as the character. This desires entity about the merchandise element, like,
mango, dud or chilli pickle. Thus, this form it smooth to recollect in addition to the
type and purpose of the brand. E.g.,

3. Likeable: It should be pleasant, fun, interesting or rich in verbal or visual imagery. It

is very important that brand elements are liked by the consumers. They can be
interesting, and entertaining as well. Brand elements can have images, colours, styles
and themes that are pleasing to the customers.


4. Transferable: The fourth criteria is transferability of brand within and cross product
categories product and geographic boundaries. Brand elements should be able to
reach various product categories and remain same across the cultural and
geographical regions.

5. Adaptable: Flexible and updatable overtime is adaptability. This is also true in case of
geographical and cultural differences, where the brand elements should be flexible
enough to be accepted everywhere.
E.g.: If the name of the brand is in a particular native language, it will have to be
translated in other languages when considering global availability.

6. Protectable: Legally or competitively. Trademark or copyright. The most important

aspect is that the brand element like the name, logo, brand, character etc must be
legally protected. They should be registered with the concerned governing bodies.
The name colours packaging etc if easily copied the brand can lose its uniqueness.


Effective stigmatising contains entirety that shapes the idea of a guest or device in the minds
of consumers. Names, trademarks, brand marks, work individualities, and trademarks are
usually guide brand, but these are just one account. Branding likewise addresses practically
all facet of a customer’s happening accompanying a guest or amount: optic design, kind,
individuality, buying occurrence, department dealing with customers, thus. Branding
demands a deep information of clients and by means of what they knowledge the guest or
output. Brand-construction demands complete asset in writing about and transferring the
singular profit incorporate in a party’s “brand,” but this work can bring enduring rewards.In
services and trade-to-trade markets, tainting can influence either users will buy the
production and by what method much they are not quite pay. Branding can likewise help in
new output initiation by designing aim, display ideas, and distinction place nothing endured
earlier. When guests present a new fruit utilising an existent trade name (a brand continuation
or a tainted merchandise line), they can believe purchasers’ certain ideas of the settled brand
to design better openness for the new contribution.



Every facet of our sphere has enhance complex, active, urgent, and assertive. A stigmatising
plan is no various. You want your brand to be conspicuous, be best choice, accompanying a
clear view and similarity. But accompanying challenges to a degree mean the hearing, age
groups, proceeds levels, instruction levels, and interests, it is main to them. A brand is as well
any conversation in a phrase and good is not “good enough”. These challenges are few of the
more universal and most recognised challenges in generating your brand: Too frequently,
brands disregard the significance of the brand construction process. They undertake crafty,
expanding, and changeful details of their brand outside bearing a well-
defined blueprint guiding their conclusions. Successful brands acquire consumers’ trust by
contribution compatible, memorable experiences. It’s a determined introduce progress. You
need to answer tough questions about the one you are as a brand and what you signify. For
that, you need expected sufficiently dedicated. In this very free competition, artistry is owned
by changing your brand and stopping in front of the pack. When you set artistry basically
your brand occurrence, you’ll leave a enduring feeling that invites and retains consumers.
When you don’t, you risk finishing accompanying a general, homogenised brand that blends
affiliated the contest alternatively is conspicuous. Your brand similarity is what sets you other
than the contest. It’s by means of what you stimulate concerns and build friendships. This
worsens to your brand’s look and feel, from allure design to allure tone of voice. Each detail
provides to by means of what consumers see your brand. Remember, constancy is key. At the
same time, brands are uniformly developing to stay relevant and equal growing customer
beliefs. It’s main not to forget your similarity as your brand evolves and develops over
opportunity. Drawing up a set of brand directions can help hold you based.

Challenges to build brand:

Treating brands as assets:

The continuous pressure to transfer temporary commercial results accompanying the
decomposition of news will lure organisations to devote effort to something strategies and
determinable and neglect the objective of construction property.

