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Interfon, Inc

Your ref: MaJ / yb

Our ref: RM / jd

1677 sea Harbor Drive

Orlando, Florida 35509


Tel: 407-240 3000

Fax: 407-240 5454

Sep 09,2010

Mr. Ma AI Jalahma

Mananging Director

Arabian Electronics

PO Box 261180 Manama


Dear Mr. AL jalahma:

Agent In Bahrian

Thank you for your letter dated August 9, 2010

I am, to day, sending you some of your brochures in a separate package. With these, I have included details
of your new pocket portable telephone, the portion X3, which you may be interested in. I can confirm that the prices in
our catalog are correct until the end of December.

I am planning to visit the Middle East soon and will write again shortly to arrange a demonstration of our

Meanwhile, please let me know of you have any further question.

Best regards

Robert j. Winston

Export Division

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