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Penelope Naja M.


Grade 11 – Our Lady of the Holy Rosary

English for Academic and Professional Purpose - Position Paper

“What is Love?”

Defining love is not easy but I think we all know what love is. Love is a process that is always under

construction, it comes from the smallest to largest things or situations that we don’t always expect, love

conquers all, it overwhelms us, and sometimes, it can be addictive, like drugs.

First, Love conquers all and is a powerful force that can overcome any obstacle or challenge. While

this sentiment may be inspiring, it is not always entirely accurate. While love can certainly be a powerful

motivator that inspires us to persevere through difficult times, it is not a magic solution that can solve all our

problems. There may be situations where love alone is not enough to overcome significant challenges that

we can’t control, such as health problems, financial struggles, or systemic injustices.

“Love conquers all things except poverty and toothache’’ - Mae West. There are many families

suffering on the earth, and poverty is occasionally one of them. Everything can and will be conquered by

love. Love, however, cannot create money or make a horrible toothache disappear. Love can get anyone
through anything, but it can't help individuals work to earn money to support their families. Although it might

not be able to end poverty, love can help people forget about their lack of wealth if they are experiencing it.

Everyone agrees that love will make difficult times easier. When love is all someone has, they

usually share what they have. For example, Filipinos are known to have this culture of bayanihan that is all

about helping each other through thick and thin. In recent years, the practice of Bayanihan has been

highlighted as a means of promoting community resilience and sustainability, particularly in the face of

social, economic, and environmental challenges. It is seen as a way to foster a sense of shared

responsibility and to encourage individuals to work together to build stronger, more resilient communities.

Love can be a powerful force for good in our lives and in the world. It can inspire us to act with

compassion and empathy towards others, motivate us to make positive changes and provide us with a

sense of purpose and connection. Love may indeed be enough to overcome obstacles and challenges. But

love can help individuals work through conflicts and overcome differences to build stronger and more

meaningful connections. However, while love may not necessarily conquer all, it can certainly be a powerful

force that can inspire us to overcome challenges, work toward positive change, and find greater fulfillment

in our lives.

Second, love overwhelms us. Love can certainly be a powerful and overwhelming emotion. It can

make us feel a range of intense emotions, from joy and happiness to sadness and despair. Love can also

inspire us to act in ways that we may not have thought possible, whether it be to make sacrifices for the

sake of our loved ones or to take risks and pursue our dreams.
When we experience intense feelings of love, it can feel as though our emotions are consuming us

entirely. We may find ourselves thinking about our loved ones constantly, feeling a sense of longing or

longing for their presence when they are not with us, and experiencing physical sensations such as

butterflies in our stomachs or a racing heartbeat.

While the overwhelming nature of love can be exhilarating and exciting, it can also be challenging

to navigate. Strong emotions can be difficult to manage, and we may find ourselves struggling to find the

right words or actions to express our feelings.

It is important to remember that while love may feel overwhelming at times, it is ultimately a

positive and life-affirming emotion. By embracing and expressing our feelings of love in healthy and

constructive ways, we can deepen our connections with our loved ones and enhance our overall well-being.

Lastly, love is addictive, permanent, or temporary. Love can be experienced in a variety of ways,

and the degree to which it feels addictive, permanent, or temporary can vary depending on the individual

and the specific circumstances of the relationship. In some cases, feelings of love may be more temporary

or fleeting, such as a crush or infatuation that fades over time. While these feelings can be intense and all-

consuming at the moment, they may not necessarily be long-lasting or permanent.

In other cases, feelings of love may be more enduring and permanent, such as in a committed and

long-term romantic relationship or a deep and abiding bond with family members or friends. These types of
relationships may be characterized by a strong sense of attachment and connection, and feelings of love

may continue to be felt even in the face of challenges or difficulties.

When it comes to the addictive nature of love, some individuals may be more prone to developing

patterns of behavior that resemble addiction, such as becoming overly dependent on their partner or

engaging in obsessive or controlling behaviors. However, it is important to recognize that these types of

behaviors are not healthy or constructive expressions of love, and can ultimately be damaging to both the

individual and the relationship.

Ultimately, whether love feels addictive, permanent, or temporary can depend on a range of

factors, including the individuals involved, the nature of the relationship, and the specific circumstances and

dynamics at play. What is important is that we strive to promote a culture of healthy and constructive

expressions of love, and recognize the difference between healthy expressions of love and those that may

be more problematic or damaging.

In conclusion, defining love is not easy, but it is a universal experience that we all know on some

level. Love is a complex and multi-faceted emotion that can be difficult to articulate or put into words, but it

is a force that has the power to transform our lives in profound and meaningful ways.

Love can be both a positive and a negative force in our lives, depending on how it is expressed

and experienced. While love can be a powerful motivator that inspires us to overcome challenges, pursue
our dreams, and act with compassion and empathy toward others, it can also be a source of pain,

heartache, and disappointment.

Despite its many complexities, there are certain aspects of love that are universally recognized. For

example, love is often described as a process that is always under construction, evolving and changing

over time as we grow and mature. Love can come from unexpected places, from the smallest acts of

kindness to the largest gestures of affection, and it can take on many different forms, from romantic love to

familial love, platonic love, and more.

Love is also a force that can conquer all, but not necessarily in the way we might expect. While

love can certainly be a powerful motivator that inspires us to persevere through difficult times, it is not a

magic solution that can solve all our problems. There may be situations where love alone is not enough to

overcome significant challenges that we can’t control, such as health problems, financial struggles, or

systemic injustices.

Nevertheless, love can be a powerful force for good in our lives and in the world. It can inspire us

to act with compassion and empathy towards others, motivate us to make positive changes, and provide us

with a sense of purpose and connection.

Love can also be an overwhelming emotion that can consume us entirely, making us feel a range

of intense emotions, from joy and happiness to sadness and despair. While the overwhelming nature of
love can be exhilarating and exciting, it can also be challenging to navigate, and we may find ourselves

struggling to express our feelings in healthy and constructive ways.

Finally, love can be addictive, permanent, or temporary, depending on the individual and the

specific circumstances of the relationship. Some people may experience love as a fleeting infatuation or

crush, while others may form deep and abiding bonds that endure over time.

Regardless of how we experience love, it is important to recognize the difference between healthy

and constructive expressions of love and those that may be more problematic or damaging. By embracing

and expressing our feelings of love in healthy and constructive ways, we can deepen our connections with

our loved ones, enhance our overall well-being, and contribute to a culture of love that is inclusive,

supportive, and life-affirming.


Menguin, J. (2023). Bayanihan: Culture That Turns Ordinary Filipinos Into Heroes. Business & Leadership

With Jef Menguin.

Miracode. (2022, March 30). 6 Signs of Overwhelming Love - Be Open - Medium. Medium.

Niedzwiecki, S. (2022, February 18). Love does NOT conquer all - The Post-Grad Survival Guide - Medium.



Patapia. (2019, March 29). Love? We are defined (and exist) by the undefinable – My Psychology Clinic. My

Psychology Clinic.


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