Possessing a compelling vision: A brand view needs to change itself, resound accompanying
consumers and encourage labourers. It needs expected doable to implement, attack be present
at a vital forum and drive brand-construction programs. Visions that work are frequently
having many dimensions and flexible to various circumstances. They engage ideas in the way
that brand traits, organisational principles, a greater purpose and usually they absolutely
move further working benefits.

Creating new sub categories: The only habit to evolve, accompanying exceptional
irregularities, search out cultivate “must have” novelties that delineate new subcategories and
build hurdles to restrict contestants from win pertinence. That demands solid or
transformative change and a new talent to control the ideas of a subcategory for fear that it

Generating progress brand construction: Exceptional plans and executions that happen of the
clutter are inevitable so that lead the brand fantasy to history. These plans and the killing of
bureaucracy are more fault-finding than the length of your budget. “Good” is just inadequate.
That wealth making certain you catch more plans from more beginnings, what you confirm
you have the means working to recognise splendour and influence those plans to advertise –

Achieving Integrated Marketing Communication: IMC is more mysterious and troublesome

than always taking everything in mind the miscellaneous patterns you should pick from to a
degree buildup, sponsorships, mathematical, movable, friendly publishing and more. These
orders likely to equate each one alternatively augment cause the television setting and
alternatives have enhance so complex, so vital, and cause amount and country silos indicate
contest and seclusion alternatively assistance and ideas

Building a Digital game plan: This field is complex, active and down and out a various
psychology. The realism is, the hearing is administrative present. New skills, imaginative
actions and new habits to work together different shopping approaches are necessary. Adjust
the mathematical shopping focus from the contribution and the brand to the customer’s sweet
spot, that search out mention the exercises and belief at which point they are curious or even
desirous about. Develop programs about that sweet spot at which point the brand is an alive
companion, in the way that Pampers acted accompanying Pampers Village or what Avon
acted accompanying their Walk for Breast Cancer.

Building a Brand Internally: It is hard to obtain profitable joined shopping transport or

progress shopping outside members two together aware the fantasy and caring about it. The
brand view that lacks a bigger purpose will find the stimulus challenge nearly hopeless.

Maintaining Brand Relevance: Brands face three pertinence warnings: Fewer clients
purchasing what the brand is contribution, arising reasons not-to-buy, and deficit of strength.
Detecting and reacting for each demands an meticulous information of stock exchange, plus a
enthusiasm to supply and change.

Creating Brand Portfolio Strategy: Brands need clear parts and apparitions that support those
acts. Strategic brands bear be recognised and resourced, and tainted differentiators and
energisers bear perform and trained.

3. a)
Introduction: Products that I would plan Sakshi for Brand enlargement will be Papad that is
to say categorised as type enlargement.The Brand enlargement types: A brand continuation is
when a party uses individual of allure settled brand names on a new output or new
merchandise type. It's occasionally famous as brand extended. The design behind a brand
continuation search out use the parties then settled brand equity to help it initiate allure most
recent fruit. The guest depends the brand faithfulness of allure current clients, that it hopes
will form bureaucracy more susceptible to new contributions from the unchanging brand. If
profitable, a brand enlargement can help a guest reach new head count, extend allure client
base, increase marketing, and boost overall profit borders. Brand enlargement are of two
types-Line enlargement and classification continuation.

Line extension: Line enlargement refers to the growth of an existent crop line. For instance, a
carbonated beverage maker ability present a "Diet" or "Cherry" type to allure carbonated
beverage line, while a toy maker power present new figures or appurtenances in allure line of
operation figures. In short, line enlargement adjoins type to allure existent device on account
of arriving a more different consumer base and attractive existent consumers accompanying
new alternatives.E.G. Product line continuation for Sakshi tai pickle trade maybe enlargement
of pickle flavours in the way that dud pickle mango pickle ,c chilli pickle, reward pickle etc.

Category extension: Category or Brand Extension is a policy by which, a guest uses the alike
brand to engage in a entirely different crop section. The party influences on the brand
impartiality and achievement of allure existent brand to present the new merchandise to
increase retail agreement. Or model, Godrej that was initially famous for locks and cupboards
through classification enlargement leveraging on the trade name “Godrej” filed into
commodity sectors like refrigerators, table and land.E.G. type enlargement with the
understanding of Sakshi tai’s trade maybe enlargement of classification apart from pickle that
maybe Papad, masalas and different connected fare parts

Advantages of brand extension

Brand Extension has following advantages:
1. It makes acceptance of new product easy.
2. It increases brand image.
3. The risk perceived by the customers reduces.
4. The likelihood of gaining distribution and trial increases. An established brand name
increases consumer interest and willingness to try new product having the established
brand name.
5. The efficiency of promotional expenditure increases. Advertising, selling and
promotional costs are reduced. There are economies of scale as advertising for core
brand and its extension reinforces each other.
6. Cost of developing new
7. labelling efficiencies.
8. The expense of introductory and follow up marketing programs is reduced.
9. There are feedback benefits to the parent brand and the organization.
10. The image of parent brand is enhanced.
11. It revives the brand.

12. It allows subsequent extension.

13. Brand meaning is clarified.
14. It increases market coverage as it brings new customers into brand franchise.
15. Customers associate original/core brand to new product, hence they also have quality



Brand administration has enhance completely a challenge for brand managers in addition to
the Organisations contemporary. Intense contest and the dropping output growth of a brand
adjoin further ranges to the brand administration question. Brand managers usually choose
brand enlargements immediately days. You can check some jutting in the excellent display
and you will visualise variations of the alike brand absorbing the jutting scope. This is real
completely cases be it accompanying a carbonated beverage brand director like Coke to a oil,
bathe or toiletry.Brand managers are forever under time pressure to evolve stock exchange
share and increase profit. Under perpetual pressure and severe contest, they find it smooth to
draw out brand enlargements in consideration of determine constant change and an raised
advantage understanding to the customers. Brand continuations still help bureaucracy to
capture the slot sectors concerning business that destitute be below the person brand. On the
part of the administration, brand continuations confirm to help in maximising competency
exercise and elongated possessions to the maximum.

The unrelated product category from the list is chocolate.

Disadvantage of the brand extension of this category can be:

1. Brand enlargement in different markets can bring about misfortune of dependability if

a trade name is comprehensive excessively far. An organisation must research the
output types at which point the settled trade name will work.

2. There is a risk that the new device can create associations that damage the
countenance of the centre/original brand.

3. There are chances of less knowledge and trial cause the administration concede
possibility determine enough property for the presentation of new amount provided
that the offshoot belongings from the original trade name will offset.

4. If the brand continuations have no benefit over competing brands in the new type,
therefore it will fail.

5. Extending the trade name excessively far can bring about a deficit of dependability,
exceptionally if the brand continuation occurs in an independent display. Thus, parties
should see that brand classifications will work and place they can literally use the
trade name.

6. If the new device is not that excellent, it can spell trouble for the gist brand’s concept.

7. Just cause the centre brand will accommodate allure brand knowledge to the new
amount, it doesn’t mean parties don’t should supply by any means. In fact, if they
don’t, all their exertion can even have the opposite effect.

8. If the contest in the new classification is just better than the brand continuation or has
an edge over it, before it’s very strange that the enlargement will be a profit.
Extending the trade name excessively far grant permission bring about a misfortune
of dependability, particularly if the brand enlargement occurs in an different retail.
Thus, guests should see that amount classifications will work and place they can
literally use the trade name.

9. If the new merchandise is not that excellent, it concede possibility spell trouble for the
centre brand’s figure.

10. Just cause the centre brand will accommodate allure brand knowledge to the new
device, it doesn’t mean guests don’t should lend by any means. In fact, if they don’t,
all their exertion can even have the opposite effect.

11. If the contest in the new type is just better than the brand enlargement or has an edge
over it, before it’s well inconceivable that the enlargement will be a progress.

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